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Category:Iglesia de San Sebastián, Toledo

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<nowiki>chiesa di San Sebastián; église Saint-Sébastien de Tolède; iglesia de San Sebastián; San Sebastián, Toledo; كنيسة سان سيباستيان، طليطلة; Gereja San Sebastián, Toledo; Kirche San Sebastián; Gereja di Toledo, Sepanyol; Profaniertes Kirchengebäude in Toledo, Spanien; edificio en Toledo (España); Catholic church in the Spanish city of Toledo; كنيسة في إسبانيا; monument historique d'Espagne; kerkgebouw in Spanje; San Sebastián, Toledo; مسجد الدباغين; église San Sebastián de Tolède</nowiki>
San Sebastián, Toledo 
Catholic church in the Spanish city of Toledo
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Instance of
Named after
Dedicated to
LocationToledo, Toledo Province, Castilla–La Mancha, Spain
Heritage designation
  • 10th century
  • 12th century
Religion or worldview
official website
Map39° 51′ 12.5″ N, 4° 01′ 31.99″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q7415304
Asset of cultural interest code: RI-51-0000935
OpenStreetMap way ID: 117367483
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Media in category "Iglesia de San Sebastián, Toledo"

The following 15 files are in this category, out of 15 total.