Category:Road signs in Switzerland
English: This category is for photographs. For diagrams, see Category:Diagrams of road signs of Switzerland.
This category has the following 41 subcategories, out of 41 total.
Media in category "Road signs in Switzerland"
The following 61 files are in this category, out of 61 total.
141011Feuerwehr Stadt Luzern, Switzerland35.jpg 3,648 × 5,472; 3.9 MB
141011Feuerwehr Stadt Luzern, Switzerland36.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 6.37 MB
A7 Kreuzlingen Nord, exit number 7, sign northbound, 2021.jpg 200 × 366; 137 KB
A7 Kreuzlingen Nord, exit number 7, sign southbound, 2017.jpg 926 × 1,792; 1.68 MB
Astano San Pietro Ortseingang.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.81 MB
Attention Ice sign in Switzerland.jpg 1,440 × 4,000; 2.03 MB
Au Brücke über die Landquart, Luzein GR - Jenaz GR 20190830-jag9889.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 15.05 MB
Tunnel Buechberg, sign, 2018.jpg 427 × 762; 407 KB
Caminando - Walking - en Suiza - 13082006(006).jpg 1,280 × 960; 630 KB
Ciclista Suizo.JPG 1,280 × 960; 434 KB
Crosswinds sign in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.86 MB
Directional road signs in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.91 MB
End of pedestrian zone sign in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.05 MB
Ernst ^ Young - panoramio.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 952 KB
ETH-BIB Com LC1619-001-005 Brig Autoquai 1979.jpg 3,072 × 2,003; 776 KB
Falling stones sign in Sentiero di Gandria Switzerland.jpg 4,000 × 1,440; 3.22 MB
Falling stones sign near Sentiero di Gandria Switzerland.jpg 1,440 × 4,000; 3.3 MB
Galleria del San Gottardo, 16942 m, road sign 2013.jpg 614 × 226; 109 KB
Gotthardtunnel 16942 m, road sign 2013.jpg 368 × 157; 90 KB
Grundwasser-Schutzgebiet Verkehrstafel.jpg 3,072 × 4,080; 1.97 MB
Halle Strassenverkehr2.jpg 1,920 × 1,280; 554 KB
Handicapped parking near Lugano lake Switzerland.jpg 1,440 × 4,000; 2.5 MB
Hinweissignal Distanz Zürich 100 km Bern 31 km.jpg 2,966 × 2,196; 1.52 MB
Martigny 311DSC 0041 (48542141036).jpg 1,618 × 1,081; 684 KB
No right turn for heavy goods vehicles sign in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.34 MB
No stopping road sign in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 1.74 MB
No stopping sign near Sentiero di Gandria Switzerland.jpg 1,440 × 4,000; 3.1 MB
No vehicles road sign in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.47 MB
No vehicles road sign with exceptions for home service in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 4.48 MB
No vehicles road sign with exceptions in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.08 MB
Padre e hijo 14082006byCme.JPG 1,280 × 960; 769 KB
Panneau losange pour cavalier bois de Jussy (2).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.72 MB
Panneau losange pour cavalier bois de Jussy.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.75 MB
Parking meter near Sentiero di Gandria Switzerland.jpg 1,440 × 4,000; 3.56 MB
Parking road sing in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.78 MB
Parking sign near Sentiero di Gandria Switzerland.jpg 1,440 × 4,000; 2.79 MB
Parking zona near Sentiero di Gandria Switzerland.jpg 1,440 × 4,000; 2.17 MB
Partage Rhin Rhone.jpg 2,277 × 1,518; 409 KB
Pedestrian crossing road sign in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.01 MB
Pedestrian zone sign in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.09 MB
Pedestrian zone signs in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.13 MB
Permit sign for vehicles carrying water pollutants in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 5.45 MB
Roadworks sign in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.87 MB
Roundabout sign in Switzerland.jpg 2,890 × 3,854; 1.98 MB
Schulhaus Goldbach in Küsnacht ZH von Südosten.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 5.45 MB
Scuba diving sign near Lugano Switzerland.jpg 4,000 × 1,440; 2.97 MB
Selisbergtunnel, 9250 m, sign 2006.jpg 119 × 43; 7 KB
Sign in Strengelbach.jpg 1,134 × 2,016; 905 KB
Signage for the parking lot and camper parking lot in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.23 MB
Slippery surface sign in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.88 MB
Swiss Cycliste 13082006(005) by Cme.JPG 1,280 × 960; 600 KB
This way 14082006(039)(1)by Cme.jpg 1,280 × 960; 566 KB
Tram15-Maison de la Paix-1.jpg 3,264 × 4,896; 4.07 MB
Two-way traffic sign in Switzerland.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.67 MB
Verkehrsschild Tägermoos 02.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.6 MB