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Category:Newton disc

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<nowiki>disco di Newton; disque de Newton; disc de Newton; disco de Newton; 牛頓色環; discul lui Newton; ニュートンの円盤; Tarcza Newtona; דיסק ניוטון; Newtonschijf; न्यूटन चक्र; Newtons fargehjul; disco de Newton; Newton disc; قرص نيوتن; Neŭtona disko; நியூட்டனின் நிறத்தட்டு; disco composto da sette settori colorati secondo i colori dell'arcobaleno; facendolo ruotare, il disco mescola la luce riflessa dai colori diversi, riflettendo una luce biancastra; 虹の色で塗り分けた円盤; rotating disc with segments in rainbow colours that appears as white or grey when spun fast; disco con segmentos de colores del arcoiris; disc amb segments de colors de l'arc de santmartí; color disk; Newton disk; kolordisko</nowiki>
Newton disc 
rotating disc with segments in rainbow colours that appears as white or grey when spun fast
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Media in category "Newton disc"

The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.