Commons:Deletion requests/Some files from
Some files from
[edit]- File:Defensie locaties Nederland.png
- File:Vragen van de leden Timmermans en Eijsink (beiden PvdA) aan de ministers van Defensie en van Buitenlandse Zaken over eerherstel voor drie mariniers (ingezonden 8 juni 2012).pdf
- File:VRAAG van den heer K. ter Laan betreffende toekenning van vrij vervoer aan militairen, die wegens de mobilisatie onder de wapenen zijn.pdf
- File:Afbouw Troepenmacht in Suriname.pdf
- File:Members of the Parliamentary Interrogation Committee on Childcare Benefits.png
- File:SGD 19131914 0000828.pdf
- File:Kamerstuk Tweede Kamer 1911-1912 kamerstuknummer 5 ondernummer I.pdf
- File:Kamerstuk Tweede Kamer 1864-1865 kamerstuknummer XXI ondernummer 26.pdf
- File:Voortduren van den bij Koninklijke besluiten afgekondigden staat van beleg.pdf
- File:Vragen van het lid Hachchi (D66) aan de Minister van Defensie over verstekelingen op het Nederlands ebolahulpschip.pdf
- File:Kamerstuk Tweede Kamer 1851-1852 kamerstuknummer XXVIII ondernummer 5.pdf
- File:Kamerstuk Tweede Kamer 1864-1865 kamerstuknummer XXI ondernummer 14.pdf
- File:Vragen van het lid De Roon (PVV) aan de Minister van Defensie over de ernstige schade aan het voortstuwingssysteem van Zr. Ms. Karel Doorman.pdf
- File:Members and supporting staff of the Parliamentary Interrogation Committee on Childcare Benefits.png
- File:Onderzoek naar volledigheid financiële onderbouwing businesscase VBHKAZ en rapport Zeeland.pdf
- File:Doen voortduren van den bij Koninklijke Besluiten van 1 en 6 November 1939 afgekondigden Staat van beleg.pdf
- File:Report on the fieldwork at the sites of the Dutch submarines O16 and K-XVII.pdf
- File:Lessen van de JSF Grip krijgen op grote projecten voor aanschaf Defensiematerieel.pdf
- File:Vragen van het lid Vuijk (VVD) aan de Minister van Defensie over het uit de vaart nemen van de Zr.Ms. Karel Doorman.pdf
- File:Kamerstuk Tweede Kamer 1851-1852 kamerstuknummer XXVIII ondernummer 3.pdf
- File:Verslag Commissie Binnenvaartrampenwet Nr. 9 1999.pdf
- File:Verslag Commissie Binnenvaartrampenwet Nr. 19 1998.pdf
- File:Verslag Commissie Binnenvaartrampenwet Nr. 7 1998.pdf
- File:Lden Schiphol.gif
- File:2010 request investigation Dutch Grand Prix.pdf
- File:VOORLOOPIG VERSLAG DER COMMISSIE VAN RAPPORTEURS over het ontwerp van wet tot vaststelling van do begrooting van uitgaven, ten behoeve van de voltooiing van het vestingstelsel, dienst 1914.pdf
- File:Algemeen jaarlijksch verslag omtrent de Vestingwerken.pdf
- File:Eindrapport Beleidsdoorlichting Vorming Defensie Helicopter Commando.pdf
- File:Aardbevingsrisico's in Groningen.pdf
- File:Eindrapport Beleidsdoorlichting Omvorming 13e Gemechaniseerde Brigade tot een lichtere Gemotoriseerde Brigade.pdf
- File:Koloniaal verslag van 1923 I. Nederlandsch (Oost-) Indië.pdf
- File:Monumenten van de prille welvaartsstaat.pdf
- File:Rapport van de bijzondere Kamercommissie van onderzoek naar kennis omtrent gedragingen van mr. W. Aantjes tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog.pdf
Incorrect license. These files are marked with CC0, most of them with a reference to This page states: "Artikel 11 van de Auteurswet bepaalt dat er geen auteursrecht rust op wetten, besluiten en verordeningen, door de openbare macht uitgevaardigd. Dit betekent dat deze informatie vrij mag worden hergebruikt, tenzij dat in de publicatie anders is aangegeven." (English: "Article 11 of the Copyright Act states that no copyright subsists in laws, decrees and regulations issued by public authorities. This means that this information may be freely reused, unless otherwise indicated in the publication."). For this legal provision, I created Template:PD-DutchGov. However, the nominated files are not part of a law, decree or ordinance, and can therefore not be reused freely. The nominated files are (part of) parliamentary papers, reports, reseaches, ect. I see no legal basis that such documents are licensed under CC0. On the contrary, parliamentary papers (Dutch: Kamerstukken en Kamervragen van de Tweede Kamer) are licensed under CC BY-ND, according to --Timk70 (talk) 18:38, 10 July 2022 (UTC)
- Hmm, important to note that the text you quote is in response to the question "Kan ik de publicaties op hergebruiken?". This implies that all publications at officiele bekendmakingen fall under one of these categories. However, I find it hard to find sources that say this more explicitly. NRC, a university of applied science, beeld en geluid, none of them really convincing I admit. One other important note is that de Tweede Kamer is also not really specific whether it applies to parliamentary documents, because it refers to the website and then only mentions "documents". Anyway, I'll look further. Dajasj (talk) 19:24, 10 July 2022 (UTC)
- Thanks for your input, Dajasj. Although the question is indeed "Can I reuse the publications on", their response to that question is not an explicit "Yes", unlike their responses to a few other questions on that page. Therefore, I have to conclude that their response only refers to laws, decrees and ordinances on the website, in line with Article 11 of the Copyright Act. I looked at the links you mentioned, but, to be fair and as you mentioned, they don't look very convincing to me either. Not convincing enough to publish these kinds of documents under CC0 on Commons. I'm open to any further input. --Timk70 (talk) 23:11, 10 July 2022 (UTC)
- This page[1] only says:
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the information available via is not protected by copyright.
- Since the files (at least the one I uploaded) aren't accompanied by an explicit copyright disclaimer, whether the files are part of "a law, decree or ordinance" seems irrelevant. Pieceofmetalwork (talk) 10:41, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
- Hmm, it is weird that the English and Dutch versions are not the same. The English page talks more broadly about, while the Dutch more specifically about officielebekendmakingen, which is the domain all were taken from. Dajasj (talk) 11:12, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
- Btw, File:Leden parlementaire ondervragingscommissie.jpg and File:Leden en staf parlementaire ondervragingscommissie.jpg should also be deleted if we conclude that the above should be removed. Dajasj (talk) 11:13, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
- Keep According to this copyright notice CC0 does apply to all information on, unless a part explicitly states otherwise. This includes, but is not limited to, officielebekendmakingen. I see no such statement regarding any of the files above. --MarcoSwart (talk) 15:37, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
- This copyright notice you linked applies to all information on (the site of the Dutch national government). It doesn't refer to documents on which is the source of all the nominated files and includes documents from all government organisations in the Netherlands. --Timk70 (talk) 17:11, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
- There is a single "Open government Law" that does apply equally to all levels and types of government in the Netherlands, just like Article 11 of the Copyright Act. The standard is for government information in the Netherlands to be published with a CC0 license, unless explicitly stated otherwise, see Wet hergebruik van overheidsinformatie, art. 6.2 and the explanatory memorandum, ch. 6 "Voorwaarden bij hergebruik".
- The main reason to allow for exceptions is that sometimes the imagery used was not made by the government and obtained from the maker with a more limited license. For this reason, the text you quoted referred to article 11 of the Copyright Law. In the sentence "Dit betekent dat deze informatie vrij mag worden hergebruikt, tenzij dat in de publicatie anders is aangegeven." (This means that this information may be freely reused, unless otherwise indicated in the publication.), "deze informatie" (this information) cannot refer to "wetten, besluiten en verordeningen" (laws, decrees and ordinances) because Article 11 would make such an indication unlawful. Instead it refers to "publicaties" (publications) in the preceding question: it presents the fundamental reason why CC0 applies to publications on "officië", while leaving room for publications outside the scope of Article 11 to explicitly indicate some exceptions. The possibility of those exceptions preclude simply answering "Yes".
- As an additional remark: not all parliamentary documents are government publications, so the website indeed uses a more limited license. This of course does not mean that for documents published under CC0 before or after publication on that site only the more limited license applies. However, some documents in the list above would still be in the public domain because the copyright has expired. MarcoSwart (talk) 07:59, 12 July 2022 (UTC)
- This copyright notice you linked applies to all information on (the site of the Dutch national government). It doesn't refer to documents on which is the source of all the nominated files and includes documents from all government organisations in the Netherlands. --Timk70 (talk) 17:11, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
- Keep According to this copyright notice CC0 does apply to all information on, unless a part explicitly states otherwise. This includes, but is not limited to, officielebekendmakingen. I see no such statement regarding any of the files above. --MarcoSwart (talk) 15:37, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
- Btw, File:Leden parlementaire ondervragingscommissie.jpg and File:Leden en staf parlementaire ondervragingscommissie.jpg should also be deleted if we conclude that the above should be removed. Dajasj (talk) 11:13, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
- Hmm, it is weird that the English and Dutch versions are not the same. The English page talks more broadly about, while the Dutch more specifically about officielebekendmakingen, which is the domain all were taken from. Dajasj (talk) 11:12, 11 July 2022 (UTC)
Deleted: per nomination and discussion. Omdat dit in het Nederlands is, toelichting in het Nederlands.
Dit zijn voornamelijk stukken van of voor de Tweede Kamer, tenminste alle stukken die ik bekeken heb.
Ten eerste: De Tweede Kamer is niet hetzelfde als de Rijksoverheid, is er ook geen onderdeel van. De Rijksoverheid zijn de ministeries en uitvoerende diensten. De copyright melding van de rijksoverheid is dus niet van toepassing. Terzijde: De Rijksoverheid maakt een uitzondering voor beeldmateriaal ( foto’s, video’s, infographics en alle andere vormen van beeld). Beelmateriaal is niet CC0 en is mogelijk beschermd, zie .
Ten tweede:, waarnaar in de discussie wordt verwezen, is weer een andere website. Die bevat allerlei verordeningen van allerlei overheden. Zoals ook gemeentes. Maar ook daar maakt de Tweede Kamer geen deel van uit. Dus "officiele bekendmakingen" is heel iets anders dan "".
Voor deze publicaties geldt dus dit. Verwarrend is dat het een subpagina is van . Maar op die disclaimer staat geen woord in over hergebruik van rapporten, verslagen van de Tweede Kamer, onderzoek van de Tweede Kamer etc. Alleen op wetten, besluiten en verordeningen rust geen auteursrecht (in het algemeen). De bovenstaande lijst bevat allerlei andere zaken. Die zijn dus beschermd. Ze mogen niet naar willekeur gewijzigd worden bijvoorbeeld.
Mijn conclusie is dat dus alles verwijderd moest worden, helaas.
--Ellywa (talk) 01:38, 3 December 2022 (UTC)