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Category:Roman Catholic Diocese of Poreč-Pula

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<nowiki>Diócesis de Poreč y Pula; Poreč-Pólai egyházmegye; Kabiskopan Poreč i Pula; Porečko-pulska biskupija; Епархия Пореч-Пула; Bistum Poreč-Pula; Deoise Chaitliceach Poreč-Pula; 天主教波雷奇暨普拉教区; Škofija Poreč - Pulj; Dioecesis Parentina et Polensis; Επισκοπή του Πόρετς-Πούλα; Keuskupan Poreč i Pula; Diecezja Poreč i Pula; Дієцезія Пореч-Пула; Bisdom Poreč-Pula; diocesi di Parenzo e Pola; Porečko-pulska biskupija; bisbat de Poreč i Pula; diocèse de Poreč et Pula; Roman Catholic Diocese of Poreč-Pula; Bisdóm Poreč-Pula; diòceze de Parenzo e Pola; Bisdom Poreč-Pula; škofija na Hrvaškem; diocèse catholique en Croatie; wilayah administratif gereja di Kroasia; diecezja katolicka w Chorwacji; rooms-katholiek bisdom in Kroatië; römisch-katholisches Bistum in Kroatien; diocese of the Catholic Church in Croatia; roems-katheliek bisdóm in Kroatië; επισκοπή της Καθολικής Εκκλησίας; Škofija Poreč-Pulj; Škofija Poreč - Pula; Škofija Poreč-Pua; Bistum Porec-Pula; Diözese Poreč-Pula; Diözese Porec-Pula; Bistum Poreč; Bistum Pula; Bistum Porec; Diocese of Poreč-Pula; Diocese of Parenzo-Pola; Diecezja porecko-pulska; Diocesi di Porec i Pula; Bisdom Porec-Pula</nowiki>
Roman Catholic Diocese of Poreč-Pula 
diocese of the Catholic Church in Croatia
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Instance of
Part of
  • Ecclesiastical Province of Rijeka
  • Croatia
Headquarters location
  • 30 June 1828 (Locum Beati Petri)
  • 222,150 (2019)
  • 2,839 km²
Religion or worldview
  • Roman Catholic Diocese of Pula (Locum Beati Petri, 1828)
  • Roman Catholic Diocese of Poreč (Locum Beati Petri, 1828)
official website
Authority file
Wikidata Q874395
VIAF cluster ID: 305534767
GND ID: 400673-2
NL CR AUT ID: ko20211121045
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