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Category:Camera stabilizers

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<nowiki>estabilitzador de càmera; カメラスタビライザ; kamerainterne Bildstabilisierung; Chống rung cho máy quay phim; camera stabilizer; stabilizator kamere; 相機穩定器; camera stabilisator; equipament que evita o compensa moviments indesitjats de la càmera; カメラの不要な動きを防止し、又は補正する装置; Kamerainterne Vorrichtung zur Vermeidung / zum Ausgleich von versehentlichen Kamerabwegungen; device that prevents or compensates for unwanted camera movement; apparaat dat ongewenste camerabewegingen voorkomt of compenseert; kameraseitige Bildstabilisierung; カメラスタビライザー; カメラ・スタビライザ; カメラ・スタビライザー</nowiki>
camera stabilizer 
device that prevents or compensates for unwanted camera movement
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.


Media in category "Camera stabilizers"

The following 27 files are in this category, out of 27 total.