Category:Cephalophus natalensis
Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Subphylum: Vertebrata • Infraphylum: Gnathostomata • Cladus: Osteichthyes • Superclassis: Tetrapoda • Cladus: Amniota • Classis: Mammalia • Subclassis: Theria • Infraclassis: Eutheria • Ordo: Artiodactyla • Subordo: Ruminantia • Familia: Bovidae • Subfamilia: Cephalophinae • Genus: Cephalophus • Species: Cephalophus natalensis A. Smith, 1834
- English: Natal duiker, Natal Duiker, Natal Red Duiker, Red Forest Duiker, Red Duiker, Red Forest Duiker, Natal Duiker
- Afrikaans: Rooiduiker
- العربية: ديكر الغابات الأحمر
- مصرى: ديكر الغابات الاحمر
- asturianu: duiker de natal
- Kotava: Putcuxol
- български: Червен дукер
- català: Duiquer de Natal
- čeština: Chocholatka červená
- dansk: Rød dykkerantilope
- Deutsch: Rotducker, Natalducker
- español: Cefalofo de Natal
- فارسی: آهوچه سرخ جنگلی
- suomi: Ruskopuikkija
- français: Céphalophe du Natal
- עברית: צביון נטאל
- magyar: Vörös bóbitásantilop
- italiano: Cephalophorus natalensis
- 한국어: 나탈다이커
- македонски: Црвен шумски дукер
- Nederlands: Rode duiker
- Diné bizaad: Tsintah bįįh nanitʼiní
- polski: Dujker czerwony
- پنجابی: لال جنگلی ڈوئکر
- русский: Красный дукер
- српски / srpski: Наталски дујкер
- svenska: Nataldykare
- Tiếng Việt: Linh dương hoẵng đỏ
- 粵語: 紅麂羚
- 中文: 红霓羚
- 中文(中国大陆): 红霓羚
- 中文(臺灣): 紅霓羚

Wikispecies has an entry on:
Cephalophus natalensis A. Smith, 1834 (old web site) (Least Concern)
species of mammal | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Taxon author | Andrew Smith, 1834 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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This category has only the following subcategory.
Media in category "Cephalophus natalensis"
The following 17 files are in this category, out of 17 total.
Cephalophus natalensis - Musée des Confluences.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.32 MB
Cephalophus natalensis 0zz.jpg 1,000 × 595; 101 KB
Cephalophus natalensis.jpg 1,300 × 919; 805 KB
Cephalophus natalensis.png 582 × 637; 29 KB
Natal Red Duiker (Cephalophus natalensis) female ... (46636064441).jpg 4,535 × 3,591; 8.09 MB
Natal Red Duiker (Cephalophus natalensis) female drinking ... (51931690168).jpg 4,729 × 3,174; 1.99 MB
Natal Red Duiker (Cephalophus natalensis) female eating some fruit ... (51930624187).jpg 4,411 × 2,799; 2.87 MB
Natal Red Duiker (Cephalophus natalensis) female eating some fruit ... (51932224305).jpg 4,586 × 3,492; 2.49 MB
Red Duiker (Cephalophus natalensis) (32282907691).jpg 2,793 × 3,648; 6.66 MB
Red Duiker (Cephalophus natalensis) hidden in the bushes ... (31867866050).jpg 4,864 × 3,648; 8.54 MB
Red Duiker 2 Pigeon Valley.JPG 680 × 500; 77 KB
Red Duiker Pigeon Valley 09 05 2010.JPG 696 × 612; 95 KB
Red Duiker Pigeon Valley Durban.JPG 650 × 560; 97 KB
Rotducker.jpg 350 × 379; 27 KB
The book of antelopes (1894) Cephalophus natalensis.png 376 × 548; 347 KB
Viadinho escondido (497009324).jpg 1,280 × 960; 605 KB