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<nowiki>Dudar; Dudar; Дудар; Dudar; Dudar; Dudar; Dudar; Dudar; دودار; 杜道尔; Dudar; Dudar; Dudar; Dudar; דודר; Dudar; Дудар; Dudar; Dudar; Dudar; Dudar; Dudar; Dudar; Dudar; comune ungherese; magyarországi község Veszprém vármegyében; вёска ў Вугоршчыне; commune espagnole; כפר בהונגריה; Hongarije; municipi d'Hongria; село в Угорщині; Gemeinde in Ungarn; conceyu d'Hungría; village in Hungary; Macaristan'da belediye; vesnice v Maďarsku; obec v Maďarsku</nowiki>
village in Hungary
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Instance of
  • municipality of Hungary
LocationZirc District, Veszprém County, Hungary
  • 1,649 (2024)
  • 24.58 km²
official website
Map47° 18′ 25.92″ N, 17° 56′ 21.66″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q251716
VIAF cluster ID: 157185094
Library of Congress authority ID: n86009874
J9U ID: 987007567252605171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 1078432
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