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Category:Vasyl Yermylov

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Vasyl Yermylov (Yermilov) (Ukrainian: Василь Дмитрович Єрмилов) (1894–1968) was a Ukrainian painter, avant-garde artist and designer.

<nowiki>Vasyl Yermylov; Vassili Iermilov; Vassil Iermílov; Wassili Dmitrijewitsch Jermilow; Vasilij Dmitrovič Ermilov; Vasyl Yermylov; واسیل یرمیلوف; Vasyl' Iermilov; Vasîl Iermîlov; Vasilij Dmitrovič Ermilov; Ермилов, Василий Дмитриевич; ڤاسيل يرميلوڤ; Wasyl Jermiłow; Єрмилов Василь Дмитрович; Vasilij Dmitrievic Ermilov; Vasyl' Iermilov; Vasyl' Dmytrovyč Jermylov; 바실 예르밀로우; Vasyl Jermilov; Vasyl Yermylov; ꯚꯥꯁꯤꯜ ꯌꯦꯔꯃꯤꯂꯣꯚ; വാസിൽ യെർമിലോവ്; Vasyl Yermylov; artista ucraniano; ইউক্রেনীয় শিল্পী; artiste ukrainien (1894–1968); Ukraina kunstnik; artista ucraïnès; ukrainisch-russischer Designer und Maler (1894–1968); Ukrainian artist; نقاش اورکاینی; artist ucrainean; artista ucraíno; אמן אוקראיני; kunstschilder uit Oekraïne (1894-1968); artist ukrainas; فنان أوكراني; pittore ucraino; 우크라이나 화가; Ukrainian artist (1894–1968); Ukrainian artist; ꯌꯨꯀ꯭ꯔꯦꯟꯒꯤ ꯁꯤꯟꯂꯣꯢ; український радянський художник і педагог; Vasili Ermilov; Vasyl Yermylov; Vassili Dmitriévitch Iermilov; Vassili Yermilov; Vassili Dmitriévitch Yermilov; Vassili Ermilov; Vassili Dmitriévitch Ermilov; Vassyl Iermylov; Vassyl Dmytrovytch Iermylov; Vassyl Yermylov; Vassyl Dmytrovytch Yermylov; Василь Єрмилов; Єрмилов В. Д.; Єрмилов Василь; Василь Дмитрович Єрмилов; В. Єрмилов; Василий Дмитриевич Ермилов; Василий Дмитриевич Ермилов; Wasiliy Yermilow; Vasiliy Ermilov; Jermilow; Wassili Jermilow; Vasiliy Yermilov; Ermilov; Wassyl Jermylow; Wassily Ermilow; 바실 드미트로비치 예르밀로우; 바실리 예르밀로프; Vasilij Dmitrievič Ermilov; Vasyl' Dmytrovyč Jermylov; Vasili Dmitrievich Ermilov; Vasilij Dmitrovič Ermilov; Vasyl' Yermilov; Vassily Ermilov; Vasyl' Iermilov; Vasilii Ermilov; Vassil Dmítrovitx Iermílov</nowiki>
Vasyl Yermylov 
Ukrainian artist (1894–1968)
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Name in native language
  • Єрмилов Василь Дмитрович
Date of birth9 March 1894 (in Julian calendar)
Date of death6 January 1968
Place of burial
Country of citizenship
Educated at
Member of
Field of work
Native language
Award received
  • Cross of St. George 4th class
Authority file
Wikidata Q462295
ISNI: 0000000355462416
VIAF cluster ID: 95867135
GND ID: 133028216
Library of Congress authority ID: nr90008689
IdRef ID: 236329197
NUKAT ID: n2019014206
Open Library ID: OL917320A, OL4824254A
Union List of Artist Names ID: 500030060
Europeana entity: agent/base/78728
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Media in category "Vasyl Yermylov"

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