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English: ARTIST NAME during the Eurovision Song Contest {{{1}}}.

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This documentation is transcluded from Template:Abbedabb/ESCcaption/doc.

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{{Abbedabb/ESCcaption |1= |2= |3= |4= |6= |7= }}

Template parameters

1yearWhat year the photo was taken.
(This parameter is used to guide the other parameters to the correct performer(s) and host city for each year.)
ISO 3166
country codeCountry code (ISO 3166) for the country performing, or the country the person/people in the photo is/are representing in the contest.
This parameter can also be set to interval if it is a photo of an interval act, or open if it is a photo of an opening act.
(This parameter, is used to display the correct artist name and song title (based on the year parameter) and also put the file in the correct categories.)
3occasion (part 1)Used to determine during what occasion the photo was taken.
dr1= the first dress rehearsal
dr2= the second dress rehearsal
dr3= the third dress rehearsal
r= individual rehearsal
mg= a "meet and greet"
pc= a press conference
wpc= the winner's press conference
rc= the red carpet opening ceremony
4occasion (part 2)The second parameter for determining on what occasion the photo was taken.
s1= the first semi final
s2= the second semi final
f= the final
bf= "the Big Five"
6personPart of a group or band. Used for photos of people that are part of a band, when the whole band is not in the photo.emptyoptional
7hide ESC categoryUsed for photos of people not competing in the ESC. If this parameter is set to no, the photo is not put in the ESC category for that year.emptyoptional

Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: no namespace specified

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: no user group specified

See also