"A Scooter for Yaksmas" is the second Christmas-themed episode of the Nickelodeon animated series The Ren & Stimpy Show, produced as the tenth and last episode of the show's fifth season. Originally aired as part of the SNICKtoons Christmas Gift Pack (a special edition of the SNICK programming block that also included reruns of "Doug's Christmas Story", "The Santa Experience", and "Rocko's Modern Christmas!: Can't Squeeze Cheer From a Cheese Log!"), this was notably the original show's last episode to premiere on Nickelodeon (though one more episode produced earlier in the season premiered on MTV in October 1996) and its last episode in production order (prior to its attempted reboot as Ren & Stimpy's Adult Party Cartoon).
On his way home from work on Yaksmas Eve, Stimpy drops by a toy store where a Johnny Future Jet Scooter is on display. Stimpy is hoping to get the scooter for Yaksmas, so when he gets home, he continually drops hints to Ren about it. Later, he prepares the house for the arrival of Stinky Wizzleteats (who in this episode is the Yaksmas equivalent to Santa Claus) and the Shaven Yak. On Yaksmas morning, after feasting on the sausages and pre-chewed gum that Stinky left for them, Ren and Stimpy exchange gifts. To Stimpy's dismay, though, Ren instead seemingly gives him a box of fudge popsicle sticks (something he is shown to already have a lot of because he works at the factory that makes them).
Stimpy goes out and throws a fit in front of the toy store where the scooter is on display, accidentally breaking the window in the process and causing the scooter to fall into his hands. An old lady sees his outrage, mistakenly believes that he is stealing the scooter, and gives chase after him, accompanied by a police officer. Stimpy goes into hiding with the scooter and, after he has a nightmare about being put on trial for the theft, decides to go back and ask Ren for help, but Ren has gotten caught up in the publicity over the theft. Stimpy instead decides to tell Stinky Wizzleteats about his dilemma, believing that he's the only one who can help. During his journey, he is briefly joined by a fat oaf by telling him that he's a CIA agent who has been sent to deliver the scooter to Stinky, but when the oaf finds out Stimpy is the scooter thief the police are after, he runs off.
When Stimpy finally gets to the West Pole (which is a motel) with the toy store's scooter (which has taken quite a beating by this time), he finds Stinky and the Shaven Yak having passed out, along with a present addressed to him from Ren. He opens it and, to his joy, finds that Ren actually did buy the scooter for him after all, and Stinky merely forgot to deliver it. Stimpy heads back home with his scooter, leaving the toy store's scooter with Stinky, under the assumption that Stinky will repair it and then return it to the toy store (in actuality, though, Stinky and the Yak now end up being pursued by the police for the scooter theft).
The episode was made available on home video on The Ren & Stimpy Show: Season Five and Some More of Four DVD set, released by Paramount Home Entertainment in 2005.
- The jury of yaks in Stimpy's nightmare are labelled as "12 Angry Yaks", which is a reference to the courtroom drama Twelve Angry Men.
Voice actor/actress | Character(s) |
Billy West | Ren Höek Stimpy J. Cat |
Bob Camp | Stinky Wizzleteats |
June Lockhart | Strange Boy |
Harris Peet | Muddy Mudskipper |
See also[]
External links[]
- The Ren and Stimpy Show Wiki: A Scooter for Yaksmas
- "A Scooter for Yaksmas" at the Internet Movie Database
- "A Scooter for Yaksmas" recap at TV Tropes