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Category:Roman Catholic Diocese of Chapecó

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<nowiki>diocesi di Chapecó; Chapecói egyházmegye; Kabiskopan Chapecó; bisbat de Chapecó; Bistum Chapecó; Diocese de Chapecó; Deoise Chaitliceach Chapecó; 天主教沙佩科教区; Keuskupan Chapecó; Diecezja Chapecó; Dioecesis Xapecoënsis; Bisdom Chapecó; Епархия Шапеко; archidiocèse de Chapecó; diócesis de Chapecó; Roman Catholic Diocese of Chapecó; Bisdóm Chapecó; diòceze de Chapecó; Bisdom Chapecó; wilayah administratif gereja di Brasil; archidiocèse catholique au Brésil; römisch-katholisches Bistum in Brasilien; Circunscrição eclesiástica católica romana no Brasil; Catholic ecclesiastical territory in Brazil; roems-katheliek bisdóm in Brazilië; diecezja katolicka w Brazylii; rooms-katholiek bisdom in Brazilië; Roman Catholic Diocese of Chapeco; Diocese of Chapecó; Diözese Chapecó; diocese de Chapeco; diocèse de Chapecó; Diocese de chapecó; Xapecoënsis</nowiki>
Roman Catholic Diocese of Chapecó 
Catholic ecclesiastical territory in Brazil
Catedral Santo Antônio
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Instance of
  • Roman Catholic metropolitan archdiocese (2024–)
  • Brazil
Headquarters location
  • 14 January 1958
Date of official opening
  • 5 April 1959
  • 755,554 (2019)
  • 15,664 km²
Religion or worldview
official website
Authority file
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