Category:Naval ships of Sweden by name
This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 241 total.
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- Af Chapman (ship, 1830) (3 F)
- HMS Aldebaran (T107) (14 F)
- HMS Altair (T108) (15 F)
- HMS Altair (A501) (4 F)
- Amphion (ship, 1778) (21 F)
- HMS Antares (T109) (11 F)
- HMS Antares (A502) (2 F)
- HMS Arcturus (A503) (4 F)
- HMS Argo (A504) (5 F)
- HMS Arholma (53) (3 F)
- HMS Arholma (M72) (2 F)
- HMS Arkö (M57) (2 F)
- HMS Aspö (M63) (4 F)
- HMS Astrea (A505) (7 F)
- Astrild (ship, 1699) (2 F)
- Balder (ship, 1870) (7 F)
- Bellona (ship, 1782) (6 F)
- HMS Belos (ship, 1885) (5 F)
- HMS Belos (ship, 1961) (4 F)
- HMS Belos (A214) (16 F)
- HMS Loke (A344) (4 F)
- Birger Jarl (ship, 1809) (3 F)
- HMS Blenda (ship, 1874) (7 F)
- HMS Blidö (M68) (4 F)
- HMS Bredskär (59) (2 F)
- Brynhilda (ship, 1776) (8 F)
- Carlskrona (ship, 1841) (5 F)
- HMS Carlskrona (P04) (35 F)
- Desirée (ship, 1843) (1 F)
- HMS Disa (ship, 1877) (5 F)
- HMS Draken (submarine, 1926) (11 F)
- HMS Edda (ship, 1882) (3 F)
- HMS Eugenie (ship, 1844) (14 F)
- Falken (ship, 1946) (90 F)
- HMS Freja (ship, 1885) (9 F)
- HMS Furusund (A 320) (2 F)
- HMS Garmer (ship, 1867) (2 F)
- HMS Gefle (ship, 1847) (3 F)
- HMS Gerda (ship, 1871) (1 F)
- Gladan (ship, 1947) (27 F)
- HMS Gripen (submarine, 1928) (12 F)
- HMS Gästrikland (J22) (3 F)
- HMS Gävle (J9) (2 F)
- HMS Gävle (K22) (9 F)
- HMS Göta (ship, 1889) (10 F)
- HMS Göteborg (J5) (7 F)
- HMS Göteborg (K21) (2 F)
- HMS Hajen (submarine, 1904) (32 F)
- HMS Halland (J18) (16 F)
- HMS Hanö (M51) (5 F)
- HMS Härnösand (K33) (20 F)
- HMS Helsingborg (K32) (21 F)
- HMS Hildur (ship, 1871) (2 F)
- HMS Hurtig (87) (2 F)
- HMS Hälsingborg (J13) (2 F)
- Illerim (1754) (1 F)
- HMS Illern (submarine, 1957) (13 F)
- Ingeborg (ship, 1776) (6 F)
- HMS Jägaren (P150) (5 F)
- HMS Jarramas (1900) (13 F)
- HMS Kalmar (J14) (2 F)
- HMS Kalmarsund (13) (5 F)
- HMS Kaparen (P159) (4 F)
- HMS Karlskrona (J8) (6 F)
- HMS Karlstad (K35) (24 F)
- HMS Klas Horn (3) (2 F)
- HMS Klas Uggla (4) (4 F)
- HMS Koster (M73) (5 F)
- HMS Kullen (M74) (12 F)
- Lagerbielke (ship, 1848) (2 F)
- HMS Landsort (M71) (2 F)
- Lodbrok (ship, 1771) (8 F)
- HMS Loke (ship, 1869) (3 F)
- HMS M20 (ship, 1941) (20 F)
- HMS M21 (ship, 1941) (2 F)
- HMS M22 (ship, 1941) (7 F)
- HMS M23 (ship, 1941) (empty)
- HMS M7 (ship, 1940) (2 F)
- HMS M8 (ship, 1941) (2 F)
- HMS M9 (ship, 1940) (2 F)
- HMS Magne (2) (3 F)
- HMS Magne (ship, 1942) (2 F)
- HMS Magne (P153) (2 F)
- HMS Malmö (J7) (9 F)
- HMS Malmö (K12) (4 F)
- HMS Manligheten (ship, 1903) (13 F)
- HMS Mjölner (ship, 1942) (5 F)
- HMS Mode (P154) (3 F)
- HMS Munin (ship, 1942) (2 F)
- HMS Munin (P152) (1 F)
- HMS Mysing (P158) (4 F)
- HMS Neptun (submarine, 1978) (40 F)
- HMS Niord (ship, 1898) (7 F)
- Norrköping (ship, 1858) (7 F)
- HMS Norrköping (J10) (8 F)
- HMS Norrköping (R131) (5 F)
- HMS Norrtälje (T133) (2 F)
- HMS Nyköping (K34) (35 F)
- Oden (ship, 1764) (2 F)
- HMS Oden (ship, 1896) (12 F)
- HMS Orion (A201) (4 F)
- HMS Ornö (M55) (2 F)
- HMS Oscar II (ship, 1905) (15 F)
- Patricia (ship, 1925) (1 F)
- HMS Pelikanen (A247) (3 F)
- HMS Perseus (T101) (1 F)
- HMS Pingvinen (A248) (1 F)
- HMS Plejad (T102) (23 F)
- HMS Polaris (T103) (11 F)
- HMS Pollux (T104) (11 F)
- HMS Psilander (18) (3 F)
- HMS Ramskär (61) (2 F)
- HMS Remus (28) (7 F)
- HMS Romulus (27) (9 F)
- HMS Rota (ship, 1878) (5 F)
- HMS Skaftö (M13) (4 F)
- HMS Skagul (ship, 1878) (3 F)
- HMS Smyge (ship, 1991) (2 F)
- HMS Snapphanen (P161) (1 F)
- HMS Spårö (M58) (2 F)
- HMS Spårö (M12) (5 F)
- HMS Spejaren (P162) (4 F)
- HMS Spica (T121) (8 F)
- HMS Stockholm (J6) (14 F)
- HMS Stockholm (K11) (9 F)
- HMS Strömstad (R141) (2 F)
- HMS Sturkö (M54) (1 F)
- HMS Sturkö (M14) (10 F)
- Styrbjörn (ship, 1790) (8 F)
- HMS Styrbjörn (P163) (5 F)
- HMS Styrsö (M61) (2 F)
- HMS Styrsö (M11) (2 F)
- HMS Sundsvall (J12) (8 F)
- HMS Sundsvall (K24) (13 F)
- HMS Svea (ship, 1885) (12 F)
- HMS Sverige (ship, 1915) (33 F)
- HMS Södermanland (J21) (7 F)
- HMS Sölve (ship, 1875) (11 F)
- HMS Tapper (81) (1 F)
- HMS Thor (ship, 1841) (5 F)
- HMS Thor (ship, 1898) (6 F)
- Thorborg (ship, 1772) (5 F)
- HMS Tirfing (ship, 1866) (3 F)
- HMS Tirfing (P166) (3 F)