Category:Pisum sativum - botanical illustrations
Media in category "Pisum sativum - botanical illustrations"
The following 194 files are in this category, out of 194 total.
1890 garden and farm manual (Page 11) BHL42592350.jpg 2,212 × 3,323; 1.63 MB
1890 garden and farm manual (Page 55) BHL42592284.jpg 2,212 × 3,323; 1.56 MB
1890 garden and farm manual (Page 56) BHL42592285.jpg 2,194 × 3,323; 1.05 MB
1893 Maule's seed catalogue (1893) (16666498035).jpg 2,562 × 3,650; 2.7 MB
1893 Maule's seed catalogue (Page 12) BHL42541283.jpg 2,687 × 3,788; 2.49 MB
1893 Maule's seed catalogue (Page 55) BHL42541222.jpg 2,649 × 3,816; 1.85 MB
1893 Maule's seed catalogue (Page 56) BHL42541223.jpg 2,687 × 3,788; 2.43 MB
1893 Maule's seed catalogue (Page 57) BHL42541224.jpg 2,649 × 3,816; 1.63 MB
1894 garden and farm 1891 manual (Page 62) BHL42606104.jpg 2,178 × 3,300; 1.28 MB
1894 garden and farm 1891 manual (Page 63) BHL42606105.jpg 2,178 × 3,300; 1.47 MB
1894 garden and farm 1891 manual (Page 64) BHL42606106.jpg 2,178 × 3,300; 1.2 MB
1898 (catalog) (1898) (20561392072).jpg 1,864 × 2,304; 1.56 MB
18th annual catalogue of the Germain Seed and Plant Co (1903) (14762659481).jpg 1,568 × 2,960; 1.39 MB
1900 Maule's seed catalogue (Page 10) BHL42541386.jpg 2,714 × 3,685; 2.45 MB
1900 Maule's seed catalogue (Page 46) BHL42541422.jpg 2,723 × 3,713; 2.43 MB
1900 Maule's seed catalogue (Page 47) BHL42541423.jpg 2,791 × 3,856; 1.74 MB
1900 Maule's seed catalogue (Page 48) BHL42541424.jpg 2,723 × 3,713; 2.34 MB
1901 Johnson and Stokes garden and farm manual (1901) (20546044866).jpg 2,780 × 4,132; 3.05 MB
1903 seeds implements (Page 16) BHL43805103.jpg 3,264 × 4,935; 2.28 MB
1903 seeds implements (Page 17) BHL43805104.jpg 3,213 × 4,896; 1.91 MB
1904 seeds and implements (Page 17) BHL43932978.jpg 3,076 × 4,988; 2.12 MB
1905 Griffith and Turner Co (Page 22) BHL43830329.jpg 2,529 × 3,504; 1.84 MB
1915 the Maule seed book (1915) (16666959542).jpg 1,658 × 3,384; 2.06 MB
88 Pisum sativum L.jpg 600 × 844; 62 KB
A cultivar of garden pea (Pisum sativum) and of variegated k Wellcome V0044282.jpg 3,000 × 2,366; 2.96 MB
Adolphe Millot legume et plante potageres-pour tous pois droit.jpg 152 × 438; 27 KB
Annual catalogue (Page 10) BHL46036375.jpg 3,271 × 4,888; 1.73 MB
Beckert's garden field and flower seeds (1897) (20359458615).jpg 1,320 × 3,196; 1.44 MB
Bell's seed catalogue - best and cheapest seeds that grow (1902) (20562747795).jpg 2,888 × 1,372; 1.31 MB
Bley, Botanisches Bilderbuch 14.jpg 2,000 × 3,000; 1.37 MB
Bolgiano's 1902 catalogue (15727574464).jpg 1,674 × 2,284; 1,005 KB
Bolgiano's 1902 catalogue (16350003245).jpg 1,674 × 2,382; 815 KB
Burpee's farm annual written at Fordhook Farm (1897) (20547373895).jpg 1,504 × 4,024; 1.83 MB
Burpee's farm annual, 1887 - garden, farm, and flower seeds (1889) (20322122038).jpg 2,344 × 3,646; 2.78 MB
Catalogo abreviado precio corriente de semillas, etc., etc. - (1884) (19954178053).jpg 2,322 × 3,822; 1.43 MB
Childs' rare flowers vegetables and fruits (1918) (19985850114).jpg 2,920 × 1,980; 992 KB
Childs' rare flowers, fruits and vegetables (1914) (19987153983).jpg 2,968 × 4,252; 3.52 MB
Childs' rare flowers, vegetables and fruits (1915) (19985354044).jpg 1,476 × 2,896; 1.23 MB
Childs' rare flowers, vegetables and fruits (1915) (19987040513).jpg 2,944 × 1,548; 1.52 MB
Childs' rare flowers, vegetables and fruits (1916) (20421384019).jpg 2,916 × 1,964; 1.94 MB
Childs' rare flowers, vegetables, and fruits (1913) (20598958412).jpg 2,934 × 1,500; 1.74 MB
Childs' seeds that satisfy bulbs that bloom plants that please (1919) (14740240446).jpg 2,902 × 1,970; 1.29 MB
Childs' seeds that satisfy bulbs that bloom plants that please (1920) (20615352241).jpg 2,900 × 1,964; 1.76 MB
Das Leben der Pflanze (1906) (20652829979).jpg 1,874 × 2,834; 690 KB
Deyrolle 948502.jpg 2,563 × 3,307; 1.89 MB
Diagramme floral Pisum.svg 960 × 972; 23 KB
Die Gartenlaube (1881) b 230.jpg 1,162 × 629; 70 KB
Dreer's garden calendar 1868 (16410405686).jpg 1,892 × 3,200; 1.28 MB
Dreer's quarterly wholesale price list (16384659237).jpg 1,222 × 1,822; 784 KB
Dreer's wholesale price list - Henry A. Dreer. (21045663492).jpg 2,188 × 1,258; 943 KB
Dreer's wholesale price list - Henry A. Dreer. (21055162215).jpg 2,164 × 1,268; 1.02 MB
EB1911 - Leguminosae - Fig. 7.—Flower of Pea (Pisum sativum).jpg 178 × 146; 18 KB
EB1911 Flower - pea flower showing papilionaceous corolla.jpg 288 × 239; 22 KB
EB1911 Flower - pistil of pea after fertilization.jpg 321 × 452; 37 KB
EB1911 Fruit - dry dehiscent pea pod.jpg 271 × 557; 33 KB
EB1911 Fruit - seed of Pisum.jpg 305 × 296; 24 KB
Everything for the garden (16027172653).jpg 1,396 × 1,799; 820 KB
Everything for the garden (Page 54) (16621200776).jpg 1,386 × 1,790; 854 KB
Everything for the garden (Page 55) (16647110765).jpg 1,402 × 1,805; 851 KB
Everything for the garden (Page 56) (16646122412).jpg 1,386 × 1,790; 883 KB
Everything for the garden (Page 57) (16024824864).jpg 1,402 × 1,805; 857 KB
Everything for the garden (Page 58) (16621210326).jpg 1,386 × 1,790; 827 KB
F. W. Bolgiano, seedsmen have won confidence for ten years (16186316780).jpg 1,689 × 2,361; 1.12 MB
F. W. Bolgiano, seedsmen have won confidence for ten years (16372812462).jpg 1,666 × 2,280; 992 KB
G. Bruno - Le Tour de la France par deux enfants p040.jpg 1,420 × 912; 249 KB
General list of high-grade seeds (1908) (14596112437).jpg 1,604 × 2,992; 881 KB
Good seeds at fair prices (1902) (20566799115).jpg 1,484 × 3,574; 1.69 MB
Hortus Eystettensis, 1613 (KU 2894-3 112) -Aestiva,13,5.jpg 785 × 1,000; 212 KB
Hortus Eystettensis, 1640 (BHL 45339 317) - Classis Aestiva 165.jpg 2,634 × 3,336; 10.88 MB
Illustration Pisum sativum0 clean.jpg 1,559 × 2,478; 606 KB
Illustration Pisum sativum0.jpg 1,559 × 2,478; 840 KB
J. Steckler Seed Co., Ltd. garden manual 1900 (16385362818).jpg 1,336 × 2,157; 719 KB
La botanique de J.J. Rousseau (Plate 14) BHL6164710.jpg 4,107 × 5,347; 2.31 MB
La botanique de J.J. Rousseau (Plate 15) BHL6164711.jpg 4,107 × 5,347; 1.53 MB
Manual of everything for the garden - 1894 (1894) (14598160090).jpg 2,548 × 1,562; 1.07 MB
Naturalis Biodiversity Center - L.0939534 - Pisum sativum Linnaeus - Artwork.jpeg 1,920 × 1,634; 197 KB
Naturgeschichte des Pflanzenreichs Tafel XXXVII.jpg 4,476 × 3,261; 5.99 MB
NIE 1905 Leguminosæ - useful legumes.jpg 1,497 × 2,400; 469 KB
Nouvelle iconographie fourragère (Pl. 49) (6069955520).jpg 2,137 × 3,178; 499 KB
Peter Henderson and Co's seed catalogue (16257020487).jpg 2,024 × 3,200; 1.81 MB
Picture Natural History - No 352 - Pea Pod.png 357 × 667; 407 KB
Picture Natural History - No 353 - Pea Pod.png 704 × 260; 333 KB
Pisum arvense — Flora Batava — Volume v12.jpg 1,770 × 2,570; 664 KB
Pisum excorticatum Gerard 1597.png 838 × 1,417; 1.9 MB
Pois - pièces anatomiques.jpg 1,804 × 1,320; 118 KB
Pois beurre Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 399 × 836; 65 KB
Pois Caractacus Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 313 × 727; 99 KB
Pois champion d'Angleterre Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 316 × 837; 34 KB
Pois corne de bélier1 Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 269 × 543; 195 KB
Pois corne de bélier2 Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 244 × 595; 70 KB
Pois Criterion Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 335 × 580; 31 KB
Pois d'Auvergne Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 433 × 882; 41 KB
Pois Daniel O'Rourke Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 383 × 730; 73 KB
Pois de Clamart hâtif Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 337 × 734; 44 KB
Pois de Clamart Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 416 × 764; 69 KB
Pois de Knight Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 232 × 572; 32 KB
Pois de Marly Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 337 × 791; 39 KB
Pois Dr Mac Lean Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 301 × 668; 78 KB
Pois fillbasket Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 307 × 776; 40 KB
Pois géant sans parchemin Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 379 × 630; 127 KB
Pois Laxton's alpha Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 296 × 662; 69 KB
Pois Léopold II Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 376 × 827; 40 KB
Pois mac Lean's best of all Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 266 × 661; 26 KB
Pois Mac Lean's blue Peter Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 425 × 832; 85 KB
Pois Mac Lean's blue Peter2 Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 566 × 426; 141 KB
Pois merveille d'Étampes Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 345 × 840; 47 KB
Pois Michaux de Hollande Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 499 × 771; 35 KB
Pois Michaux de Ruelle - Vilmorin-Andrieux, 1883.png 511 × 826; 40 KB
Pois Michaux ordinaire Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 330 × 751; 43 KB
Pois nain Bishop à longues cosses Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 376 × 808; 39 KB
Pois nain hâtif anglais Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 305 × 678; 30 KB
Pois nain hâtif Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 530 × 642; 200 KB
Pois nain ordinaire Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 265 × 659; 81 KB
Pois nain très hâtif à châssis Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 375 × 257; 63 KB
Pois nain vert gos Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 424 × 764; 72 KB
Pois nain vert impérial Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 366 × 658; 34 KB
Pois oméga Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 320 × 757; 40 KB
Pois prince Albert1 Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 500 × 679; 224 KB
Pois prince Albert2 Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 377 × 685; 99 KB
Pois prizetaker Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 385 × 672; 75 KB
Pois prodige de Laxton Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 304 × 662; 46 KB
Pois ridé grand vert Mammoth Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 294 × 727; 38 KB
Pois ridé nain blanc hâtif1 Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 314 × 638; 31 KB
Pois ridé nain blanc hâtif2 Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 396 × 494; 150 KB
Pois ridé nain vert hâtif Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 292 × 650; 29 KB
Pois ridé très nain à bordures1 Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 324 × 637; 24 KB
Pois ridé très nain à bordures2 Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 648 × 458; 172 KB
Pois ridé vert à rames Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 374 × 706; 38 KB
Pois sabre Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 408 × 772; 157 KB
Pois sans parchemin nain hâtif breton1 Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 339 × 588; 145 KB
Pois sans parchemin nain hâtif breton2 Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 358 × 791; 44 KB
Pois serpette vert Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 391 × 747; 45 KB
Pois shah de Perse Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 446 × 653; 71 KB
Pois supplanter Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 336 × 772; 48 KB
Pois très nain de Bretagne Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 363 × 714; 66 KB
Pois téléphone Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 265 × 563; 36 KB
Pois vert normand Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 310 × 739; 37 KB
Pois Victoria marrow Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 446 × 852; 102 KB
Pois William cosses Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 358 × 586; 62 KB
Pois William Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 353 × 705; 209 KB
Pois Wilson Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 395 × 760; 51 KB
Pois à cosse violette Vilmorin-Andrieux 1883.png 328 × 768; 37 KB
Pois-feuilles.svg 1,043 × 981; 55 KB
Price list and descriptive catalogue (1900) (20529239156).jpg 2,926 × 1,600; 2.03 MB
PSM V18 D527 Pisum sativum.jpg 1,111 × 784; 39 KB
PSM V18 D528 Pisum sativum.jpg 1,103 × 495; 25 KB
PSM V85 D331 Results of crossing yellow and green seeded peas - transparent background.png 1,223 × 1,512; 7.07 MB
PSM V85 D331 Results of crossing yellow and green seeded peas.png 1,223 × 1,512; 352 KB
R.H. Shumway - garden guide (1902) (20381431578).jpg 2,328 × 3,124; 1.62 MB
R.H. Shumway - garden guide (1902) (20560491752).jpg 4,292 × 3,796; 3.81 MB
R.H. Shumway - garden guide (1902) (20560500312).jpg 3,648 × 2,848; 2.29 MB
R.H. Shumway - garden guide (1902) (20569440445).jpg 4,396 × 6,158; 6.37 MB
R.H. Shumway - garden guide (1902) (20569443505).jpg 4,334 × 4,376; 4.07 MB
R.H. Shumway's illustrated garden guide (1897) (19928188754).jpg 4,340 × 6,212; 6.48 MB
R.H. Shumway's illustrated garden guide (1897) (20362774960).jpg 4,220 × 1,592; 1.75 MB
R.H. Shumway's illustrated garden guide (1897) (20362791430).jpg 4,364 × 5,900; 6.54 MB
Seed catalogue (1902) (20379554389).jpg 1,296 × 2,582; 914 KB
Seeds (1897) (20357372468).jpg 2,944 × 2,000; 1.21 MB
Seeds (1897) (20357649258).jpg 2,992 × 2,028; 1.53 MB
Seeds (1899) (20363424830).jpg 2,962 × 2,008; 2.05 MB
Seeds (1899) (20551282685).jpg 1,636 × 3,176; 1.44 MB
Ser. 1042 vol. 18, page 035.tiff 2,156 × 3,222; 19.89 MB
Spring 1900 (1900) (20374413169).jpg 1,248 × 2,396; 1.09 MB
Spring 1902 (1902) (20380125680).jpg 1,396 × 2,810; 1.17 MB
The Maule seed book for 1905 (1905) (14582475977).jpg 1,550 × 3,390; 1.49 MB
Four plants, all with different forms of tendrils or thorns. Wellcome V0044562.jpg 2,480 × 2,928; 3.79 MB
Thirteen examples of different types and arrangements of flo Wellcome V0044573.jpg 2,500 × 2,941; 3.12 MB
Wholesale price list - Leonard's Seeds (1902) (20564335965).jpg 2,060 × 2,488; 2.13 MB