Category:Domestic workers

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<nowiki>trabajador doméstico; domestic worker; прислуга; Ev işçisi; گھریلو خدمت گزار; hushållsarbetare; прислуга; Badànt; 家務工; 僕人; 하인; servisto; pracovník v domácnosti; thieoilagh; চাকর; domestique; Batur; Тарçă-тĕрçĕ; 仆人; người giúp việc; кућепазитељ; ГӀарбаш; doméstico; 仆人; Déngschtpersonal; husholdsarbeidere; ev işçisi; ಮನೆ ಸೇವಕ; domestic worker; عامل منزلي; Tembiguái; 工人; háztartási alkalmazott; etxeko langile; trabayador domésticu; прислуга; gweithiwr domestig; giolla; ծառա; 家庭傭工; tsjinstfolk; 家庭内労働者; עובד משק בית; Йорт хезмәтчесе; सेवक; palvelija; Domestic worker; collaboratore domestico; прыслуга; 仆人; οικιακός εργαζόμενος; 僕人; 僕人; Criatu; empregado doméstico; ħaddiem domestiku; huishoudelijke hulp; koduabiline; Hauspersonal; hišni pomočnik; kasambahay; hushjælp; Pekerja rumah tangga; afena; służący; خدمتکار; posluga; 傭工; Чаҕар; treballador domèstic; 僕人; traballador doméstico; Punëtori shtëpiak; lavorador domèstego; слуга; persona asalariada que trabaja en tareas domésticas; ensemble des employés affectés au service d'une personne ou d'une famille; tööandja kodus töötav abitöötaja; etxeko lanetan aritzen den soldatapeko langilea; persona assalariada que treballa en tasques domèstiques; ständig im Haushalt wohnende angestellte Hilfskraft für Arbeiten in der Haus- und Landwirtschaft; pessoa empregada para realizar trabalhos domésticos; persuna li taħdem f'ambitu residenzjali; 雇主的家庭中工作的人; ansatte i sin arbejdsgivers bolig; osba, ki dela v gospodinjstvu hiše ali posestva; privatanställd person som utför hushållsarbete åt arbetsgivaren i dennes hem; person som er arbeider i sin oppdragsgivers husholdning; beroep, is iemand, die tegen betaling huishoudelijk werk voor een particulier verricht; người làm việc trong phạm vi nơi cư trú; peşə; állandó jelleggel a háztartásban élő, háztartási vagy mezőgazdasági munkára alkalmazott személy; lavoro di chi presta servizi di carattere domestico diretti al funzionamento della vita familiare; person who works within the scope of a residence; الشخص الذي يعمل داخل أسرة; osoba pracující v zaměstnavatelově domácnosti; ஒரு குடியிருப்பின் எல்லைக்குள் பணிபுரியும் நபர்; obbree thie; cseléd; bejáró; bejárónő; teenijanna; teener; teenijad; teenijarahvas; teenijaskond; слуга; служанка; tjener; husholdsarbeider; tjenestefolk; husarbeidstaker; Dienstmädchen; Bedienstete; Diener; Dienerin; Dienstbote; Bediensteter; trabalhador doméstico; servant; servante; serviteur; hushållspersonal; husligt anställd; hushållsanställd; tjänstefolk; huslig personal; прислужник; прислужница; ратай; servant; domestic servant; domestic staff; domestic helper; domestic employee; household employee; household worker; household servant; the help; hišna pomočnica; treballador de la llar; treballadora de la llar; intern; interna; treballadora domèstica; doméstica; trabalhadora doméstica; diarista; diaristas; colf; domestico; abaawa; 从者; 仆人; 佣人; 用人; 傭工; 僕人; 家庭工作者; 家庭勞動者; 家庭劳动者; 家庭佣工; 家庭工; 家庭助理; 家庭助手; 家庭帮手; 家庭幫手; 家庭幫工; עובדת משק בית; nökər; qulluqçu; xidmətçi; 僕人; werkster; poetsvrouw; interieurverzorgster; kuisvrouw; poets; дамашняя прыслуга; дамашнія слугі; empleado del hogar; interno; interna; trabajadora doméstica; empleada del hogar; empleado doméstico; empleada doméstica; trabajador domestico; trabajadora domestica; empleado domestico; empleada domestica; siervo; sierva; criado; criada; sirviente; servizo doméstico; شغالة; خادم; خادمة; خادم المنزل; خادم منزل; عاملة منزلية; موظف منزلي; pracovnice v domácnosti; sluha; služka; Hauspersonal; Déngschtmeedchen</nowiki>
domestic worker 
person who works within the scope of a residence
Household employees in Massachusetts, USA in the year of 1914
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Instance of
Subclass of
  • blue-collar worker
  • domestic worker
  • companions and valets
Patron saint
Different from
Said to be the same asdomestic worker, activities of households as employers of domestic personnel (Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, Rev. 2 (2008))
Authority file
Wikidata Q54128
GND ID: 4012170-7, 7538645-8, 4113305-5, 4260439-4
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85038950
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 119743301
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 15119
BabelNet ID: 00054329n
J9U ID: 987007560204305171
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Pages in category "Domestic workers"

This category contains only the following page.

Media in category "Domestic workers"

The following 28 files are in this category, out of 28 total.