Category:Tumlu castle

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Tumlu Castle is in a village that you can reach from Ceyhan by – very frequent – minibus (to Imamoğlu) in about twenty minutes. It sits on a rock outcrop and looks forbidding. It is, that is: I did not manage to get in. On sites on the web it is suggested Tumlu Castle was used by Assyrian, Persian and Romans. But another, seemingly better informed site (, calls it clearly Armenian in construction, i.e.: "It was probably built in one major building period at the end of the 12th century. In 1198 it was mentioned as being owned by a Rubenid called Thoros. Later Tumlu Castle was occupied by the Mamluks who carried out some substantial repairs. In 1375 the castle is said to be destroyed by the Mamluks." On that site one explains how, though entrance is free and open, they had to use ropes to get in.

Media in category "Tumlu castle"

The following 42 files are in this category, out of 42 total.