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BSicon/Catalogue/narrow icons/stations

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BHF Station

e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext
dBHF                                 Station
dKBHFxa                                 Station disused line ends
dKBHFxe                                 Station disused line continues onward
hdBHF                                 Station elevated
dKBHFa                                 Station at start of line
dKBHFe                                 Station at end of line
dBHFq                                 Station across
dKBHFl                                 Station terminal, line to left
dKBHFr                                 Station terminal, line to right
hdBHFq                                 Across elevated
dBHF-L                                 Station interchange to the left
dKBHFa-L                                 Station interchange to the left, at start of line
dKBHFxa-L                                 Station interchange to the left, at start of line
dKBHFe-L                                 Station interchange to the left, at end of line
dKBHFxe-L                                 Station interchange to the left, at end of line
dBHF-M                                 Station interchange to both sides
dKBHFa-M                                 Station interchange to both sides, at start of line
dKBHFxa-M                                 Station interchange to both sides, at start of line
dKBHFe-M                                 Station interchange to both sides, at end of line
dKBHFxe-M                                 Station interchange to both sides, at end of line
dBHF-R                                 Station interchange to the right
dKBHFa-R                                 Station interchange to the right, at start of line
dKBHFxa-R                                 Station interchange to the right, at start of line
dKBHFe-R                                 Station interchange to the right, at end of line
dKBHFxe-R                                 Station interchange to the right, at end of line
dTBHF                                 Station indeterminate interchange or same level
dTBHFo                                 Station over line across
dTBHF-Lo                                 Station over line across, interchange to the left
dTBHF-Ro                                 Station over line across, interchange to the right
dTBHFu                                 Station under line across
dTBHF-Lu                                 Station under line across, interchange to the left
dTBHF-Mu                                 Station under line across, interchange to both sides
dTBHF-Ru                                 Station under line across, interchange to the right
dTBHF-Ruq                                 Station across under line through, interchange to the right
dTBHF-Luq                                 Station across under line through, interchange to the left
mdTBHF-Ruq                                 Station across under light rail through, interchange to the right
mdTBHF-Luq                                 Station across under light rail through, interchange to the left
Limited service
dpBHF                                 Station
dpBHF-M                                 Station interchange to both sides
dpBHF-R                                 Station interchange to the right
dpBHF+1-R                                 Station interchange to the right, line from corner 1
dSBHF-L danmark                                 Station right end of interchange
dKSBHFa-L danmark                                 Station right end of interchange, at start of line
dKSBHFe-L danmark                                 Station right end of interchange, at end of line
dSBHF-M danmark                                 Station middle section of interchange
dSBHF-R danmark                                 Station left end of interchange
dKSBHFa-R danmark                                 Station left end of interchange, at start of line
dKSBHFe-R danmark                                 Station left end of interchange, at end of line
dSBHF                                 Station
dSBHF-L                                 Stop interchange connects to left
dKSBHFa-L                                 Stop interchange connects to left, at start of line
dKSBHFe-L                                 Stop interchange connects to left, at end of line
dSBHF-M                                 Stop interchange connects to left and right
dSBHF-R                                 Stop interchange connects to right
dKSBHFa-R                                 Stop interchange connects to right, at start of line
dKSBHFe-R                                 Stop interchange connects to right, at end of line
dTS+BHF-Lo                                 Station cross line under, interchange to the left
dTS+BHF-Ro                                 Station cross line under, interchange to the right
e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext

Parallel across


Left and right half station icons to create various combinations for parallel lines across.

  e x ex u ue ux uex
dvBHF~Fq                 Station at left
dKBHFaq-BHFq~L                 Terminus and through station at left
dBHFq-KBHFaq~L                 Through station and terminus at left
dvBHF~Gq                 Station at right
dKBHFeq-BHFq~R                 Terminus and through station at right
dBHFq-KBHFeq~R                 Through station and terminus at right
  e x ex u ue ux uex

HST Stop

e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext
dHST                                 Minor station
dKHSTxa                                 Minor station disused line ends
dKHSTxe                                 Minor station disused line continues onward
dpHST                                 Minor station some services do not stop
dKHSTa                                 Start of line
dKHSTe                                 End of line
dHST+1                                 On curve from corner 1
dHST2                                 On curve to corner 2
dHST3                                 On curve to corner 3
dHST+4                                 On curve from corner 4
dHSTq                                 Across
hdHSTq                                 Across elevated
dKHSTxaq                                 Across disused line to right
dKHSTxeq                                 Across disused line to left
dKHSTaq                                 End of line line to left
dKHSTeq                                 End of line line to right
dSHST                                 S-Bahn stop
dHST-L                                 Minor station connects to left
dHST-M                                 Minor station connects to left & right
dHST-R                                 Minor station connects to right
dKHSTa-L                                 Start of line connects to left
dKHSTa-R                                 Start of line connects to right
dKHSTe-L                                 End of line connects to left
dKHSTe-R                                 End of line connects to right
e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext

DST Depôt

e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext
dDST                                 Depôt
dKDSTxa                                 Depôt disused line continues backward
dKDSTxe                                 Depôt disused line continues onward
dKDSTa                                 Depôt at start of line
dKDSTe                                 Depôt at end of line
dDST-L                                 Depôt left section
dKDSTxa-L                                 Depôt left section, disused line continues backward
dKDSTe-L                                 Depôt left section, at end of line
dDST-M                                 Depôt middle section
dDST-R                                 Depôt right section
dDSTq                                 Depôt across
dKDSTaq                                 Depôt line runs to left
dKDSTeq                                 Depôt line runs to right
e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext

BST Minor depôt

e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext
dBST                                 Minor depôt
dKBSTxa                                 Minor depôt continues from disused line
dKBSTxe                                 Minor depôt disused line continues onward
dKBSTa                                 Minor depôt at start of line
dKBSTCCa                                 Minor depôt at start, into tunnel
dKBSTe                                 Minor depôt at end of line
dBSTq                                 Minor depôt across
dKBSTaq                                 Minor depôt line runs to left
dKBSTeq                                 Minor depôt line runs to right
dKBST1-                                 Minor depôt line from corner 1
d-KBST2                                 Minor depôt line from corner 2
d-KBST3                                 Minor depôt line from corner 3
dKBST4-                                 Minor depôt line from corner 4
e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext

INTerchange and ACCessible

e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext
dINT                                 Interchange
dINTq                                 Interchange across
dINT-L                                 Interchange left part
dINT-M                                 Interchange middle part
dINT-R                                 Interchange right part
ldvINTlq                                 Interchange legend; double across; right part
dACC                                 Station
dINTACC                                 Interchange
dKINTACCa                                 Interchange start of line
dKINTACCe                                 Interchange end of line
e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext