Commons:Picture of the Year/2013/Rules

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Picture of the Year/2013/Rules and the translation is 76% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Picture of the Year/2013/Rules and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Årets billede 2013
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POTY 2013 : IntroductionRulesDiscussionTimelineTranslationsCommitteeHelpR1 Candidates / Gallery / TableR2 GalleryResults

Officielle politikker



  • Der kommer til at være to runder i POTY 2013.
    • Runde 1 kommer til at indeholde alle billeder der fik status af fremhævede billeder i 2013.
    • Runde 2 kommer til at indeholde top 30 () af billederne fra Runde 1.
  • Det højst rangerede billede bliver udnævnt som Årets Billede. De tre højest rangerede billeder bliver fremhævede som gode indslag.


Runde 1 af POTY 2013

fra 17. januar 2014
til 7. februar 2014

Runde 2 af POTY 2013

fra 21. februar 2014
til 7. marts 2014

Perioder for beta-testning

  • Der kommer en periode på flere dage med beta-test, så vi kan tjekke hvorvidt afstemningsscriptet virker korrekt.
  • Stemmer i løbet af testperioden — de flere dage før den officielle åbningsdag — er også gyldige. Komiteen vil optælle dem sammen med de stemmer der bliver afgivet senere.
  • Hvis du finder en fejl i afstemningsværktøjet, rapporter det da venligst til MediaWiki talk:Gadget-EnhancedPOTY.js. Rapporter andre problemstillinger til Commons talk:Picture of the Year/2013.


  1. Brugere skal have en bruger, på et hvilket som helst Wikimedia-peojekt, som blev registreret før Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000 [UTC].
  2. Denne brugerkonto skal have flere end 75 levende ændringerét hvilket som helst Wikimedia-projekt før Wed, 01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000 [UTC]. Tjek venligst din kontos stemmeberettigelse på POTY 2013 Konkurrence Stemmeberettigelsesværktøjet.
  3. Users must vote with an account meeting the above requirements either on Commons or another SUL-related Wikimedia project (for other Wikimedia projects, the account must be attached to the user's Commons account through SUL).
  • Even if a user has multiple eligible accounts, each user can only cast votes from one account.
  • Stemmer fra IP-brugere vil blive anset om ugyldige.
  • Votes cast by ineligible users/accounts, multiple/duplicate votes cast in violation of the rules will be invalidated.
  • Due to the large vote volume, we are unable to accept voters that do not meet this criteria as determined by the official POTY 2013 voter eligibility tool.
  • We may contact you on your talk page for up to 1 year after you vote to alert you to contest results and invite you to participate in next year's contest. You may opt-out at any time.

Regler for afstemningen

In Round 1 - multiple vote - eligible users may vote for as many candidates as they wish to support (one vote per image).

In the final Round 2 - single vote - eligible users may vote for only one finalist. Note: if you cast more than one vote, only the most recent vote will be counted.



Galleries by content
Arthropods Arthropods (60)Other birds Other birds (63)Mammals Mammals (34)Other animals Other animals (39)
Plants and fungi Plants and fungi (32)Bones, shells and fossils Bones, shells and fossils (13)People and human activities People and human activities (65)Paintings Paintings (41)
Cities and bridges Cities and bridges (60)Castles and fortifications Castles and fortifications (69)Religious buildings Religious buildings (63)Constructions and buildings Constructions and buildings (89)
Interiors and details Interiors and details (52)Panoramic views Panoramic views (54)Nature views Nature views (103)Astronomy, satellite and outer space Astronomy, satellite and outer space (22)
Maps, diagrams and illustrations Maps, diagrams and illustrations (30)Vehicles and crafts Vehicles and crafts (53)Objects, rocks and miscellaneous Objects, rocks and miscellaneous (23)
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Kvalifikation af billeder

Runde 1
  • All Featured Pictures from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013.
  • The top 30 images from Round 1, by number of votes, from any category will go to the final round — the categories are irrelevant when it comes to counting the votes.
  • If category #1 and #2 are not in the top 30, they will be also promoted to the Final to guarantee a diverse final.

A candidate should not be disqualified or replaced without careful discussion as long as it is not deleted (Ex. : a deletion request alone is not enough reason to disqualify an image.)

Priser for Årets billede