Category:Echiichthys vipera
Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Subphylum: Vertebrata • Infraphylum: Gnathostomata • Cladus: Osteichthyes • Classis: Actinopterygii • Subclassis: Neopterygii • Infraclassis: Teleostei • Superordo: Acanthopterygii • Ordo: Perciformes • Subordo: Trachinoidei • Familia: Trachinidae • Genus: Echiichthys • Species: Echiichthys vipera (Cuvier, 1829)
Trachinus vipera (Cuvier, 1829)
Vernacular names [edit wikidata 'Category:Echiichthys vipera' linked to current category]
[edit wikidata 'Lesser weever' main topic of 'Category:Echiichthys vipera'] 

- English: Lesser weever, lesser weever
- العربية: سمكة البلامة
- مصرى: سمكة البلامه
- asturianu: pexegafu
- brezhoneg: Morzer bihan
- català: Aranyó
- Cymraeg: Môr-Wiber Fach
- Deutsch: Viperqueise
- Ελληνικά: μικρή δράκαινα
- euskara: Xabiroi txiki
- suomi: Pikkulouhikala
- français: petite vive
- Nordfriisk: Letj Piadermaan
- galego: Faneca brava
- עברית: דרקון צפעי
- norsk bokmål: dvergfjesing
- Nederlands: kleine pieterman
- norsk nynorsk: dvergfjesing
- norsk: Dvergfjesing
- polski: Ostrosz wipera
- português: peixes-aranha
- русский: Малый морской дракон
- svenska: Mindre fjärsing, Liten fjärsing
- українська: Дракончик малий
- Note: For FishBase, this is currently the only extant (living) species in the genus Echiichthys.
Pages in category "Echiichthys vipera"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "Echiichthys vipera"
The following 19 files are in this category, out of 19 total.
A small pieterman caught in Holland.jpg 1,600 × 1,117; 916 KB
Cuvier-15-Vive-Percis.jpg 1,542 × 1,151; 585 KB
Echiichthys vipera (lateral).jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 928 KB
Echiichthys vipera Limnos.png 600 × 450; 610 KB
Echiichthys vipera map.png 797 × 436; 18 KB
Echiichthys vipera.jpg 3,600 × 2,700; 1.36 MB
Ecomare - kleine pieterman (kleine-pieterman-3872-ogb).jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 3.12 MB
FMIB 46138 Viper Weever.jpeg 1,353 × 905; 419 KB
Heimans1906Wandelen p035c.png 2,317 × 1,540; 53 KB
Kleine Pieterman een heel gemeen visje met scherpe stekels.jpg 1,600 × 1,117; 1.13 MB
Kleine pieterman.jpg 640 × 427; 37 KB
Mackerel, dab, sole and sea bass.jpg 3,251 × 2,436; 4.88 MB
Quelques espèces de poissons (Ifremer 00401-51291 - 3023).jpg 2,483 × 2,824; 5.45 MB
Small pieterman.jpg 480 × 354; 22 KB
The fishes of Great Britain and Ireland (Plate XXXI) (6788866538).jpg 1,866 × 1,196; 295 KB
Trachinus vipera.jpg 1,353 × 905; 194 KB
WeeverFish.JPG 2,816 × 1,584; 2.06 MB
سمكة البلامة.png 522 × 315; 155 KB