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Category:Mesud Pezer

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<nowiki>Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; Месуд Пезер; Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; Mesud Pezer; ميسود پيزير; Mesud Pezer; atleta bosnio; বসনীয় অ্যাথলেটিক্স প্রতিযোগী; athlète bosnien; Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina kergejõustiklane; atleta bosniarra; atleta bosniu; atleta bosnià; bosnischer Kugelstoßer; atleta da Bósnia-Herzegovina; atlet boshnjak; босанскохерцеговачки атлетичар; atlet bosniac; friidrottare från Bosnien och Hercegovina; אתלט בוסני; atleet uit Bosnië en Herzegovina; Bosnian athletics competitor; Bosnian athletics competitor; atleta bosníaco; رياضي بوسني; Bosnian athletics competitor; pesista bosniaco</nowiki>
Mesud Pezer 
Bosnian athletics competitor
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Date of birth27 August 1994
Country of citizenship
Country for sport
Sports discipline competed in
Authority file
Wikidata Q15728043
World Athletics athlete ID: 14409892
Olympic.org athlete ID (archived): mesud-pezer
Olympedia people ID: 132704
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Media in category "Mesud Pezer"

The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.