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Komunejo:Vikio Amas Teron 2019

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2019 and the translation is 53% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2019 and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Wiki Loves Earth

Shortcut: COM:WLE2019

Vikio Amas Teron 2019


Partoprenantaj landoj


Regularo kaj oftaj demandoj






Kontakti nin

2019 countries
2019 countries
Bonvenon al Vikio Amas Teron 2019!

Vikio Amas Teron (VAT) estas ĉiujara internacia fotografia konkurso dum majo kaj junio, tutmonde organizata de Vikimediaj ĉapitroj, grupoj kaj lokaj Vikipediaj volontuloj. Partoprenantoj fotas sialandajn lokan naturan heredaĵon kaj pitoreskan pejzaĝon kaj alŝutas la fotojn al Vikimedia Komunejo. En ĉiuj partoprenantaj landoj estas apartaj konkursoj organizata de lokaj teamoj; do daŭro, regularo, premio ktp. povas iomete diferenci.

The basic aim of the competition is to collect photos of natural heritage sites – such as nature reserves, landscape conservation areas, national parks, scenic/landscape areas, remarkable gardens, etc. – to illustrate articles in the worldwide free encyclopedia Wikipedia and other Wikimedia Foundation projects.

The focus is not only on sites of national importance, but also on those protected at the regional level, and on the widest variety of natural sites possible: forests, parks, gardens, rocks, caves, or whatever part of nature is protected in your country. This means that most users will be able to find several natural heritage sites close to them.

  • 1 – 31 May and 1 – 30 June: national competitions. See specific timeline for each country.
  • 31 July: deadline for submissions, e.g. to the Winners page
  • 15 September: deadline for the international results
  • Rules for the international part are published here. Local contests might have their own rules, nominations, deadlines etc.
  • 1st place winner will get a full scholarship to Wikimania 2020 or an Amazon voucher for the same value, other international prizes are Amazon vouchers (the value depends on the participant's place), and there are also prizes per country. Local teams might have prizes for winners in the local rounds.
Uploaded images
How to participate
Oficiala retejo

Disclaimer:This contest is largely organized by volunteers, and the organizers reserve the right to modify these rules or to cancel the contest at their sole discretion, even after it has started. The organizers accept no responsibility for the provision by the sponsors of any prizes, nor of any liability whatsoever in respect of this contest. Neither the rules nor anything on these pages amounts to an offer to create legally binding relations with any of the organizers. Members of the jury are not eligible to receive any award (although they are otherwise welcome to contribute images).