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Category:Zheng Xie

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<nowiki>Zheng Xie; Zheng Xie; Zheng Xie; Zheng Xie; Zheng Xie; Zheng Xie; Zheng Xie; Zheng Xie; 郑燮; Zheng Xie; Чжен Баньцяо; 鄭燮; Zheng Xie; 郑燮; Zheng Xie; 鄭燮; Zheng Xie; Zheng Xie; 鄭燮; 郑燮; 鄭燮; 정섭; Zheng Xie; Zheng Xie; Čeng Sie; Trịnh Bản Kiều; pintor chino; চীনা চিত্রশিল্পী; peintre chinois (1693-1766); Hiina maalikunstnik; pintor xinès; nhà thư pháp thời Thanh; Chinese painter; نقاش چینی; 清朝畫家、學者; pictor chinez; 1693-1765, 清代の画家、書家; צייר סיני; Chinees kunstschilder (1693-1765); Chinese painter (1693-1766); kinesisk maler; رسام صيني; pittore cinese; pintor chinés; Chinese painter; čínský malíř; piktor kinez; 剋柔; 濰夷長; 板橋道人; 清暉書屋; 爽鳩氏; 闆橋; 所南翁後人; 板橋; 老畫師; 無數青山拜草廬; 樗散; 徐門藤下牛馬走; 乾隆東村書畫史; 然藜閣; 風子; 雪浪齋; 鄭大; 克柔; 樗散人; 近人; 橄欖軒; 銅菩薩庵; 鄭板橋; 鄭克柔; 鄭板橋; 橄欖軒; 板橋; 風子; 徐門藤下牛馬走; 雪浪齋; 銅菩薩庵; 無數青山拜草廬; 濰夷長; 剋柔; 樗散; 鄭大; 乾隆東村書畫史; 樗散人; 克柔; 清暉書屋; 近人; 板橋道人; 所南翁後人; 爽鳩氏; 老畫師; 闆橋; 然藜閣; Cheng Hsieh; Pan-chʻiao-tao-jen; Kerou; Qianlongdongcunshuhuashi; Jinren; Qinghuishuwu; Tongpusaan; Pan-ch'iao hao Banqiao; Pan-ch'iao; zi Kerou; Banqiao; Weiyichang; Kʻo-jou Cheng; Laohuashi; Pʻan-gyo Chŏng; Kerou Zheng; Fengzi; Suonanwenghouren; Ganlanxuan; Zhengxie; Wushuqingshanbaicaolu; Xumentengxianiumazou; Chusan; Shuangjiushi; Banqiaodaoren; Zhengda; Pan-chʻiao Cheng; Chusanren; Xie Zheng; Xuelangzhai; Banqiao Zheng; Hsieh Cheng; Ranlige; 郑板桥; 鄭燮; 鄭板橋; 然藜閣; 剋柔; 爽鳩氏; 橄欖軒; 濰夷長; 徐門藤下牛馬走; 樗散; 雪浪齋; 銅菩薩庵; 無數青山拜草廬; 樗散人; 所南翁後人; 鄭大; 清暉書屋; 板橋道人; 近人; 乾隆東村書畫史; 克柔; 板橋; 老畫師; 闆橋; 風子; Chen Hsieh; Zheng Banqiao</nowiki>
Zheng Xie 
Chinese painter (1693-1766)
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Date of birth22 November 1693
Date of death22 January 1766
Place of burial
Country of citizenship
Position held
  • county magistrate
Ancestral home
  • Xinghua
Authority file
Wikidata Q712007
ISNI: 0000000081303353
VIAF cluster ID: 51797489
GND ID: 118938126
Library of Congress authority ID: n81071739
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 125171830
IdRef ID: 034413863
CALIS ID: n2004265250
NDL Authority ID: 00418876
Libraries Australia ID: 36605458
National Library of Israel ID (old): 001436430
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID: 140096418
NORAF ID: 90967807
NUKAT ID: n2010082854
National Library of Korea ID: KAC200503895
J9U ID: 987007507964405171
NACSIS-CAT author ID: DA0506876X
Open Library ID: OL1015594A
Union List of Artist Names ID: 500328534
Europeana entity: agent/base/157953
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