Commons:Wiki amas folkloro 2022
Wiki Amas Folkloro (Meta-Wiki: Wiki Loves Folklore) esas internaciona konkurso pri fotografuro qua organizesas omnayare che Wikimedia Commons, por enrejistrar kulturi di diversa populi en diferanta regioni de la mondo. Wiki Amas Folkloro 2022 esas durado di Wiki Amas Folkloro 2021 kun la sama temo pri folklorala kulturo. L'origino dil projeto komencis en 2018 de Wiki Amas Amo 2019 segun la temo di ceremonii e festivali pri amo.
La skopo di ca konkurso esas la folklorala kulturi de diversa regioni segun kategorii exemple - ma ne restrikta a - folklorala festivali, folklorala dansi, folklorala muziko, folkloral agadi, folklorala ludi, populala koquarto, folklorala vestaro, folkloro e tradiciono, inkluzite baladi, folklorala rakonti, legendi, tradicionala muziko e danso, folklorala teatro, ludi, sezonal eventi, folkloral arto, populala religiozeso, mitologio, edc. Vu povas vidar altra sugesti ed exempli en nia pagino pri kategorii
- 1st prize: $400 USD
- 2nd prize: $200 USD
- 3rd prize: $100 USD
- Top 10 consolation prizes: $10 USD each
- Best Video prize and best Audio prize: $25 USD, $25 USD (each)
- Top uploader prize for images: First Prize $100 USD, Second prize $50 USD
- Wiki Loves Folklore Postcards to top 100 Uploaders
- Certificates and postcards to Local Organizers
(Disclaimer: Prizes to be dispersed in a gift card or voucher format.)
- February 1 – March 15, 2022
- Start for submissions: February 1, 2022 00:01 (UTC)
- Deadline for submissions: March 15, 2022 23:59 (UTC)
- Results Declaration: To be declared on
July 25, 2022July 3 2022 at Commons:Wiki Loves Folklore 2022/Winners (Note: Result declaration is subject to changes and may be delayed subject to circumstances with pandemic.)
Folklorala kulturo segun lando, Folkloral arto, Chinese fortune telling, Folklorala danso, Europeade, Folk festivals, Folklore, Folk games, Gavari, Folk groups, Folk magic, Folk museums, Folk music, Newweling, Folk religion, Traditional music, Traditional songs, Folk wrestling.
Vinkinta imaji di 2020 e 2021
Consolation Winners
Folklore People and Activities
Folk Cuisine
Folk Dances
Folk Festivals
Folk Music
Folk Costumes/Clothing
Pornographic and explicit images, artwork due to copyright issues, etc.
There will be 18 winning pictures, one winning video, one winning audio and one prize for the person uploading the most images.
The primary place for questions or suggestions is the talk page (Use the language you prefer, we love diversity and will find a solution to help you whatever the language you prefer to use).
There will also be a writing competition Feminism and Folklore 2022 from 1st February 2022 till 31 March 2022. Create or expand articles on feminism, women biographies and gender-focused topics for the project in league with Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus with folk culture theme on Wikipedia. Participate now in your local language.
If you are participating from Nigeria or any parts of the world, please note that in addition to the international prizes, the Yoruba Wikimedians User Group is awarding a special prize. All you need to do is to upload your photos using this link.
Note that your photos would still count for the international prizes.