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User:Sunshine Fionah Komusana

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Sunshine Komusana
VisibleWikiWomen coordinator
Whose Knowledge?

Coordinator of the #VisibleWikiWomen campaign at Whose Knowledge?.

I am an Afrikan Feminist Lawyer, Organizer, Writer, Activist, and Researcher based in Kampala Uganda.

My previous and ongoing work within the African Feminist movement includes;

  • Reproductive justice advocacy specifically policy reform on abortion rights and financing for reproductive health,
  • Legal aid service provision,
  • Connecting survivors of violence to baskets of care; (legal support, therapy services, and shelters),
  • Legal/policy analysis and advocacy on sexual harassment in the world of work and institutions of higher learning,
  • Research on violence against women and girls and reproductive justice, and
  • Coordinating the convening of the Africa Feminist Forum, East Africa Gathering

I am the winner of the World Bank Blogs for Development Contest, 2016, a member of the GBV Prevention Network, and the Coalition to Stop Maternal Mortality due to Unsafe Abortion (CSMMUA) Also an alumna of The African Women’s Leadership Institute (AWLI) and The African Feminist Macroeconomics Academy. I am also a contributing writer to feminist platforms; African Feminism and Lakwena.

When I am not behind my desk, I am either buried in a book or tweeting for the revolution @komusana