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Category:Lothar Bisky

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Deutsch: Lothar Bisky (* 17. August 1941 in Zollbrück, Kreis Rummelsburg in Pommern; † 13. August 2013 in Leipzig) war ein deutscher Politiker (Die Linke) und Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments. Er war von 1993 bis 2000 und erneut von 2003 bis 2007 Bundesvorsitzender der PDS. Von 2007 bis 2010 war er zusammen mit Oskar Lafontaine Vorsitzender der Partei Die Linke.
English: Lothar Bisky (17 August 1941 – 13 August 2013) was a German politician. He was the chairman of the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), the successor of East Germany's Socialist Unity Party (SED).
Magyar: Lothar Bisky (Korzybie, 1941. augusztus 17. – Lipcse, 2013. augusztus 13.) német politikus és egyetemi tanár.
<nowiki>Лотар Биски; Lothar Biski; لوتار بیسکی; 洛萨·比斯基; Лотхар Биски / Lothar Biski; ロタール・ビスキー; لوثار بيسكى; Lotar Biski; לותאר ביסקי; Lotharius Bisky; Լոթար Բիսկի; Lothar Bisky; Лотар Біскі; 로타어 비스키; Lothar Bisky; لوثار بيسكي; Λόταρ Μπίσκι; Лотхар Биски; político alemán (1941–2013); (1941–2013) német politikus; Þýska stjórnmálamenn (1941–2013); polític alemany (1941–2013); deutscher Politiker (PDS/Linke), MdL, MdB, MdEP (1941–2013); polaiteoir Gearmánach (1941-2013); գերմանացի քաղաքական գործիչ; siyasetmedarê alman; Alman politikacı (1941–2013); ドイツの政治家; tysk politiker (1941–2013); פוליטיקאי גרמני; ditsche Bolitiker (1941–2013); saksalainen poliitikko, Saksan liittopäivien jäsen (1941–2013); germana politikisto (1941–2013); německý politik (1941–2013); njemački političar (1941–2013); politico tedesco (1941–2013); জার্মান রাজনীতিবিদ; politicien allemand (1941–2013); Njemački političar (1941–2013); nemeckí politici (1941–2013); tysk politiker (1941–2013); politikan gjerman (1941–2013); German politician (1941–2013); Olóṣèlú Ọmọ Orílẹ̀-èdè Germany (1941–2013).; němski politikar (PDS/Lěwica); político alemão (1941–2013); düütsch Politiker (1941–2013); tysk politikar (1941–2013); Duitse politikus (1941–2013); Vokietijos politikas (1941–2013); nemški politiki (1941–2013); Saksa poliitik (1941–2013); немецкий политик (1941–2013); Duits politicus (1941–2013); däitsche Politiker (1941–2013); niemiecki polityk (1941–2013); tysk politiker (1941–2013); Almaniya siyasətçisi (1941–2013); politico alemán (1941–2013); politician german (1941–2013); німецький політик (1941–2013); deitscha Polidika (1941–2013); político alemán (1941–2013); سياسي ألماني; Γερμανός πολιτκός; Germany karimba ŋun nyɛ doo (1941–2013); Bisky, Lotharius; Bisky, Lothar; 洛塔·比斯基; Biski, Lothar; Lothar BISKY; Биски, Лотхар; Біскі, Лотар; Biski, Lotar</nowiki>
Lothar Bisky 
German politician (1941–2013)
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Name in native language
  • Lothar Bisky
Date of birth17 August 1941
Korzybie, Pomeranian Voivodeship
Date of death13 August 2013
Place of burial
Country of citizenship
Educated at
Member of political party
Position held
  • member of the German Bundestag (2005–2009)
  • member of the Volkskammer (1990–1990)
  • Member of the European Parliament (2009–2013)
  • member of the Landtag of Brandenburg (1994–1999)
  • member of the Landtag of Brandenburg (1999–2004)
  • member of the Landtag of Brandenburg (2004–2005)
  • member of the Landtag of Brandenburg (1990–1994)
Native language
Work location
official website
Authority file
Wikidata Q71018
ISNI: 0000000116464000
VIAF cluster ID: 54951292
GND ID: 119133342
Library of Congress authority ID: n81126102
IdRef ID: 096172827
NL CR AUT ID: xx0011385
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID: 070437750
NUKAT ID: n2003042201
NLP ID (old): a0000002433457
National Library of Poland Descriptor: 9810653469205606
J9U ID: 987007381454205171
NACSIS-CAT author ID: DA02126327
MusicBrainz artist ID: 472942e1-107f-45a2-b751-08fcd1dba2e0
IMDb ID: nm0084249
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