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Category:SNCB Class 15

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<nowiki>ベルギー国鉄15形電気機関車; SNCB 15 sorozat; Serie 15 SNCB; HLE 15; 比利時國家鐵路15型電力機車; 15型电力机车; SNCB Class 15; SNCB Class 15; 15型电力机车; 15型电力机车; Série 15; belga villamosmozdony sorozat; série de locomotives électriques des chemins de fer belges; class of 12 Belgian tri-volage electric locomotives; class of 12 Belgian tri-volage electric locomotives; kelas (tipe) lokomotif; elektrische locomotief van de NMBS; 15型電力機車; 比利时国家铁路15型电力机车; Serie 15; SNCB Type 150; SNCB-NMBS Type 150; SNCB-NMBS Class 15; SNCB Type 150; SNCB-NMBS Type 150; SNCB-NMBS Class 15; 比利时国家铁路15型电力机车; 比利时国家铁路15型电力机车; クラス15電気機関車</nowiki>
SNCB Class 15 
class of 12 Belgian tri-volage electric locomotives
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Instance of
  • locomotive class
Subclass of
  • Belgium
Total produced
  • 12
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.