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Category:Archives cantonales vaudoises

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<nowiki>Archivio cantonale vodese; Kantonsarchiv Waadt; Archives cantonales vaudoises; Кантонски архив на Во; Canton Vaud Archives; Archivs chantunals vadais; Arch·ives cantonèles vôdouèses; Arxiu Cantonal de Vaud; archives cantonales à Chavannes-près-Renens dans le canton de Vaud, Suisse; cantonal archive in Chavannes-près-Renens in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland; Kantonsarchiv in Chavannes-près-Renens im Kanton Waadt, Schweiz; кантонски архив во Шаван пре Ренан, Швајцарија; staatsarchief Zwitsers kanton in Vaud, Zwitserland; state archives of the canton of Vaud; cantonal archives Vaud; archives cantonales vaudoises; archives cantonales vaudoises</nowiki>
Canton Vaud Archives 
cantonal archive in Chavannes-près-Renens in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland
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Locationcanton Vaud archives, Ouest Lausannois District, canton Vaud, Switzerland
Street address
  • Rue de la Mouline 32, 1022 Chavannes-près-Renens
Heritage designation
  • 1798
official website
Map46° 31′ 32.2″ N, 6° 34′ 42.74″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q2860411
ISNI: 0000000121761739
VIAF cluster ID: 144818203
Library of Congress authority ID: n91068534
IdRef ID: 260770566
J9U ID: 987007451650905171
PCP reference number: 08792
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