Inuit (singular: Inuk) is a general term for a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples of the Arctic who descended from the Thule-Eskimos (people from Thule culture).
See also: Inuit Lifestyle, Inuit Culture
Inupiat woman (1907)
Inupiat man (1906)
Igloo inside (early 20th century)
Cooking place, outside (1916)
Inupiat family (1917)
Inuit place names
Inuit art : Inukshuk
Traditional Inuit goggles
Inuit ulu
Inuk (Pond Inlet 1995)
Inuit grandmother and grandson (Pond Inlet 1995)
Braided Inuit girl (Cape Dorset 1997)
Inuit mothers wearing amautit (women parkas with hood), Pond Inlet 1995
Mother with baby carriage (Cape Dorset 2002)
Inuit family at home (Pond Inlet 1995)
Camp of Inuit hunters on the floe edge (Pond Inlet 1995)
Successful ringed seal hunter (Pond Inlet 1995)
Walrus hunters near Cape Dorset (1999)
Seal hunter near Cape Dorset (1999)
Spring journey in a boat fixed on qamutik (Inuit sled) (1995)
Inuit in Labrador, Canada (2005)