Category:1899 books PDF files
Media in category "1899 books PDF files"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 225 total.
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1673. 1899. History of the town of Sunderland, Massachusetts (IA 16731899historyo00smit).pdf 802 × 1,322, 838 pages; 42.58 MB
1899Levec.pdf 706 × 1,150, 166 pages; 15.29 MB
200 lessons outlined in U. S. history, geography, English grammar, arithmetic, and physiology (IA 200lessonsoutlin00lind).pdf 925 × 1,397, 236 pages; 11.06 MB
The 3-6-5 cook book, for use 365 days in the year (IA 365cookbookforus00pech).pdf 795 × 1,156, 362 pages; 16.08 MB
A Duet, with an Occasional Chorus (1899).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 361 pages; 7.49 MB
A history of Bohemian literature.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 449 pages; 195.31 MB
Aaron Burr (IA aaronbur00merw).pdf 537 × 922, 178 pages; 7.55 MB
Aaron Burr (IA aaronburr00merw).pdf 708 × 1,189, 192 pages; 5.73 MB
Just about a boy (IA aboutaboy00philrich).pdf 614 × 1,014, 260 pages; 8.44 MB
Abraham Lincoln; (IA abraham00schu).pdf 587 × 937, 112 pages; 5.37 MB
Adel-band-3.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 1,035 pages; 37.22 MB
Adriaen de Vries (IA adriaendevries00buch).pdf 885 × 1,377, 152 pages; 8.78 MB
Masones y ultramontanos (IA 1,164 × 1,354, 430 pages; 14.33 MB
The age of gold (IA ageofgold00kell).pdf 539 × 872, 56 pages; 1.83 MB
Agnes Goodmaid. A mystery explained. On the waves of ether sphere (IA agnesgoodmaidmys00scha).pdf 1,177 × 1,843, 474 pages; 127.19 MB
Al siglo de las luces Timoteo J. Muns.pdf 756 × 1,104, 15 pages; 1.84 MB
The Alabama historical society (IA alabamahistorica00alab).pdf 960 × 1,518, 22 pages; 947 KB
Almanaque-sud-americano-1899.pdf 739 × 1,179, 244 pages; 15.08 MB
Annancy Stories - Pamela Colman Smith.pdf 1,114 × 1,481, 92 pages; 3.37 MB
Annual report - (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority) (IA annualreportmass1899mass).pdf 806 × 1,345, 196 pages; 11.58 MB
Anton Kosi - Zabavna knjižnica za slovensko mladino (8. zvezek).pdf 522 × 931, 44 pages; 11.52 MB
Archivo general de la República Argentina (Tomo XIV).pdf 935 × 1,456, 357 pages; 8.77 MB
Arden Weymouth (IA ardenweymouth00stow).pdf 1,383 × 2,097, 20 pages; 1.07 MB
Art of good manners; or, Children's etiquette (IA artofgoodmanners00powe).pdf 727 × 1,100, 164 pages; 6.6 MB
Avisos importantes para el diestro en la esgrima - bdh0000084381.pdf 610 × 916, 86 pages; 990 KB
Cassell's vegetarian cookery (electronic resource) - a manual of cheap and wholesome diet (IA b20391675).pdf 702 × 1,056, 208 pages; 18.43 MB
The Harveian oration - delivered at the Royal College of Physicians, October 18th, 1899 (IA b24975941).pdf 787 × 1,291, 40 pages; 1.92 MB
Soups (IA b28053163).pdf 841 × 1,370, 154 pages; 5.35 MB
BaANH50570 Mensaje del Presidente de la Republica - Julio A. Roca (1899).pdf 514 × 897, 26 pages; 755 KB
BaANH50689 Boletin del Instituto Geográfico Argentino (Tomo XX 1899).pdf 610 × 883, 565 pages; 22.72 MB
BaANH50736 Memoria del Ministerio de Guerra - Guerra (1899).pdf 591 × 877, 334 pages; 8.96 MB
BaANH50897 Memoria del Ministerio de Marina (1899).pdf 504 × 864, 63 pages; 2.09 MB
Ballada do Enforcado.pdf 1,243 × 1,754, 68 pages; 3.2 MB
Best methods of teaching in country schools (IA bestmethodsoftea00lind).pdf 870 × 1,377, 296 pages; 14.48 MB
The Biographical record of Ogle County, Illinois (IA biographicalreco01sjcl).pdf 887 × 1,139, 514 pages; 26.83 MB
Blanche Mary Channing - Zodiac Stories.pdf 756 × 1,131, 333 pages; 3.91 MB
Blue book of Brookline and Longwood (IA bluebookofbrookl1899unse).pdf 1,491 × 1,983, 232 pages; 17.61 MB
BLV 216 Sone de Nausay.pdf 772 × 1,250, 662 pages; 10.64 MB
BLV 217 Martin Montanus Schwankbücher 1557–1566.pdf 772 × 1,252, 726 pages; 19.73 MB
BLV 218 Briefwechsel zwischen Gleim und Uz.pdf 772 × 1,252, 569 pages; 16.17 MB
BLV 219 Briefwechsel Albrecht von Haller und Eberhard Friedrich von Gemmingen.pdf 677 × 1,339, 194 pages; 5.62 MB
Boylesve - Mademoiselle Cloque, 1899.pdf 620 × 1,022, 411 pages; 42.67 MB
A brief history of the city of New York (IA briefhistoryofci00todd).pdf 1,152 × 1,766, 318 pages; 19.16 MB
A brief history of the conflict between the United States and Spain, 1898 .. (IA briefhistoryofco00moff).pdf 700 × 1,039, 56 pages; 1.91 MB
The brushwood boy (IA brushwoodboy00kipl 0).pdf 1,114 × 1,762, 142 pages; 6.12 MB
California volunteers in the "Spanish-American war of 1898" (IA calivolsspanisham00spamrich).pdf 695 × 1,108, 76 pages; 4.89 MB
A civilian attaché; (IA civilianattache00brow).pdf 1,047 × 1,885, 180 pages; 45.59 MB
Clara de Azay - bdh0000051381.pdf 679 × 1,027, 290 pages; 27.43 MB
Coleución de cantares gallegos 1899 Roxelio Lois Estévez.pdf 3,320 × 5,047, 46 pages; 15.67 MB
Colonial cook book; issued for St. John's hospital .. (IA colonialcookbook00harr).pdf 754 × 1,166, 156 pages; 10.33 MB
Constantin Gheorghe Dissescu - Les origines du droit roumain.pdf 770 × 1,316, 74 pages; 11.64 MB
The Spaulding chafing dish book (IA cu31924000659478).pdf 722 × 1,135, 96 pages; 1.38 MB
Turkeys and How to Grow Them (1899) (IA cu31924003171083).pdf 620 × 1,004, 185 pages; 5.17 MB
Egg dainties- how to cook eggs in 150 ways, English and foreign (IA cu31924003579863).pdf 600 × 1,014, 118 pages; 2.18 MB
"Ground arms!" - the story of a life ; a romance of European war (IA cu31924026224083).pdf 583 × 995, 296 pages; 5.32 MB
Our county and its people; a descriptive and biographical record of Genesee County, New York (IA cu31924028853450).pdf 927 × 1,389, 790 pages; 22.4 MB
The 3-6-5 cook book, for use 365 days in the year (IA cu31924089575322).pdf 681 × 1,118, 362 pages; 7.12 MB
Daene Joseph 5l.pdf 666 × 906, 10 pages; 1,020 KB
Darstellung des Menschen in der Älteren Griechischen Kunst (IA darstellungdesme00lang).pdf 1,158 × 1,631, 276 pages; 25.4 MB
De la enseñanza superior en España.pdf 1,525 × 2,337, 118 pages; 7.28 MB
A Delaware Indian legend and the story of their troubles (IA delawareindianle01adam).pdf 839 × 1,250, 88 pages; 3.58 MB
Descrição de uma viagem a Canudos.pdf 818 × 1,220, 224 pages; 24.72 MB
Design in textile fabrics (IA designintextilef00ashe 0).pdf 662 × 1,000, 284 pages; 11.5 MB
The Dewey cook book (IA deweycookbook00youn).pdf 850 × 1,197, 168 pages; 8.63 MB
Diccionario Bibliographico Brazileiro v5.pdf 777 × 1,277, 501 pages; 62.79 MB
Documents de la session de la Puissance du Canada-1899 ( Volume 33, no.6, Documents de la session no. 7-8a) (IA documents78as1899cana).pdf 887 × 1,381, 1,156 pages; 110.43 MB
Duiliu Zamfirescu - Poezii noua.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 63 pages; 738 KB
Duiliu Zamfirescu - Poeziĭ nouě.pdf 608 × 868, 53 pages; 3.69 MB
Education of defectives (IA educationofdefec00alle).pdf 672 × 1,010, 66 pages; 3.71 MB
El collar de perlas, obra que trata de política y administración.pdf 1,541 × 1,012, 549 pages; 40.82 MB
Estela - Jose Maria Quevedo.pdf 550 × 914, 49 pages; 1.02 MB
Estudio biografico sobre Fray Cayetano Jose - AAVV.pdf 835 × 1,322, 260 pages; 13.47 MB
Farmers' Bulletin. No. 0051, 1897, ed. 1899 - Standard varieties of chickens (gb x4AaAAAAYAAJ).pdf 820 × 1,372, 49 pages; 14.94 MB
The Fries rebellion, 1798-99; (IA friesrebellion1700dav).pdf 816 × 1,318, 202 pages; 10.1 MB
Galerie Jos. V. Novák in Prag (IA galeriejosvnovak00frim).pdf 797 × 1,170, 82 pages; 5.57 MB
George Bibescu - O execuțiune.pdf 793 × 1,260, 17 pages; 457 KB
George Bibescu - Prisonnier - Coblence - 1870-1871.pdf 770 × 1,297, 194 pages; 2.69 MB
George I. Ionnescu-Gion - Istoria Bucurescilor.pdf 1,168 × 1,750, 795 pages; 250.36 MB
George T. Buzoianu - Noul atlas pentru clasa I secundară - 1899-1900.pdf 629 × 987, 33 pages; 3.86 MB
Grigore G. Tocilescu - Marele Dicționar Geografic al României - alcătuit și prelucrat după dicționarele parțiale pe județe. Volumul 2.pdf 1,512 × 1,879, 800 pages; 17.22 MB
"Grip's" historical souvenir of Cortland (IA gripshistoricals00welche).pdf 931 × 1,500, 256 pages; 21.51 MB
Haralamb Lecca - Casta-Diva.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 239 pages; 2.5 MB
The higher life. A poem (IA higherlifepoem00wisn).pdf 693 × 1,010, 154 pages; 3.96 MB
The History of the Church Missionary Society, vol. III.pdf 789 × 1,285, 970 pages; 71.04 MB
The History of the Church Missionary Society, volume I.pdf 816 × 1,239, 545 pages; 14.64 MB
The History of the Church Missionary Society, volume II.pdf 812 × 1,206, 679 pages; 18.52 MB
The History of the Church Missionary Society, volume III.pdf 816 × 1,218, 940 pages; 27.94 MB
Hokusai (IA hokusai00holm 0).pdf 964 × 1,277, 104 pages; 4.43 MB
Honor of thieves; a novel (IA honorofthievesno00hyne).pdf 1,131 × 1,789, 312 pages; 101.79 MB
The hop; its culture and cure, marketing and manufacture (IA hopitsculturecur00myririch).pdf 652 × 1,043, 332 pages; 50.35 MB
How to Get Strong (1899).pdf 933 × 1,460, 596 pages; 24.07 MB
Ioan Cantacuzino - Nouvelles recherches sur le mode de destruction des vibrions dans l’organisme.pdf 945 × 1,468, 29 pages; 7.87 MB
The iron ore trust (IA ironoretrust00hallrich).pdf 722 × 1,206, 16 pages; 715 KB
Ivan Cankar - Hamlet.pdf 327 × 485, 216 pages; 21.67 MB
Ivan Cankar - Vinjete.pdf 679 × 1,060, 291 pages; 7.28 MB
Ivan Vrhovec - Avstralija in nje otoki.pdf 779 × 1,210, 234 pages; 91.85 MB
The jingle book (IA jinglebook00well).pdf 766 × 1,052, 144 pages; 6.21 MB
Josip Stritar - Jagode.pdf 627 × 895, 157 pages; 4.2 MB
Kaunitz, Philipp Cobenzl, und Spielmann (IA kaunitzphilippco01schl).pdf 791 × 1,389, 158 pages; 6.79 MB
Knaves of Diamonds.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 291 pages; 63.06 MB
La República Argentina y Chile - bdh0000037458 - Volumen 1.pdf 2,300 × 1,593, 491 pages; 14.76 MB
La República Argentina y Chile - bdh0000037458 - Volumen 2.pdf 2,333 × 1,370, 494 pages; 14.61 MB
Ladies' P.M. cook book, given by them for the benefit of the Cotuit library .. (IA ladiespmcookbook00bear).pdf 814 × 1,191, 52 pages; 4.56 MB
Lady Evelyn (IA ladyevelyn00flem).pdf 1,058 × 1,656, 298 pages; 170.77 MB
Lakeside Park hotel, Lakeside Park, Orleans co., N.Y (IA lakesideparkhote00newy).pdf 914 × 697, 20 pages; 614 KB
Las dos cajas - bdcyl16703.pdf 437 × 754, 101 pages; 2.96 MB
Le Toucher - enseignement du piano basé sur la physiologie, volume 1, Marie Jaëll.pdf 2,133 × 2,816, 122 pages; 38.18 MB
Le Toucher - enseignement du piano basé sur la physiologie, volume 2, Marie Jaëll.pdf 2,133 × 2,893, 108 pages; 39.88 MB
Le Toucher - enseignement du piano basé sur la physiologie, volume 3, Marie Jaëll.pdf 2,133 × 2,822, 116 pages; 35.7 MB
Lefnadsteckning öfver Catherine Booth.pdf 918 × 1,293, 262 pages; 81.02 MB
A life of Richard Badiley, vice-admiral of the fleet (IA lifeofrichardbad00spaliala).pdf 833 × 1,341, 352 pages; 14.52 MB
Lippincotts Monthly Magazine-63.pdf 968 × 1,497, 1,067 pages; 56.11 MB
López Otero, José. 1899. El periodismo en Pontevedra.pdf 1,333 × 952, 147 pages; 8.32 MB
Marya Weryho-Nacia na pensyi.pdf 652 × 1,020, 191 pages; 10.12 MB
Maurice Hauriou — La gestion administrative - étude théorique de droit administratif, 1899.pdf 743 × 1,241, 116 pages; 3.38 MB
Milton (IA milton01maca).pdf 583 × 920, 124 pages; 4.86 MB
Mord rytualny.pdf 816 × 1,222, 44 pages; 10.84 MB
Musings of a bachelor; or, The farmer poet (IA musingsofbachelo00ridd).pdf 756 × 1,229, 128 pages; 4.32 MB
My good poems (IA mygoodpoems00fair).pdf 725 × 1,106, 252 pages; 7.77 MB
Naszreddin Hodsa tréfái by Ignacz Kunos.pdf 633 × 1,258, 76 pages; 10.18 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Cronicele muntene. Volumul 1 - Cronicele din secolul al XVII-lea.pdf 862 × 1,300, 161 pages; 2.87 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Documente romînești din archivele Bistriței - (scrisori domnești și scrisori private). Partea 1.pdf 687 × 1,070, 223 pages; 27.68 MB
Nicolae Iorga - La vie intellectuelle des roumains en 1899 - Opinions sincères.pdf 618 × 1,006, 220 pages; 13.15 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Notes et extraits pour servir à l’histoire des croisades au XVe siècle. Volumul 2.pdf 825 × 1,293, 601 pages; 13.48 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Socotelile Brașovului și scrisori romanesci catre Sfat în secolul al XVII-lea.pdf 841 × 1,300, 164 pages; 19.96 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Socotelile Sibiiului.pdf 862 × 1,300, 34 pages; 7.27 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Studii istorice asupra Chiliei și Cetății Albe.pdf 820 × 1,300, 422 pages; 8.03 MB
Nicolae S. Basilescu - Mémoire über eine zugruendende Bierbrauerei in Bucurescii-Noui.pdf 972 × 1,435, 18 pages; 4.38 MB
Notas etimológicas a El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha - bdh0000197449.pdf 925 × 1,422, 28 pages; 7.33 MB
Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset - Volume 6.pdf 712 × 1,185, 452 pages; 29.77 MB
O Ceará litterario (1899)-compressedMRC.pdf 968 × 1,275, 54 pages; 9.88 MB
O Muyrakytã e os idolos simbolicos (1899, v. 1).pdf 656 × 1,058, 322 pages; 726.3 MB
O Muyrakytã e os idolos simbolicos (1899, v. 2).pdf 554 × 925, 269 pages; 600.94 MB
Obras dramáticas de Guillermo Shakespeare - Tomo III (1899).pdf 708 × 1,058, 430 pages; 12.27 MB
The old Santa Fé trail; the story of a great highway (IA oldsantaftrailst00inma).pdf 800 × 1,300, 554 pages; 22.14 MB
One hundred mushroom receipts (IA onehundredmushr00sarg).pdf 572 × 750, 66 pages; 2.24 MB
Opiniones y discursos sobre la libertad - Nicasio Orono.pdf 779 × 1,360, 351 pages; 6.94 MB
Our chef's best receipts; a practical cook book for people who like good things to eat (IA ourchefsbestrece00rand).pdf 770 × 1,145, 176 pages; 8.17 MB
Parnaso Sergipano (Volume 1).pdf 850 × 1,377, 268 pages; 4.63 MB
The Peach - the Kansas peach ... (IA peachkansaspeach00barn).pdf 854 × 1,345, 476 pages; 30.29 MB
Perfection in baking (IA perfectioninbaki01brau).pdf 837 × 1,322, 144 pages; 7.16 MB
Petar Stoykov Krasto Zarev Voyvoda.pdf 883 × 1,202, 16 pages; 4.9 MB
Petty, William - Economic Writings (1899), vol 2.pdf 829 × 1,254, 395 pages; 16.72 MB
PL A. K. S. - Świat podbiegunowy.pdf 677 × 972, 220 pages; 49.66 MB
PL Adolf Dygasiński - Beldonek.pdf 687 × 1,000, 120 pages; 29.35 MB
PL Edward Nowakowski-Kazanie o czci św. Józefa w dzień konsekracyi kościoła OO Karmelitów bosych.pdf 868 × 1,350, 22 pages; 5.43 MB
PL Edward Nowakowski-Ksiądz Ignacy Polkowski.pdf 1,150 × 1,562, 9 pages; 3.83 MB
PL Edward Nowakowski-O cudownym obrazie Matki Bożej w kościele oo. karmelitów w Białyniczach.pdf 833 × 1,341, 77 pages; 2.91 MB
Poemas Helenicos - Goycochea Menendez - Lucio Stella.pdf 531 × 839, 71 pages; 2.05 MB
Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson (Household ed., Houghton, 1899) (IA poemsemerson00emeriala).pdf 731 × 1,172, 342 pages; 10.74 MB
The professor's daughter (IA professorsdaught00farq).pdf 1,160 × 1,900, 338 pages; 156.49 MB
Rasmala II.pdf 850 × 1,366, 560 pages; 18.19 MB
Redbook-1899 (27GA).pdf 789 × 1,079, 436 pages; 9.49 MB
Retribution at last. A Mormon tragedy of the Rockies (IA retributionatlas00brew).pdf 1,387 × 2,004, 122 pages; 43.31 MB
Reynard the Fox; an early apologue or renown clad in an English dress (IA reynardfoxearlya00goet).pdf 816 × 1,156, 430 pages; 19.82 MB
The romance of conquest- the story of American expansion through arms and diplomacy (IA romanceofconques00grif).pdf 781 × 1,116, 338 pages; 13.71 MB
Rosas del crepusculo - Carlos Ortiz.pdf 800 × 839, 145 pages; 2.57 MB
Samson Raphael Hirsch. Bernard Drachman. The Nineteen Letters of Ben Uziel. 1899.pdf 743 × 1,091, 282 pages; 10.05 MB
Shatakantha-Ramayanamu.pdf 793 × 1,164, 216 pages; 19.1 MB
Shetland Folk-Lore - Spence - 1899.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 263 pages; 2.01 MB
Simion Florea Marian - Sarbatorile la romani - Vol 2 - 1899.pdf 893 × 1,418, 329 pages; 8.57 MB
Slomšekove pridige osnovane.pdf 741 × 1,181, 465 pages; 44.2 MB
Statute of the Shtip Brotherhood 1899.pdf 920 × 1,402, 9 pages; 9.94 MB
Suomalaiset Amerikassa (IA suomalaisetameri00jarniala).pdf 795 × 1,297, 368 pages; 19.42 MB
Sur un nouveau minerai d'urane.pdf 752 × 1,245, 5 pages; 255 KB
The Theory of the Leisure Class.pdf 1,102 × 1,729, 422 pages; 15.27 MB
The wind among the reeds.pdf 697 × 1,110, 128 pages; 3.76 MB
Things as They Are by Bolton Hall (Small, 1899) (IA thingsastheyare00hall).pdf 700 × 1,089, 318 pages; 15.28 MB
Topographie der historischen und Kunst-Denkmale im politischen Bezirke Selcan (IA topographiehist00podl).pdf 1,012 × 1,543, 188 pages; 21.28 MB
Transactions of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society (IA transactionsofma1899mass).pdf 989 × 1,645, 362 pages; 25.77 MB
Vasile Grigore Borgovan - Carte de citire - pentru clasa II primară urbană.pdf 662 × 1,112, 255 pages; 8.29 MB
Vasile Sion - Curs de anatomie patologică generală.pdf 881 × 1,339, 364 pages; 13.27 MB
Vasile Sion - Lésions nerveuses dans la pellagre - (Note préalable).pdf 793 × 1,312, 12 pages; 2.76 MB
Vocabulario de mexicanismos 1899.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 268 pages; 20.43 MB
Volume of various verse (IA volumeofvariousv00colt).pdf 716 × 987, 100 pages; 4.05 MB
Wilhelm Löhe - Predigten für die festliche Hälfte des Kirchenjahres.pdf 760 × 1,272, 483 pages; 39.12 MB
The young acrobat of the Great North American Circus (IA youngacrobat00algerich).pdf 700 × 1,058, 202 pages; 10.02 MB
Zeitschrift des Aachener Geschichtsvereins 21.pdf 831 × 1,316, 300 pages; 10.15 MB
Андерсен-Ганзен 1.pdf 808 × 1,222, 520 pages; 17.13 MB
Андерсен-Ганзен 3.pdf 814 × 1,222, 527 pages; 17.53 MB
Андерсен-Ганзен 4.pdf 814 × 1,222, 521 pages; 22.34 MB
Всеобщая история в сорока книгах. Том 3 (Полибий, пер. Мищенко 1899).pdf 900 × 1,408, 801 pages; 41.12 MB
ЖМНП 1899 Часть 321.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 902 pages; 33.39 MB
ЖМНП 1899 Часть 322.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 936 pages; 36.75 MB
ЖМНП 1899 Часть 324.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 868 pages; 34.73 MB
ЖМНП 1899 Часть 325.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 750 pages; 29.1 MB
ЖМНП 1899 Часть 326.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 794 pages; 36.12 MB
Журнал Министерства народного просвещения 1899 Часть 324 Византийско-арабские отношения в царство.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 58 pages; 2.61 MB