Category:17th-century paintings of Cupid (Eros)
This category has the following 23 subcategories, out of 23 total.
Media in category "17th-century paintings of Cupid (Eros)"
The following 129 files are in this category, out of 129 total.
Pietro Liberi (Attr.) - The birth of love.jpeg 1,083 × 774; 763 KB
Italian Venus blindfolding Cupid.jpg 1,820 × 1,460; 1.22 MB
Peter Paul Rubens – Venus, Cupid, Bacchus and Ceres – WGA20283.jpg 1,145 × 800; 135 KB
RubensVenusCupidBacchusCeres.jpg 400 × 279; 18 KB
Jan van Bijlert - Mars Bound by Amoretti.jpg 1,378 × 1,338; 1.1 MB
Simon de Vos - Chastisement of Cupid.jpg 1,594 × 1,049; 1.32 MB
Simon de Vos - The chastisement of Cupid.jpeg 800 × 528; 508 KB
Jean ducamps, amore che spezza l'arco, roma 1610-30 ca.jpg 3,348 × 4,428; 7.1 MB
Gysbrecht Thys - Venus and Cupid.jpg 810 × 981; 420 KB
Golden Apple of Discord by Jacob Jordaens.jpg 3,051 × 1,935; 4.22 MB
Luigi Miradori Genovesino Cupidon endormi.jpg 500 × 625; 56 KB
Follower of Carlo Maratta - Venus and Cupid - M.Ob.1526 - National Museum in Warsaw.jpg 4,000 × 2,902; 1.97 MB
Follower of Carlo Maratta - Venus and Cupid.jpg 2,340 × 1,664; 1.18 MB
Gian Giacomo Barbelli - Mount Olympus.jpeg 1,067 × 600; 709 KB
Gian Giacomo Barbelli - Olympus.jpg 614 × 349; 55 KB
Liberi Flora.jpg 350 × 470; 151 KB
Abraham Brueghel, Giacinto Gimignani - Venus and Cupid.jpg 1,302 × 917; 1.18 MB
Gobert Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans.jpg 1,272 × 1,704; 1.29 MB
A young woman and child, as Venus and Cupid, by Peter Lely.jpg 4,000 × 3,143; 6.21 MB
Abduction-of-proserpina after rubens (private col.).jpg 1,379 × 513; 490 KB
Abraham Janssens - Ceres, Bacchus and Venus.jpg 1,200 × 937; 206 KB
Abraham Janssens - Venus and Adonis - WGA11938.jpg 882 × 740; 159 KB
Albani Sleeping Cupid.jpg 2,361 × 1,690; 2.64 MB
Alessandro Turchi 001.jpg 1,035 × 770; 131 KB
Amor Vincit Omnia (by Orazio Riminaldi) – Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Florence.jpg 1,937 × 2,500; 799 KB
Annibale carracci (seguace), clizia a cupido, 1630-50 ca.jpg 1,964 × 1,980; 3.17 MB
Bartholomäus Spranger 022.jpg 2,825 × 4,144; 4.51 MB
Abraham Bloemaert - Venus and Adonis - Google Art Project.jpg 5,275 × 3,669; 5.06 MB
Ca' Rezzonico - Venere e Bacco (Inv.73) - Pietro della Vecchia.jpg 4,900 × 3,700; 10.11 MB
Caesar van Everdingen - Amor eine Glaskugel haltend.jpg 2,200 × 1,877; 2.69 MB
Carel van Savoyen (attr.) - Venus and Adonis on a dolphin.JPG 778 × 1,024; 855 KB
Caspar Netscher Venus mit Cupido.jpg 638 × 780; 69 KB
Circle of Joseph Melling - An allegorical scene with the Four Seasons and other figures.png 2,167 × 1,492; 4.14 MB
Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem - Venus, Cupid and Ceres (1604).jpg 4,000 × 3,518; 8.14 MB
Cornelis cornelisz. van haarlem, venere, cupido e cerere, 1604.jpg 4,014 × 3,648; 6.84 MB
Counet Minerva.jpg 531 × 738; 140 KB
David Teniers de Jonge - Venus and Cupid - 1161 - Mauritshuis.jpg 6,000 × 4,409; 7.97 MB
Dirck de quade van ravensteyn, venere a cavallo di un satiro, 1589-1608 ca. (praga).JPG 2,048 × 2,948; 3.26 MB
El Amor desinteresado (Guercino).jpg 2,182 × 2,952; 5.63 MB
Enlèvement d'Hélène, Reni (Louvre INV 539) 06.jpg 3,254 × 4,881; 7.63 MB
Erasmus Quellinus (II)- El Amor dormido, 1630.jpg 2,904 × 2,362; 7.64 MB
Ferdinand Bol - Venus and Adonis - WGA2367.jpg 1,100 × 780; 129 KB
Filip Karol Burbon.jpg 410 × 669; 41 KB
Lavinia Fontana - Venere allatta Cupido (Hermitage).jpg 1,430 × 1,920; 268 KB
Frans Wouters (attr) Satyr und Nymphe.png 4,400 × 3,207; 28.44 MB
Giuseppe Nuvolone - Venus and Cupid in a Landscape - WGA16608.jpg 910 × 662; 90 KB
Gnandstein (Frohburg), Burg, Nikolaus Knüpfer, Venus und Amor.JPG 3,736 × 2,592; 3.08 MB
Hendrick De Clerck - Ceres, Venus and Bacchus.jpg 766 × 950; 761 KB
Hendrik de Clerck & Denis van Alsloot - La mort d'Adonis.jpg 2,370 × 1,663; 2.39 MB
Hendrik de Clerck - The Nuptials of Thetis and Peleus - WGA5022.jpg 4,194 × 2,959; 3.89 MB
Jacob de Wit - Venus, Bacchus en Ceres met de slapende Amor 1720.jpg 2,498 × 2,239; 3.33 MB
Jacob Huysmans (after Anthony van Dyck) - Cupid Preparing His Bow.jpg 918 × 1,200; 114 KB
Jacob Jordaens - Bacchus and Venus.jpg 1,200 × 856; 155 KB
Jacques de Gheyn (II) - Venus and Cupid - c.1605-1610.jpg 2,116 × 2,496; 4.42 MB
Jan Boeckhorst - Apollo en de Python.JPG 960 × 1,133; 893 KB
Jan Brueghel (I) and Hendrick van Balen (I) - Venus and Cupid.jpg 1,456 × 1,920; 342 KB
Jan Miel - Sine Cerere et Baccho Friget Venus (Without Ceres or Bacchus, Venus would freeze).jpg 6,668 × 5,854; 30.63 MB
Jan van den Hoecke and Paul de Vos - Amor as Winner.jpg 2,979 × 2,307; 4.66 MB
Jean-François de Troy - Portrait of a lady as Venus disarming Cupid.png 1,047 × 1,362; 2.74 MB
Joachim Wtewael - Venus, Mars en Cupido - oil paint on copper - around 1610.jpg 1,280 × 1,751; 254 KB
Johann Heinrich Schönfeld - Triumph of Venus - WGA21059.jpg 1,500 × 831; 163 KB
Jürgen Ovens - Portret pary małżeńskiej.jpg 543 × 555; 62 KB
Pieter Lastman - Juno Discovering Jupiter with Io - WGA12485.jpg 6,060 × 4,231; 5.57 MB
Eustache Le Sueur. Life of Cupid - Cupid Stealing the Thunder of Jupiter, 1646-1647.jpg 1,115 × 1,184; 797 KB
Eustache Le Sueur - The Birth of Cupid - WGA12606.jpg 900 × 1,297; 166 KB
Lely venus-cupid.jpg 2,210 × 1,706; 642 KB
Lorenzo Gennari - Venera doji Amorja.jpg 1,600 × 744; 512 KB
Love triumphant.jpg 1,957 × 2,671; 2.32 MB
Luca Giordano - Venus, Cupid and Mars.jpg 422 × 500; 51 KB
Marco Liberi - Vênus desarmando Cupido.jpg 1,698 × 2,115; 2.17 MB
Pierre Mignard - La Marquesa de Seignelay.jpg 1,920 × 2,440; 1.15 MB
Mignard - Louis Alexandre de Bourbon as Cupid - Versailles, MV3625.jpg 741 × 558; 114 KB
Venus and Adonis by Nicolas Mignard.jpg 2,491 × 3,886; 2.42 MB
Moninckx, Pieter - L’Amour endormi sur un crâne.jpg 800 × 480; 53 KB
Nicolas Chaperon - Vénus, Mercure et l'Amour.jpg 613 × 511; 323 KB
Nieznany malarz holenderski - Venus and Adonis - M.Ob.1026 - National Museum in Warsaw.jpg 4,000 × 3,163; 1.68 MB
Padovanino, venere che riposa con un amorino.jpg 1,696 × 2,281; 2.64 MB
Peter Lely - Portrait of a young woman and child, as Venus and Cupid.Jpeg 4,000 × 3,143; 4.23 MB
Peter Paul Rubens - The Rape of Proserpina, 1636-1638.jpg 3,045 × 2,010; 2.13 MB
Pierre Mignard (1610-1695) - Time Clipping Cupid's Wings (1694).jpg 1,690 × 2,142; 885 KB
Pierre Mignard - The Comte de Toulouse as a Child - NM 2437 - Nationalmuseum.jpg 1,000 × 767; 123 KB
Pietro Liberi (attr) Sine Cenere et Baccho friget Venus.jpg 5,475 × 6,247; 17.65 MB
Pietro Liberi Venus Cupido y las Tres Gracias Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz 2.jpg 1,440 × 1,081; 1.71 MB
Podestà - L'Amour réveillant un enfant endormi, 07700000203.jpg 1,386 × 1,080; 270 KB
Venus Riding a Satyr.jpg 717 × 1,183; 150 KB
Simon Vouet - Psyche betrachtet den schlafenden Amor - Detail.jpg 482 × 625; 240 KB
Sleeping Venus and Cupido, by Godefridus Schalcken.jpg 4,799 × 4,024; 9.42 MB
Theodoor van Thulden - Perseus Frees Andromeda.jpg 1,360 × 1,182; 530 KB
Theodoor van Thulden - Venus and Adonis - WGA22236.jpg 2,000 × 1,481; 913 KB
Time Clipping the Wings of Love - Nationalmuseum - 17417.tif 2,466 × 4,081; 28.82 MB
Van Dyck - Time clipping Cuid's wings.jpg 751 × 1,173; 405 KB
Venus en Adonis Rijksmuseum SK-A-4823.jpeg 7,098 × 5,100; 4.4 MB
Venus et l'Amour, Diane et l'Amour - Federigo CERVELLI.jpg 1,234 × 1,440; 301 KB
Venus og Adonis.jpg 5,274 × 3,668; 12.57 MB
Venus with a Mirror - Nationalmuseum - 17156.tif 2,619 × 2,144; 16.1 MB
Venus, Cupid and Pan, oil on copper painting by Giovanni Bilivert.jpg 1,440 × 2,000; 1.09 MB
1626 Vouet The Toilet of Venus anagoria.JPG 2,850 × 3,918; 6.67 MB
Workshop of Jan Brueghel (II) - Venus in the Forge of Vulcan.jpg 5,333 × 3,414; 4.02 MB
Workshop of Mignard - Allegorical Portrait, Venus Blindfolding Cupid.png 1,125 × 1,393; 2.29 MB
Workshop of Peter Paul Rubens - Venus, Mars and Cupid.jpg 3,183 × 4,342; 2.17 MB