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This file is licensed under the terms of the Data licence Germany – attribution – version 2.0
You are free:
- to copy, print, present, alter, process and transmit this work to third parties for commercial and non-commercial use
- to merge this work with own data and with the data of others and to combine it to form new and independent datasets
- to integrate this work in internal and external business processes, products and applications in public and non-public electronic networks
Under the following conditions:
- the source note contains the name of the provider
- the source note contains the annotation "Data licence Germany – attribution – Version 2.0" or "dl-de/by-2-0" referring to the licence text available at
- a reference to the dataset (URI)
- Changes, editing, new designs or other amendments must be marked as such in the source note.Data licence Germany – attribution – Version 2.0dl-de/by-2-0