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Category:Toilet training

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<nowiki>toilet training; entraînement à la propreté; Приучение к горшку; Sauberkeitserziehung; potty training; آموزش توالت رفتن; 如厕训练; Tuvalet eğitimi; トイレットトレーニング; Horar da amfani da bayan gida; toaletträning; toalettrening; toalettrening; zindelijkheid; Pottaharjoittelu; Control de esfínteres infantil; Hojatxonani oʻrgatish; toilet training; تدريب على استخدام المرحاض; 배변훈련; גמילה מחיתולים; özellikle küçük bir çocuğa tuvaleti idrara çıkma ve dışkılama için kullanmak üzere verilen eğitim; process of training someone, particularly a young child, to use the toilet for urination and defecation; le processus au cours duquel un enfant apprend à devenir continent et à cesser de souiller ses couches afin d'utiliser les toilettes pour la défécation et la miction; processo educativo; process of training someone, particularly a young child, to use the toilet for urination and defecation; بسیاری از کودکان تا پنج سالگی مشکلی استفاده از توالت را دارند; prosessen med å trene noen, spesielt et lite barn, til å bruke toalettet for emisjon (vannlating og avføring); Versuch, Kleinkinder dabei zu fördern, den Kindertopf oder die Toilette zu verwenden; Control de esfinteres infantil; トイレトレーニング; 排泄訓練; entrainement a la proprete; apprentissage de la propreté; apprentissage de la proprete; Reinlichkeitserziehung; Töpfchenerziehung; Töpfchentraining; potträning; potty training; pottetrening; renslighetstrening; Zindelijk</nowiki>
toilet training 
process of training someone, particularly a young child, to use the toilet for urination and defecation
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Media in category "Toilet training"

The following 56 files are in this category, out of 56 total.