Category:Epidemiology of infectious diseases and disorders

This category has the following 17 subcategories, out of 17 total.
Media in category "Epidemiology of infectious diseases and disorders"
The following 29 files are in this category, out of 29 total.
Acuna-Soto EID-v8n4p360 Fig1.png 768 × 599; 38 KB
Bill of Mortality.jpg 500 × 839; 359 KB
Childhood-deaths-from-the-five-most-lethal-infectious-diseases-worldwide.png 3,400 × 2,400; 430 KB
Deaths in district of Merthyr Tydvil, 1840 and 1843 Wellcome M0012983.jpg 4,289 × 2,495; 1.56 MB
H5n1-flu-reported-cases.gif 3,400 × 2,700; 537 KB
Herd immunity threshold vs r0.svg 512 × 512; 19 KB
Herd Immunity Threshold.svg 630 × 630; 66 KB
High-Resolution-Measurements-of-Face-to-Face-Contact-Patterns-in-a-Primary-School-pone.0023176.s001.ogv 2 min 20 s, 800 × 802; 7.93 MB
MSIR.PNG 887 × 99; 5 KB
National-Forecast-Incident-Cumulative-Deaths-2020-07-27.jpg 2,560 × 1,280; 344 KB
NationalInfDiseaseCtl.gif 641 × 523; 39 KB
SARS-CoV-1 - Übergang auf den Menschen.png 2,108 × 1,038; 258 KB
Sexuallytransmitteddiseasepopulationcontactsgraph.png 328 × 203; 10 KB
The-number-of-cases-of-infectious-diseases.jpg 3,400 × 2,400; 488 KB
The-number-of-cases-of-infectious-diseases.png 3,400 × 2,400; 451 KB
Vectortransmitteddiseasepopulationdensitygraph.png 364 × 198; 16 KB