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Command & Conquer Wiki

The Desolator Airstrike is a Soviet Top Secret Protocol used during the Third World War's third iteration.

When activated, it calls in 1-3 Badger Bombers, which then deploy a corrosive and toxic payload (a byproduct of Super Reactors) on the targeted area. The toxic waste is lethal against infantry, and continuously damages vehicles, but is harmless against structures.

The toxic waste also clears garrisoned infantry, while leaving the structures themselves unharmed. Higher levels increases the radius significantly.

Game effects[]

There are 3 levels of the Desolator Airstrike:

  • Desolator Airstrike - one Badger Bomber is called in and covers a small area with toxic waste, damaging all units in the area, and clearing garrisoned structures.
  • Desolator Dual Airstrike - two Badger Bombers are called in and cover a medium area with toxic waste, damaging all units in the area, and clearing garrisoned structures.
  • Desolator Delta Airstrike - three Badger Bombers are called in and cover a large area with toxic waste, damaging all units in the area, and clearing garrisoned structures.


See also[]

RA3 Soviet logo Soviet Red Alert 3 Arsenal RA3 Soviet logo