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The Sentry Gun was the Soviet Union's basic base defense structure during the Third World War.

Game Structure[]

The Sentry Gun is a specialized anti-surface defense. Thanks to dealing large amounts of Auto Cannon damage, it proves to be quite the threat against small attack forces it could hit, or even Commandos, though not artillery units or aircraft.


  • Although visually exposed, the conscript is merely attached to the building's model, and will only perish with its destruction, or just despawn, even on land.
  • The conscript manning the sentry gun will drink from a bottle (which uses the same model as the Molotov cocktail) when idle. When selected, he will quickly drop the bottle, only to pick it up again once unselected.
  • The fact that it requires power to function suggests the machine guns may be driven by electricity.

See Also[]

RA3 Soviet logo Soviet Red Alert 3 Arsenal RA3 Soviet logo