Category:Enzyme chemistry
Media in category "Enzyme chemistry"
The following 39 files are in this category, out of 39 total.
2D structure of the enzyme active site.png 3,766 × 1,259; 136 KB
Active site residues of Adenylate kinase.png 640 × 434; 58 KB
Cellular-Growth-Arrest-and-Persistence-from-Enzyme-Saturation-pcbi.1004825.s012.ogv 35 s, 800 × 600; 5.5 MB
Cellular-Growth-Arrest-and-Persistence-from-Enzyme-Saturation-pcbi.1004825.s013.ogv 15 s, 800 × 600; 865 KB
Complejo enzima-sustrato.jpg 976 × 332; 49 KB
DERA mechanism.gif 1,146 × 779; 7.37 MB
Enzyme catalysis energy levels 2-ru.svg 733 × 301; 2 KB
Enzyme catalysis energy levels 2.svg 1,200 × 489; 214 KB
Enzyme catalysis energy levels.png 1,954 × 788; 87 KB
Enzyme histochemistry McArdle.jpg 2,574 × 1,692; 757 KB
Enzyme mechanism 2.svg 400 × 125; 126 KB
Enzyme mechanism.png 1,582 × 510; 38 KB
Enzyme Model.svg 177 × 177; 31 KB
Lipoyl Synthase.png 1,020 × 940; 632 KB
LKB1AMPK-and-PKA-Control-ABCB11-Trafficking-and-Polarization-in-Hepatocytes-pone.0091921.s007.ogv 6.4 s, 513 × 512; 1.85 MB
LKB1AMPK-and-PKA-Control-ABCB11-Trafficking-and-Polarization-in-Hepatocytes-pone.0091921.s008.ogv 6.4 s, 480 × 480; 461 KB
LKB1AMPK-and-PKA-Control-ABCB11-Trafficking-and-Polarization-in-Hepatocytes-pone.0091921.s009.ogv 15 s, 480 × 480; 2.95 MB
LKB1AMPK-and-PKA-Control-ABCB11-Trafficking-and-Polarization-in-Hepatocytes-pone.0091921.s010.ogv 9.3 s, 480 × 480; 3.87 MB
LKB1AMPK-and-PKA-Control-ABCB11-Trafficking-and-Polarization-in-Hepatocytes-pone.0091921.s011.ogv 9.8 s, 512 × 512; 2.77 MB
Mechanism of lipoyl synthase.png 1,956 × 486; 94 KB
Michaelis Menten curve 2.svg 1,200 × 512; 147 KB
Michaelis-Memten.JPG 692 × 455; 20 KB
Modelagem cinética da dinâmica conformacional a partir dos dados de salto de temperatura.png 7,851 × 6,506; 1.05 MB
PG with active site.png 833 × 684; 155 KB
Protease mechanism summary.svg 1,225 × 784; 529 KB
Pymol file v2.png 640 × 434; 146 KB
Ribbon diagram representation of the folding of the protein barnase.png 570 × 859; 127 KB
SCD-1 electron flow.jpg 960 × 720; 42 KB
Sensor2.jpg 420 × 135; 8 KB
Stearoyl CoA desaturase crystal structure.jpg 638 × 434; 37 KB
Triad convergence ser cys.svg 1,225 × 617; 2.45 MB
Triad convergence thr.svg 1,225 × 294; 1.93 MB
Ubiquitin Lysines.png 1,464 × 1,045; 554 KB
UGT2B7 C802T polymorphism effects.png 1,202 × 656; 53 KB