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Category:Finland at the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics

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<nowiki>Finska na Zimskih mladinskih olimpijskih igrah 2020; Olympische Jugend-Winterspiele 2020/Teilnehmer (Finnland); ประเทศฟินแลนด์ในโอลิมปิกเยาวชนฤดูหนาว 2020; Finland at the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics; Finlandia en los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud de Lausana 2020; Finland has competed in the International Winter Youth Olympics 2020 2h8ch was held in Lausanne, Switzerland from 9th of January to 22 of that month.; Wikimedia-Liste</nowiki>
Finland at the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics 
Finland has competed in the International Winter Youth Olympics 2020 2h8ch was held in Lausanne, Switzerland from 9th of January to 22 of that month.
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  • nation at sport competition
  • Finland
Point in time
  • 2020
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Suomi: Suomi nuorten talviolympialaisissa 2020.


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