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The Strategy Center is the key element to building and controlling the more sophisticated structures in the USA arsenal. When you build a Strategy Center, new structures become available for creation.
- Generals manual(src)

The Strategy Center is the tech structure for the United States in Generals and Zero Hour.

Game Structure[]

The Strategy Center is required for the deployment of the most advanced American units and structures. In addition to serving as a Tech Structure, it is able to set different Battle Plans which affects all ground units under command of its respective player. Each strategy also changes the building's own characteristics, potentially making it useful as a defensive structure. In Zero Hour, the Strategy Center additionally incorporates Detention Camp's Intelligence ability, revealing all enemy units (without stealth detection) and everything within their line of sight.

Battle Plans[]

Once a Battle Plan is chosen, it cannot be cancelled, and while it can be changed, doing so will temporarily shut down all units affected by the bonus. Activating any Strategy will reveal the associated Battle Plan and the structure's own location. If it is destroyed, all bonuses conferred to any units are lost. It is possible to capture enemy Strategy Centers and have multiple Battle Plans active, but any sharing the same one will not cause its effects to stack.

Each Battle Plan will also change the characteristics of the building itself: either doubling its durability, granting it stealth detection abilities, or deploying an artillery gun, depending on what plan was selected.


Support powers[]




Hold the line.
- When ordered to use Hold the Line
Search and destroy.
- When ordered to use Search and Destroy
- When ordered to use Bombardment



  • The Strategy Center's concept art is used as a scientific laboratory in General Leang's challenge map.

See also[]

Gen USA Logo United States of America Generals Arsenal Gen USA Logo