Milvus milvus
IOC Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Subphylum: Vertebrata • Infraphylum: Gnathostomata • Cladus: Osteichthyes • Superclassis: Tetrapoda • Cladus: Amniota • Cladus: Reptilia • Cladus: Archosauria • Classis: Aves • Superordo: Neognathae • Ordo: Accipitriformes • Familia: Accipitridae • Genus: Milvus • Species: Milvus milvus
Kirn-Sulzbach, Germany
Eilenburg, Germany
Jura, Switzerland
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Zürich, Switzerland
Feusisberg, Switzerland
Brienzersee, Berne, Switzerland
Brienzersee, Berne, Switzerland
Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany
Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany
Westerwald, Germany
Skåne, Sweden
Meyerode, Belgium
Meyerode, Belgium
Meyerode, Belgium
Bwlch Nant-yr-Arian, Wales
Gigrin Farm, Wales
Gigrin Farm, Wales
Gigrin Farm, Wales
Laurieston, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland
Oxfordshire, England
Oxfordshire, England
Reading, England
Ville-di-Paraso, Balagne, Corsica, France
Costa, Corsica, France
Mobbing Haliaeetus albicilla; Poland
Medina del Campo, Valladolid, Spain
ID composite
Three nestlings in the nest, age of oldest 32 days; Berlin, Germany
Tail feather (image name is wrong)
Bird killed by a wind turbine; Brilon, Sauerland, Germany
Milan royal - Mauvezin -Pyrénées - mai 2023
Maps & illustrations
Range map
Milvus milvus (up) and Milvus migrans (down)