Category:1866 portrait photographs
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Media in category "1866 portrait photographs"
The following 54 files are in this category, out of 54 total.
'L’Equipage à bord’ - van Alexine Tinne 1866 NL-HaNA 249 09.jpg 5,000 × 3,818; 1.05 MB
1866. Княжна Е.М.Долгорукова.jpg 396 × 650; 184 KB
A B Price, carte-de-visite photograph, 1866 (PORTRAITS 2296).jpg 354 × 600; 25 KB
William penn adair.jpg 324 × 684; 199 KB
Alberto de Áustria-Teschen e família.jpg 1,240 × 913; 293 KB
Alexandre Dumas & Adah Isaacs Menken.jpg 1,228 × 1,812; 480 KB
Alfred C Rust, carte-de-visite photograph, 1866 (PORTRAITS 2275).jpg 396 × 600; 26 KB
Brigadier General James W Forsyth, ca 1866 (PORTRAITS 854).jpg 1,287 × 2,241; 141 KB
Cherub and Seraph, by Julia Margaret Cameron.jpg 3,835 × 3,063; 3.36 MB
Chinese Mary and Child.jpg 2,488 × 4,000; 1.01 MB
Count Okuma of the days studying in Nagasaki.jpg 2,597 × 1,655; 569 KB
Dr A F Cromwell, Idaho City, Idaho, ca 1866 (PORTRAITS 630).jpg 361 × 600; 33 KB
Eton XI in 1866.jpg 500 × 338; 55 KB
Zinaida Yusupova at the Age of Five.jpg 1,370 × 1,920; 182 KB
Franz von Teck und Philipp von Württemberg mit Gattinnen (J. Russell um 1866).jpg 1,036 × 1,484; 902 KB
Garibaldi (1866).jpg 1,576 × 1,930; 903 KB
George Peabody, 1866 (PORTRAITS 432).jpg 333 × 600; 26 KB
H Graf - Prinz Sigismund von Preußen (Jan. 1866).jpg 600 × 952; 116 KB
Harald Jerichau 1869 af Pietro Boyesen.jpg 285 × 473; 46 KB
Karl Flach y su hijo.jpg 1,037 × 818; 245 KB
Koning Willem II Hogere Burgerschool te Tilburg (1866) (Vincent).jpg 450 × 830; 197 KB
Koning Willem II Hogere Burgerschool te Tilburg (1866).jpg 3,218 × 2,657; 2.13 MB
Agustín de Iturbide y Green de niño.jpg 1,106 × 1,721; 1.9 MB
BelgianForeignLegion.jpg 962 × 742; 284 KB
Legión de belgas en México.jpg 777 × 599; 165 KB
Masakazu Toyama at Shanghai in O. S. November 1, 1866 (19 years old).jpg 1,392 × 902; 134 KB
Mathias and Johanne Cordelia Rahbek 1866 by J.L. Ussing.jpg 301 × 452; 36 KB
May Day, by Julia Margaret Cameron.jpg 3,296 × 3,918; 3.74 MB
Mr Maybee, 1866 (PORTRAITS 374).jpg 348 × 600; 19 KB
Philip J. Marchant - Double self-portrait - Google Art Project.jpg 2,977 × 4,811; 3.23 MB
Prince Christian and Princess Helena at her wedding.png 429 × 600; 236 KB
Sojourner Truth CDV c1866.jpg 633 × 1,045; 217 KB
Summer Days, by Julia Margaret Cameron.jpg 2,896 × 3,827; 2.55 MB
Szása és Minnie in 1868.jpg 2,850 × 4,416; 2.93 MB
Teck und Württemberg.jpg 1,080 × 1,643; 458 KB
Wilsonfamilyportrait-562411b82bff9637d755ef35343d2c2a0c9d734a-s6-c30.jpg 4,197 × 3,150; 5.72 MB
Young boy, Lennie, at about 4 1-2 years old) - J. G. Stacy, Dover, Me LCCN2016653182.jpg 2,142 × 3,342; 1.05 MB
Young boy, Lennie, at about 4 1-2 years old) - J. G. Stacy, Dover, Me LCCN2016653182.tif 2,142 × 3,342; 20.53 MB
Young girl kneeling in prayer) - Stacy's, 691 Broadway LCCN2016653155.jpg 2,113 × 3,375; 881 KB
Young man in Union Army uniform, 1866 (PORTRAITS 454).jpg 393 × 600; 25 KB