Category:Quality images of animals in Italy
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The images in this collection have been assessed according to Images guidelines and are considered Quality images. |
Media in category "Quality images of animals in Italy"
The following 130 files are in this category, out of 130 total.
"Coenonympha pamphilus".jpg 2,986 × 4,479; 13.44 MB
"Zerynthia polyxena".jpg 4,262 × 2,841; 8.67 MB
A Seagull in Rome.jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 10.67 MB
Aeshna affinis DSC 9673 Parco Naturale dei Lagoni di Mercurago ( NO ).jpg 4,467 × 2,978; 9.77 MB
Airone cenerino in atterraggio.jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 2.42 MB
Anacridium aegyptium RF.jpg 2,110 × 1,390; 927 KB
Argynnis paphia Mezzocorona 01.jpg 4,378 × 3,284; 7.93 MB
Baby Erinaceus europaeus (14).jpg 3,253 × 2,592; 4.19 MB
Baby-Bauernhoftiere 001 2014 08 05.jpg 3,801 × 2,033; 2.79 MB
Bienenfresser Merops apiaster-0867.jpg 3,800 × 2,533; 2.39 MB
Blue (Polyommatus sp.) female underside Italy.jpg 4,649 × 3,100; 6.57 MB
Bombus pascuorum Poreta.jpg 3,348 × 2,512; 3.48 MB
Brenthis Daphne.jpg 1,536 × 2,304; 1,009 KB
Brombeer-Perlmutterfalter (Brenthis daphne).jpg 1,906 × 1,616; 1 MB
Brown argus (Aricia agestis calida) Italy.jpg 2,906 × 1,937; 2.61 MB
Bruco di Sfinge dell'Euforbia 3.jpg 5,616 × 3,744; 17.81 MB
Bruco di Sfinge dell'Euforbia 4.jpg 2,898 × 4,347; 12.85 MB
Bufotes balearicus female.jpg 1,912 × 2,868; 3.03 MB
Cairina Moschata Portrait.JPG 2,118 × 1,537; 1.83 MB
Camargue horse Riserva Naturale Regionale della Foce dell’Isonzo-0545.jpg 5,043 × 3,362; 9.6 MB
Camargue horse Riserva Naturale Regionale della Foce dell’Isonzo-7377.jpg 4,543 × 3,029; 7.58 MB
Cantharis pellucida Foci dell'Avisio 01.jpg 3,738 × 2,804; 4.78 MB
Ceriagrion tenellum damigella.jpg 4,314 × 2,876; 4.75 MB
Chapman's blue (Polyommatus thersites thersites) female underside Italy.jpg 3,824 × 2,549; 4.41 MB
Chiurlo Maggiore (Numenius arquata) DSC7954.jpg 3,142 × 2,096; 1.37 MB
Chrysoperla, carnea complex 02.jpg 3,683 × 2,763; 3.59 MB
Cleopatra (Gonepteryx cleopatra italica) male underside Italy.jpg 3,460 × 2,477; 3.8 MB
Cloven hoof bone - Polcenigo, Pordenone, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy - 2022-05-01.jpg 3,259 × 2,173; 4.52 MB
Codibugnolo - Aegithalos caudatus.jpg 2,432 × 3,648; 6.92 MB
Common blue (Polyommatus icarus) male underside Italy.jpg 3,750 × 2,500; 4.88 MB
Con le ali al sole.jpg 2,048 × 1,363; 1.29 MB
Curnacin Jëuf de Cir.jpg 2,686 × 2,657; 3.87 MB
Dead Squirrel 2.JPG 2,572 × 1,768; 2.29 MB
Doppio grifone in volo.jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 3.29 MB
Erythromma lindenii al sole.jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 857 KB
Eurydema ventralis, Piazzo 01.jpg 3,360 × 2,520; 4.33 MB
Femmina di picchio rosso minore che esce dal nido.jpg 4,614 × 3,076; 14.52 MB
Femmina Falco Grillaio -6742.jpg 5,408 × 3,600; 22.83 MB
Femmina Falco Grillaio 5555.jpg 5,568 × 3,712; 23.83 MB
German shepherd enjoying the sun.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 3.15 MB
Giovane gheppio.jpg 3,461 × 5,192; 21.86 MB
Giovane storno nel nido.jpg 3,648 × 2,432; 11.7 MB
Giovani stambecchi in accoppiamento.jpg 5,651 × 3,767; 6.95 MB
Gipero semiadulto.jpg 2,500 × 1,667; 2 MB
GirgentanaZiegen 01.jpg 2,131 × 3,078; 2.53 MB
Grifone in volo.jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 2.69 MB
Gruccione in cerca di compagna.jpg 2,799 × 4,199; 4.09 MB
Gruccioni - Merops apiaster.jpg 3,633 × 2,422; 9.06 MB
Gruccioni.jpg 4,059 × 2,706; 6.16 MB
Helix pomatia Piazzo 01.jpg 3,113 × 2,335; 3.52 MB
Herring Gull Perched Riomaggiore Liguria Sep23 A7C 07433.jpg 2,809 × 3,745; 5.33 MB
Herring Gull Perched Wide Riomaggiore Liguria Sep23 A7C 07428.jpg 2,166 × 2,888; 3.53 MB
Highland cattle August snow Mastle Gherdëina.jpg 8,272 × 6,200; 36.78 MB
Il bacio.jpg 2,975 × 4,462; 13.11 MB
IMG 7743 Svasso maggiore...un boccone impossibile.jpg 3,636 × 2,420; 5.29 MB
Italian wall lizard (Podarcis siculus siculus).jpg 3,875 × 2,583; 5.75 MB
La garzetta e la libellula.jpg 2,500 × 1,656; 1.4 MB
La sentinella della montagna 04.jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 5.81 MB
La sgarza ciuffetto e l'ape.jpg 5,388 × 3,592; 12.02 MB
Lacerta bilineata male RF.jpg 2,220 × 2,644; 1.94 MB
Larus michahellis in Farnese Gardens 02.jpg 4,934 × 3,289; 8.71 MB
Larus michahellis in Farnese Gardens 04.jpg 5,160 × 3,440; 8.9 MB
Larus michahellis in Farnese Gardens 08.jpg 3,780 × 2,520; 4.24 MB
Larus michahellis in Forum Romanum (1).jpg 3,136 × 3,136; 5.47 MB
Larus michahellis in Forum Romanum (2).jpg 3,035 × 3,035; 4.51 MB
Larus michahellis in Forum Romanum (3).jpg 3,533 × 3,533; 6.42 MB
Larus michahellis in Forum Romanum (4).jpg 3,656 × 3,656; 7.26 MB
Larus michahellis Olbia.jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 3.32 MB
Lasiommata maera - female 02 (HS).JPG 2,800 × 2,100; 1.2 MB
Lo sbadiglio.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 9.58 MB
Long-tailed blue (Lampides boeticus) underside Italy.jpg 2,504 × 1,669; 1.8 MB
Lophophanes cristatus Gran Paradiso 20190908.jpg 4,000 × 2,667; 4.27 MB
Lycaena tityrus 1(loz).jpg 1,633 × 2,450; 589 KB
Mallow skipper (Carcharodus alceae) Italy.jpg 3,361 × 2,240; 3.58 MB
Marbled white butterfly (Melanargia galathea) Italy.jpg 5,046 × 3,364; 7.96 MB
Marmota te Ncisles.jpg 2,466 × 1,823; 3.84 MB
Martin pescatore, ritratto.jpg 4,827 × 2,715; 14.25 MB
Maschio Falco Grillaio -8479.jpg 8,256 × 5,504; 31.99 MB
Melitea didyma.jpg 2,048 × 1,369; 1.22 MB
Melitee didyma-L'accoppiamento.jpg 1,408 × 2,048; 1.49 MB
Merlo acquaiolo accoppiamento.jpg 2,500 × 1,667; 2.73 MB
Micrommata virescens subadult Segonzano 02.jpg 3,170 × 2,376; 4.86 MB
Misumena vatia with bee 03.jpg 2,030 × 2,708; 2.33 MB
Montefringilla Nivalis Fink da Mont sun Secëda.jpg 2,288 × 1,893; 1.75 MB
Ochlodes sylvanus Sulmona 01.jpg 4,623 × 3,468; 6.41 MB
Old World swallowtail (Papilio machaon gorganus) Italy.jpg 4,506 × 3,004; 6.95 MB
Old World swallowtail (Papilio machaon gorganus) underside Italy.jpg 3,104 × 2,219; 3.54 MB
Painted lady (Vanessa cardui) Italy.jpg 4,848 × 3,232; 7.82 MB
Painted lady (Vanessa cardui) underside Italy.jpg 5,144 × 3,430; 8.51 MB
Pesce al mercato 1.JPG 3,156 × 1,775; 3.02 MB
Picchio rosso minore che spunta dal nido.jpg 2,656 × 1,771; 4.68 MB
Picchio rosso minore con mora di gelso.jpg 3,155 × 4,733; 14.03 MB
Pigeon Château Sforzesco - Milan (IT25) - 2022-09-03 - 2.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 3.23 MB
Pitl de musciat Pieralongia Gherdeina da seul.jpg 6,000 × 4,004; 18.93 MB
Pitl de musciat y loma Pieralongia Gherdeina.jpg 7,360 × 4,912; 39.55 MB
Podarcis muralis Piazzo 02.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.53 MB
Podarcis muralis, Livorno.JPG 1,646 × 1,232; 725 KB
Podarcis sicula rb.jpg 2,868 × 4,296; 9.85 MB
Poiana interessata.jpg 2,432 × 3,648; 9.3 MB
Pterophorus pentadactyla Piazzo 02.jpg 2,663 × 1,997; 2.4 MB
Rana temporaria Val Zebrù 02.jpg 4,684 × 3,514; 7.65 MB
Red-veined darter (Sympetrum fonscolombii) male Italy.jpg 3,530 × 2,353; 8.83 MB
Ritratto di stambecco.jpg 5,568 × 3,712; 5.16 MB
Rooster in Lajen.JPG 5,038 × 3,729; 12.11 MB
Rosaflamingo Phoenicopterus roseus Riserva Naturale della Valle Cavanata-7265.jpg 3,415 × 2,277; 2.82 MB
Sardinian Sheep portrait.jpg 4,353 × 3,179; 6.51 MB
Saturnia pavoniella male RF.jpg 2,538 × 2,508; 1.98 MB
Scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius podalirius) Italy.jpg 5,086 × 3,390; 8.07 MB
Scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius podalirius) underside Italy.jpg 4,989 × 3,326; 6.72 MB
Small copper (Lycaena phlaeas phlaeas) Italy.jpg 2,996 × 1,997; 2.72 MB
Small heath (Coenonympha pamphilus) underside Italy.jpg 3,220 × 2,147; 3.68 MB
Southern gatekeeper (Pyronia cecilia) female Italy.jpg 2,638 × 1,759; 2.24 MB
Southern gatekeeper (Pyronia cecilia) female underside.jpg 3,611 × 2,406; 4.09 MB
Sperling P1240484.jpg 2,278 × 1,946; 3.3 MB
Swan Riserva naturale della Foce del Isonzo-7420.jpg 5,121 × 3,414; 13.17 MB
Tarentola mauritanica Calabria.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 501 KB
Trithemis annulata Violetter Sonnendeuter side.jpg 1,881 × 1,281; 1.38 MB
Upupa che nutre i suoi piccoli.jpg 2,304 × 1,536; 1.1 MB
Vanessa cardui - Viote 06.jpg 3,977 × 2,982; 5.77 MB
Vanessa cardui - Viote 07.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 5.23 MB
Vanessa cardui - Viote 08.jpg 4,155 × 3,116; 6.08 MB
Wall (Lasiommata megera) male Italy.jpg 4,161 × 2,774; 9.11 MB
Wall (Lasiommata megera) male underside Italy.jpg 3,427 × 2,284; 3.82 MB
Wild boar in San Rossore, Pisa, Italy.jpg 4,855 × 3,239; 10.15 MB
Yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) in flight in Venice at sunrise.jpg 1,894 × 1,430; 1.24 MB
Yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) in flight in Venice.jpg 4,866 × 3,246; 7.33 MB
Zerynthia cassandra.jpg 2,000 × 1,520; 1.58 MB
Zoropsis spinimana, pregnant female 02.jpg 3,674 × 2,756; 3.29 MB
Zygaena carniolica mating.jpg 3,449 × 2,284; 990 KB
Zygaena filipendulae on Avena sativa.jpg 2,000 × 3,000; 2.58 MB