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Command & Conquer Wiki

The Wave-Force trigun was a heavy weapons emplacement used by the Empire of the Rising Sun during the Third World War. They were the primary anti-surface armament of the Imperial Floating Fortresses.

Deployment History[]

During The Unfathomable Fortress, Wave-Force Triguns were assisted by Radar boats for targeting. The Allies and Soviets destroyed the Radar Boats to prevent the Wave-Force Triguns from interfering.

In the challenge All Guns Blazing (set on the map Battlebase Quartus), each player start with Wave-Force Triguns in their base.

Game Structure[]

The guns had an exceptional range and were devastating to anything they hit, but unlike the Wave-Force Artillery and Wave-Force tower, they cannot use Premature Discharge to fire early with reduced damage. Under normal circumstances, they are rather devastating in action, but cannot target air, is outranged by siege units, and has trouble dealing with smaller units that invade its blindspot.

See also[]

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