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Category:Captain Rex

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<nowiki>Capitán Rex; Rex százados; Капитан Рекс; Capitão Rex; Captain Rex; کاپیتان رکس; 雷克斯上尉; Kaptajn Rex; キャプテン・レックス; กัปตันเร็กซ์; Captain Rex; Captain Rex; Капетан Рекс; Capitano Rex; Captain Rex; Capitaine Rex; Kapitán Rex; Kapten Rex; personaggio dell'universo di Guerre stellari; 映画『スター・ウォーズ』シリーズに登場する架空の人物; personnage de fiction de la saga Star Wars; fiktiv karaktär från Star Wars-universat; вигаданий персонаж; personage uit Star Wars; fiktive Figur; fictional character from Star Wars; شخصیت تخیلی; fiktivní postava ze Star Wars; Personaje de la franquicia Star Wars; CC-7567; Commandant Rex; Rex; CT-7567; Capitan Rex; CT-7567; Rex; Commander Rex; Rex; CT-7567; Rex; CT-7567; CT-7567 Rex; Capitano Rex</nowiki>
Captain Rex 
fictional character from Star Wars
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Date of birthunknown value
Date of deathunknown value
Present in work
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