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Category:Gerrit Rietveld

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<nowiki>Gerrit Rietveld; گیرٹ رائیٹفیلڈ; 赫里特·里特費爾德; Gerrit Rietveld; Герріт Рітвельд; 赫里特·里特費爾德; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; 헤리트 리트펠트; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Герит Ритвелд; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; غيريت ريتفيلد; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Герит Ритвелд; 赫里特·里特费尔德; Gerrit Rietveld; გერიტ რიტველდი; ヘリット・リートフェルト; Gerrit Rietveld; جيريت ريتفيلد; חריט ריטפלד; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Γκέριτ Τόμας Ρίτβελντ; Gerrit Rietveld; Հերիթ Ռիթվելդ; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerit Ritveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Геррит Ритвельд; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; 赫里特·里特費爾德; گریت ریتفلد; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; 赫里特·里特费尔德; 赫里特·里特费尔德; 赫里特·里特费尔德; architetto e artigiano olandese; architecte et designer; niederländischer Architekt und Designer; 荷蘭傢俱設計師、建築師; nizozemski oblikovalec pohištva in arhitekt (1888–1964); オランダの家具デザイナー・建築家; nederländsk arkitekt och möbeldesigner; holenderski architekt i projektant mebli; אדריכל ומעצב הולנדי; Nederlands meubelontwerper en architect (1888-1964); nederlandsk arkitekt og møbeldesigner; holland építész, bútortervező; 네덜란드의 가구 디자이너이자 건축가; Dutch furniture designer and architect (1888-1964); مصمم أثاث ومهندس هولندي; nizozemský architekt a designér; Nederlandse ontwerper en argitek; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; Rietveld; Gerrit Thomas Rietvel; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Ритвельд, Геррит; Ритвельд; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; Gerrit rietvield; Gerrit thomas rietvield; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; 里特維德; 海里特·里特费尔德; Герит Реитвелд; Херит Ритфелт; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; Gerit Ritveld; Rietveld; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; Gerrit rietveld; Rietveld; Reitveld; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; חריט ריטבלד; חרית ריטבלד; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; G.Th. Rietveld; G.T. Rietveld; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Rietveld; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld; Gerrit Thomas Rietveld</nowiki>
Gerrit Rietveld 
Dutch furniture designer and architect (1888-1964)
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Name in native language
  • Gerrit Rietveld
Date of birth24 June 1888
Date of death25 June 1964
Place of burial
Country of citizenship
Member of
Field of work
Native language
Unmarried partner
Work location
Notable work
Award received
official website
Authority file
Wikidata Q160435
ISNI: 0000000121219341
VIAF cluster ID: 15562113
GND ID: 118600990
Library of Congress authority ID: n50044177
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 124116305
IdRef ID: 033228981
NDL Authority ID: 00473784
Libraries Australia ID: 35452755
Biografisch Portaal van Nederland ID: 38474324
NL CR AUT ID: jn20000720251
National Library of Israel ID (old): 001436262
National Library of Spain ID: XX1209162
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID: 068311729
NORAF ID: 90188128
NUKAT ID: n2002070343
J9U ID: 987007506113405171
NACSIS-CAT author ID: DA06648641
Open Library ID: OL285545A
Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren author ID: riet019
Union List of Artist Names ID: 500009183
MusicBrainz artist ID: 2ba20891-2ee2-4499-8357-e28fd0521e00
RKDartists ID: 66880
KulturNav-ID: 4377e8ff-e00e-4065-b7e0-b7fe76f7c459
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Nederlands: Gerrit Thomas Rietveld (1888–1964) was een Nederlands architect en meubelontwerper.

Pages in category "Gerrit Rietveld"

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Media in category "Gerrit Rietveld"

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