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<nowiki>revendedor; revendeur; revendedor; ресейл; Wiederverkäufer; Người bán lại; واسطه‌گری; 转售商; preprodajalec; 転売屋; representante comercial; återförsäljare; перепродувач; wederverkoper; revendedor; 리셀러; reseller; revenedor; překupník; viszonteladó; podjetje ali posameznik, ki kupuje blago ali storitve z namenom, da jih proda naprej; comerciante; company or individual that purchases goods or services with the intention of selling them; preprodajalka; 転売ヤー; détaillant; Representante Comercial; representantes comerciais; representante comercial; manufacturers' representative; retailer; نمایندگی فروش; نمایندگی; баришник; барига; překupnice</nowiki>
company or individual that purchases goods or services with the intention of selling them
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