Category:Old maps of Croatia
Use the appropriate category for maps showing all or a large part of Croatia. See subcategories for smaller areas:
If the map shows | Category to use |
Croatia on a recently created map | Category:Maps of Croatia or its subcategories |
Croatia on a map created more than 70 years ago | Category:Old maps of Croatia or its subcategories |
the history of Croatia on a recently created map | Category:Maps of the history of Croatia or its subcategories |
the history of Croatia on a map created more than 70 years ago | Category:Old maps of the history of Croatia or its subcategories |
This category has the following 16 subcategories, out of 16 total.
Media in category "Old maps of Croatia"
The following 112 files are in this category, out of 112 total.
Stmk Ktn Krain Görz Meyer 3 Auflage ca 1880.jpg 6,019 × 7,649; 62.12 MB
1915 ethnographic map of the Adriatic Coast of Austria-Hungary.jpg 10,249 × 11,981; 37.7 MB
35 43 Mostar Topographic Map, Published 1894.jpg 11,308 × 15,986; 50.32 MB
Admiralty Chart No 1582 Harbours on the eastern coast of the Adriatic, Published 1878.jpg 8,676 × 6,128; 5.78 MB
Admiralty Chart No 2711 Zadar to Sibenik, Published 1964.jpg 16,392 × 11,284; 36.32 MB
Admiralty Chart No 2712 Rogoznica and Krilo to Otok Susak, Published 1965.jpg 11,254 × 16,390; 34.01 MB
Admiralty Chart No 2774 Sibenik and Rogoznica to Otok Svetak, Published 1964.jpg 11,258 × 16,375; 28.67 MB
Admiralty Chart No 2774, Published 1877 (Port Zara).jpg 2,245 × 2,097; 696 KB
Agram. NYPL1226819.tiff 4,496 × 5,379; 69.2 MB
Areas of control, 20 October 1995 - (Bosnia and Hercegovina with Croatia). LOC 2009584259.tif 7,523 × 7,767; 167.17 MB
Atlas Ortelius KB PPN369376781-076av-076br.jpg 3,000 × 2,194; 4.75 MB
Atlas Ortelius KB PPN369376781-077av-077br.jpg 3,000 × 2,194; 4.58 MB
Atlas Van der Hagen- IlIyricvm Sclavoniam- Bosnam Dalmatiam Slavoniam Croatiam.jpg 5,353 × 4,520; 8.09 MB
Austrian Littoral 1897.jpg 756 × 1,000; 329 KB
AustroPrussianWar SouthernBattlefield.png 1,508 × 1,131; 643 KB
Avstrijsko primorje 1897.jpg 756 × 1,000; 330 KB
Boricevac 27072012 2 roberta f.jpg 1,000 × 750; 456 KB
Brod. NYPL1226904.tiff 4,640 × 5,475; 72.69 MB
BV043564039.tif 6,534 × 5,530; 75.45 MB
BV043564047.tif 6,477 × 4,497; 65.67 MB
BV043564077.tif 6,477 × 4,476; 70.22 MB
BV043564102.tif 6,477 × 4,476; 76.93 MB
BV043564113.tif 6,477 × 4,476; 64.66 MB
BV043564121.tif 6,477 × 4,476; 85.13 MB
BV043564124.tif 6,468 × 5,371; 79.01 MB
BV043564145.tif 6,477 × 4,476; 79.16 MB
BV043564299.tif 6,477 × 4,476; 58.53 MB
Carniola.jpg 2,894 × 2,286; 1.68 MB
Carte Particuliere de la Hongrie de la Transilvanie de la Croatie et de la Scalavonie.jpg 9,274 × 6,714; 20.87 MB
Cestni zemljevid Koroške in Kranjske leta 1850.jpg 15,910 × 19,836; 38.45 MB
Cosmographia (Sebastian Münster) p 096.jpg 2,000 × 1,455; 480 KB
Croatia, summary map. LOC 96684025.jpg 9,422 × 6,712; 8 MB
Croatia, summary map. LOC 96684025.tif 9,422 × 6,712; 180.93 MB
Croatia. LOC 2002620307.jpg 2,495 × 3,120; 875 KB
Croatia. LOC 2002620307.tif 2,495 × 3,120; 22.27 MB
Croatia. LOC 2002620308.jpg 2,508 × 3,041; 937 KB
Croatia. LOC 2002620308.tif 2,508 × 3,041; 21.82 MB
Croatia. LOC 2002620498.jpg 2,516 × 3,259; 860 KB
Croatia. LOC 2002620498.tif 2,516 × 3,259; 23.46 MB
Croatia. LOC 2002620499.jpg 2,537 × 3,271; 890 KB
Croatia. LOC 2002620499.tif 2,537 × 3,271; 23.74 MB
Croatia. LOC 2005626358.jpg 7,926 × 9,109; 7.39 MB
Croatia. LOC 2005626358.tif 7,926 × 9,109; 206.56 MB
Croatia1942 hu.png 850 × 670; 456 KB
Croatia1942.jpg 501 × 395; 249 KB
Der Oesterreichische Kreis 1806.jpg 2,503 × 1,862; 1.38 MB
Dolnji Lapac und Kulen-Vakuf. NYPL1226937.tiff 5,203 × 4,488; 66.81 MB
EB9 Hungary ACB.png 737 × 521; 885 KB
EB9 Hungary CSS.png 3,740 × 2,625; 13.71 MB
EB9 Hungary RSP.png 3,590 × 2,515; 14.08 MB
Exactissima Ducatus Carniolae Vinidorum Marchiä et Histriae 1732.jpg 3,759 × 3,192; 2.41 MB
Geološka pregledna karta Ptuja in Vinice.jpg 8,883 × 6,781; 24.45 MB
Geološka pregledna karta Rogatca in Kozjega.jpg 8,315 × 6,330; 39.26 MB
Gorizia mappa linguistica 1880.JPG 633 × 519; 121 KB
Gurkfeld.Rann und Samobor. NYPL1226818.tiff 4,464 × 5,355; 68.4 MB
Historical map of Dalmatia and surroundings.jpg 1,311 × 1,110; 238 KB
Horvátország.png 2,319 × 1,794; 9.94 MB
Hrvatski skolski muzej skolski atlas 300109.jpg 1,200 × 919; 1.11 MB
Hrvatski skolski muzej zemljovid 1 300109.jpg 1,200 × 913; 929 KB
Hrvaška-Valvasor.jpg 1,012 × 710; 164 KB
Innerösterreich Sanson.jpg 11,811 × 8,659; 67.58 MB
Insularium Illustratum (Additional MS 15760, ff.63v-64r).jpeg 7,808 × 5,758; 54.72 MB
Italia di marmo (3093248342).jpg 886 × 1,181; 1.1 MB
Joan Blaeu - L'Istrie (17. stoletje).jpg 2,456 × 1,860; 3.67 MB
Johannes Janssonius - zemljevid Istre (17. stoletje).jpg 2,000 × 1,647; 1.27 MB
Karlovac und Vojnic. NYPL1226874.tiff 4,616 × 5,547; 73.26 MB
Karta Adolfovog dvora.jpg 1,032 × 788; 709 KB
Kebel 1MS.jpg 750 × 508; 126 KB
Litorale austriaco 1897.jpg 756 × 1,000; 329 KB
Map - Special Collections University of Amsterdam - OTM- HB-KZL 32.06.23.tif 7,464 × 6,335; 135.28 MB
Map of Croatia in 1791 by Reilly 002.jpg 1,171 × 882; 478 KB
Međimurje (Croatia) - stari zemljovid iz 1670..jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 630 KB
Morlachia.jpg 694 × 598; 150 KB
Muenster - Kranjska z Istro, Gorisko, Furlanijo.jpg 1,608 × 1,493; 866 KB
Muenster - Sclauonia oder Windich Land sampt Dalmatia.jpg 1,749 × 1,296; 659 KB
Nouvelle carte de la partie occidentale de Dalmatie - dressée sur les lieux LOC 2018588011.tif 7,376 × 5,536; 116.83 MB
Charte von Dalmatien (NYPL b13967336-5206894).tiff 10,326 × 7,758, 2 pages; 229.46 MB
Pregledni zemljevid Istre leta 1797.jpg 12,733 × 18,155; 34.91 MB
Pregledni zemljevid Istre leta 1803.jpg 12,734 × 18,154; 34.66 MB
Prvic 1825.jpg 1,342 × 1,978; 1.19 MB
Sanson - Partie du cercle d'Autriche (1681).jpg 10,417 × 6,754; 79.74 MB
Spezialkarte der Österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie - Jaska 1904.jpg 14,677 × 11,541; 31.21 MB
Spezialkarte der Österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie - Jaska Bl. 1915.jpg 13,827 × 10,364; 27.94 MB
Spezialkarte der Österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie - Karlovac und Vojnić 1914.jpg 13,276 × 10,210; 30.74 MB
Spezialkarte der Österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie - Karlstadt und Vojnić 1883.jpg 12,751 × 9,195; 31.21 MB
Spezialkarte der Österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie - Karlstadt und Vojnić 1904.jpg 14,688 × 11,444; 34.87 MB
Stari zemljovid Donjeg Međimurja s Novim Zrinom (1670).jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 607 KB
Stari zemljovid Čakovca i dijela Međimurja (1670).jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 648 KB
Tabula comitatus Zarensis et Sebenicensis.jpg 468 × 391; 67 KB
Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae, Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae.jpg 6,897 × 5,764; 47.63 MB
Territorial changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina since January 1993. LOC 2009584251.jpg 7,549 × 7,662; 9.63 MB
Territorial changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina since January 1993. LOC 2009584251.tif 7,549 × 7,662; 165.48 MB
The Republic of Venice in the mid-18th century.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 574 KB
Tuto el Cotado di Zara e Sebenicho.jpg 1,680 × 937; 599 KB
UBBasel Map 1565 Kartenslg AA 85 Dalmatia Crovatia.tiff 12,019 × 9,767, 2 pages; 335.88 MB
Umgebung von Zadar, 1869.tif 982 × 737; 2.75 MB
Upravni zemljevid Goriške in Tržaške pokrajine leta 1850.jpg 14,345 × 23,846; 45.6 MB
Westlicher Theil von Dalmatien Engelmann Johann Wenzel Wien 1789.png 900 × 700; 1.36 MB
Österreichisches Küstenland 1897.jpg 756 × 1,000; 330 KB
Šolta map (BV043564128).tiff 6,476 × 4,476; 59.3 MB
Австрийско приморие 1897.jpg 756 × 1,000; 326 KB