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Category:Edith Soppe

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<nowiki>Edith Soppe; Edith Soppe; اديث سوب; Edith Soppe; Edith Soppe; Edith Soppe; Эдит Соппе; Edith Soppe; Edith Soppe; Edith Soppe; Edith Soppe; Edīte Soppe; Edith Soppe; Edith Soppe; ajedrecista argentina; joueuse d’échecs argentine; jugadora d'escacs argentina; لاعبة شطرنج من ارجنتين; xakelari argentinarra; аргентинська шахістка; axedrecista arxentina (1961–2005); аргентинская шахматистка; xadrecista arxentina; Argentīnas šahiste; jogadora de xadrez argentina; Argentine chess player; لاعبة شطرنج أرجنتينية; scacchista argentina; Arjantinli satranççı; Соппе, Эдит</nowiki>
Edith Soppe 
Argentine chess player
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Date of birth10 August 1961
Date of death22 November 2005
Country of citizenship
Country for sport
Title of chess person
Authority file
Wikidata Q20742488
Chessgames.com player ID: 61992
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Media in category "Edith Soppe"

The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.