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Category:Call signs

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<nowiki>indicativo; hívójel; Позывной сигнал; Rufzeichen; comhartha aitheantais; ارتباطات مخابراتی; Повиквателен знак; Kaldesignal; Callsign; 呼出符号; anropssignal; Позивні; 無線電台呼號; 无线电台呼号; 호출부호; Rööpteeken; Flugkompania voksigno; volací značka; roepletters; indicativo di chiamata; Volacia značka; indicatif; пазыўны сігнал; пазыўны сыгнал; 無線電台呼號; Дуудлага; Tanda panggil; Pengenal; สัญญาณเรียกขาน; повикувачки знак; tín hiệu gọi; Ropteken; znak wywoławczy; kutsumerkki; позивни знак; klicni znak; 无线电台呼号; indicativo de chamada; 无线电台呼号; Indikatibo; Kallesignal; kallesignal; 無線電台呼號; indicativo de chamada; Kutsung; çağrı işareti; codi d'una emissora de ràdio; call sign; رمز النداء; 无线电台呼号; אות קריאה; identificador de una estación de radio por medio de letras y números; 無線局を識別するための、重複しない一意の文字列。; identificador único de uma estação de transmissão de rádio; унікальны ідэнтыфікатар радыёстанцыі; radyo (telsiz) haberleşmesinde kullanılan kullanıcıyı tanıtan bir kod; désignation unique de chaque station émettrice; penamaan stasiun pemancar; 무선국을 식별하기 위한, 중복되지 않는 일련의 문자열; eindeutige Bezeichnung einer jeden Funkstelle; indicativo único de uma estação de transmisora de rádio; unique designation for a transmitting station; codice, utilizzato nelle comunicazioni radio, di denominazione di una stazione; je značka v letectví; edinstvena oznaka za oddajno postajo; Identificativo radio; indicatif radio; пазыўны; Kode panggil; Call sign; Tanda panggil; Radioamatérská značka; Funkrufzeichen; Callsign; Stationskennung; Callsign; Call-sign; Call sign; Indicativos de chamada do radioamadorismo no Brasil; Airline call sign; indicativo de radioamador; comhartha glao; Позывной; 無線電台呼號; 無線電呼號; 呼号; Lufthavnskoder; kod harfleri; telsiz operatörü tanımlayıcı; コール・サイン; 局ID; 無線呼出名称; ステーションID; 呼出名称; 無線呼出符号; 識別信号; tên hiệu; klicni signal; klicno ime; klicne črke; Call sign; Callsign; sygnał wywoławczy; Позивний; call sign; roepletter; callsign; roepnaam; roepteken; signalbokstäver; callsign; kjenningssignal; Volací znak; 콜사인; 호출 부호; 콜 사인; call name; call letters; call signal; call; Raadiokutsung; повикувачки сигнал; пазыўны</nowiki>
call sign 
unique designation for a transmitting station
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Wikidata Q353659
GND ID: 4124086-8
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85110576, sh85133626
BabelNet ID: 02159206n
J9U ID: 987007558196805171
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en:Call sign

  • The license is assigned to the hull of the ship or aircraft.
  • The license allows the use of the radio equipment of the ship or aircraft.
  • The license names the station with an international call sign and possibly a name.
  • The license designates the radio equipment on board with its characteristics (power, frequencies, and modes of transmission).

It is not possible to have a single radio station (portable) for multiple ships or aircraft.

  • Forms of call signs:

Country + types (ship or aircraft depending on the number of characters)

  • Examples of call signs:

FABC: French ship equipped with MF and VHF bands

FABCD: French aircraft

FABCDE or F12345: French ship equipped with VHF (without MF and HF bands)

FABC-3: Rescue boat number 3 of the ship FABC


This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.

Media in category "Call signs"

The following 39 files are in this category, out of 39 total.