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For more general discussion of all weapons that could be called "swords" in Castlevania, see Swords.
HC Sword

In post-Symphony of the Night 2D games, blades that move in a horizontal slashing motion and deal Slash damage are classified as "Swords". This class distinguishes them from blades that are moved in an arc over the head ("Great Swords"), moved in a stabbing motion ("knives" and "Rapiers", depending on size), and those drawn out from a sheath ("Katana").

The class "Swords" are sometimes classified as "One-Handed" swords, as it is in 3D game Curse of Darkness, since the word "Sword" is reserved for all blades.

Historic Basic Swords are Swords that are generic and based on actual historical weapons. These can be of varying sizes but generally move with thin horizontal slices, do not have unique moves or flashy effects, do not deal special types of damage, and do not modify other statistics by a significant degree. The current ATK ranking of these swords throughout all games are as follows: Short Sword, Gladius (SotN version), Bastard Sword (AoS version), Cutlass, Long Sword, Saber, Broadsword, Ada, Sword Breaker, Schiavona, Kris Naga, Gladius (DoS and PoR version), Bakatwa, Damascus Sword (SotN version), Jagdplaute, Bastard Sword (SotN and CoD version), Talwar, Damascus Sword (CoD and PoR version) and 7 Bladed Sword.

Legendary Basic Swords are like Historic Basic Swords, except that they are based on swords of myth and fiction, may have special flashy effects when swung, and may give its wielder a significant stat boost other than ATK. These include the Sword of Hador, Luminus, Harper, Gram, Dark Blade, Fragarach, Joyeuse, Burtgang and Laser Blade.

Special Swords can have special attack ranges, deal special types of damage, have special attacks, or have unusual effects. These include the Agni's Flame (fire), Laevatain (fire), Rahab's Frost (ice), Vjaya (thunder), Hrunting (poison), Milican's Sword (stone), Holy Sword, Mystletain (holy), Kaladbolg (dark), Tyrfing (dark), Vorpal Blade ("sound"), Valmanway ("wind"), Heaven's Sword (thrown), the Stellar Sword (Maxim's), Badelaire (stronger with time), Mablung Sword (works with Shields), Mourneblade (steals souls), Alucard Sword (warp attack) and Alucart Sword (used for Alucart status).

The Scimitar, Falchion, and Muramasa (stronger the more you slay), Dainslef (stronger when bloodied, curse), were originally Sword class weapons, but now appear as Great Swords.

Game specific information[]

Haunted Castle[]

Sword is the most powerful weapon in Haunted Castle.

Item Data: Sword
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Sword Sword (jpn) - Haunted Castle
  Weapon (Sword) - Simon Belmont
Most powerful weapon. Damage = 3 HP
Drop: Phantom (3. Banquet Room)

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night[]

Most of the items classified as "Swords" in Symphony of the Night move in a horizontal slashing motion like in the modern definition. There are a few exceptions though and the motion of some swords were changed in later games. The type of damage they dealt is usually called Cut, which is equivalent to Slash.

Because of their size, the Short Sword, Stone Sword, and Jewel Sword were classified as Short Swords, along with knives, even though they swung like the other Sword. The swords that appear in later games were classified as swords and smaller stabbing weapons as knives.

The Vorpal Blade and more powerful Crissaegrim moved differently than most Swords. These swing extremely rapidly in a diagonal arcing motion. These swings can be performed many times in a second and can be swung while walking.

The Basic Swords (no special abilities or elements) in Symphony of the Night ranged from ATK +3 to ATK +30 and were generally separated by about 2 ATK. The Hunter Sword is also DEF -1, while the Dark Blade is DEF +1. The Historical Basic Swords (generic and based on real sword types) were the weaker of these swords and many have reappeared in later games. The Legendary Basic Swords (which have a special flashing motion but no special abilities and do not appear in later games) were the most powerful of these swords.

The rank of the Historic Basic Swords is as follows: Gladius, Scimitar, Cutlass, Saber, Falchion, Broadsword, Bekatowa, Damascus Sword, Hunter Sword, Bastard Sword, and Talwar.

The rank of the Legendary Basic Swords is as follows: Sword of Hador, Luminus, Harper, Gram, and Dark Blade.

The attack rank of most of the Basic Swords that reappeared in later games as Swords stayed the same with a few exceptions. The Gladius went from one of the weakest swords to one of the strongest (now somewhat stronger than a Broadsword. The Bastard Sword on the other hand went from one of the strongest swords to one of the weakest (now just ahead of a Short Sword). The Damascus Sword increased its already respectable strength so that it became the strongest Sword in Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (overtaking the Hunter Sword).

Many of the Swords have special effects in the game or deal special elemental damage. These Special Swords include the Firebrand (and its more powerful cousin, the Marsil), Icebrand, Thunderbrand, Mormegil (Black Sword), Holy Sword, Tyrfing (Cursed Sword, reduces your attack strength), and the Terminus Est (can poison enemies). Most of these special Swords made appearances in one way or another in later games. The majority of these remained classified as Swords in later games. The Holy Swords Claimh Solais and Holy Claymore later appear as Great Swords though.

Item Data: Symphony of the Night Swords
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Gladius Icon Gladius (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Sword of ancient Rome
Japan Ancient Roman sword
Attrib: Cut
ATT +3
Find: Outer Wall (after defeating Doppleganger10)
Scimitar - Broadsword Icon Scimitar (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Single edged curved sword
Japan Crescent bladed sword. Curved single-edged sword
Attrib: Cut
ATT +5
Find: Underground Caverns (Scylla battle)
Drop: Skull Lord
Cutlass Icon Cutlass (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Sword of the English Navy
Japan Royal Navy cutlass
Attrib: Cut
ATT +7
Find: Royal Chapel
Drop: Sword Lord, Corner Guard, Owl Knight
Saber Icon Saber (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Light cavalry sword
Japan Cavalry sword
Attrib: Cut
ATT +9
Buy: $1,500
Drop: Armor Lord, Magic Tome
Falchion Icon Falchion (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Norman curved sword
Japan Broad scimitar used by the Normans
Attrib: Cut
ATT +10
Find: Castle Keep
Scimitar - Broadsword Icon Broadsword (Katzbalger) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Simple mercenary's sword
Japan A simple sword used by mercenaries
Attrib: Cut
ATT +12
Find: Olrox's Quarters (hidden)
Drop: Spectral Sword
Bekatowa Icon Bekatowa (Bakatwa) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Plain, easy-to-use war sword
Japan A simple, practical, and easy to use sword with no frills
Attrib: Cut
ATT +14
Find: Clock Tower (requires Bat Form)
Drop: Sword Lord
Damascus Sword Icon Damascus Sword (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Fine sword honed to razor-edge
Japan A hard sword made of superior materials that does not chip
Attrib: Cut
ATT +17
Buy: $4,000
Drop: Corner Guard
Hunter Sword Icon Hunter Sword (Jagdplaute) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Ivory handled hunting sword
Japan An elegantly crafted sword used by nobles for hunting
Attrib: Cut
ATT +20, DEF -1
Drop: Blade
Bastard Sword Icon Bastard Sword (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Standard sword
Japan One-handed half-sword with a long handle
Attrib: Cut
ATT +20
Find: Reverse Keep
Drop: Spectral Sword
Talwar Icon Talwar (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Curved Indian sword
Japan Indian curved sword
Attrib: Cut
ATT +22
Find: Anti-Chapel
Sword of Hador Icon Sword of Hador (Sword of Helge) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
House of Hador heirloom
Japan Helge's sword
Attrib: Cut
ATT +24
Find: Death Wing's Lair
Luminus Icon Luminus (Orcrist) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Sword forged by elves
Japan A sword said to have been forged by elves
Attrib: Cut
ATT +26
Find: Reverse Clock Tower
Harper Icon Harper (Harpe) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
The sword named Harper
Japan Harper
Attrib: Cut
ATT +28
Buy: $12,000 (later)
Gram Icon Gram (Famous Sword Gram) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
The sword named Gram
Japan Famous sword Gram
Attrib: Cut
ATT +30
Find: Reverse Colosseum
Dark Blade Icon Dark Blade (Glamdring) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Sword forged by elves
Japan A famous sword said to have been forged by elves
Attrib: Cut
ATT +35, DEF +2
Find: Reverse Caverns
Alucard Sword Icon Alucart Sword (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Resembles family sword
Japan Similar to mother's keepsake sword
Attrib: Cut
ATT +2
Find: Marble Gallery (requires Double Jump and Stopwatch)
Effect: Equip with Alucart Shield and Alucart Mail for Alucart status (LCK +30)
Tyrfing Icon Tyrfing (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Cursed dark sword
Japan Cursed dark sword
Attrib: Dark, Cut
ATT -30
Find: Castle Keep
Effect: If total ATT is 0 or less passes through enemies; piercing (enemies must be resistant to both Dark and Cut to not take full damage)
Mormegil Icon Mormegil (Holy Buster) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Black sword - strong vs. holy
Japan A dark sword that works against holy people
Attrib: Dark/Cut
ATT +25
Find: Catacombs (after defeating Granfaloon)
Thunderbrand Icon Thunderbrand (Thunder Sword of Indra) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Lightning sword of Indra
Japan Lightning attribute sword
Attrib: Thunder/Cut
ATT +25
Buy: $10,000 (later)
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Thunder Blast (ATT +40 for 5 MP)
Icebrand Icon Icebrand (Ice Sword of Rahab) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Ice sword of Mim
Japan Ice attribute sword
Attrib: Ice/Cut
ATT +25
Buy: $10,000 (later)
Find: Catacombs
Drop: Fishhead
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Ice Blast (ATT +40 for 5 MP)
Firebrand Icon Firebrand (Fire Sword of Agni) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Fire sword of Oberon
Japan Flame attribute sword
Attrib: Fire/Cut
ATT +25
Buy: $10,000 (later)
Find: Final Stage: Bloodlines
Drop: Lossoth
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Fire Blast (ATT +40 for 5 MP)
Holy Sword Icon Holy Sword (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Cross hilt - strong vs. undead
Japan Holy sword that works against undead
Attrib: Holy/Cut
ATT +26
Find: Colosseum (requires Bat Form, US and EU only)
Drop: Vandal Sword
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Holy Burst (ATT +35 for 5 MP)
Terminus Est Icon Terminus Est (Hrunting) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Poisoned executioner's sword
Japan Extra poison damage
Attrib: Poison/Cut
ATT +32, DEF +2
Drop: Nova Skeleton
Effect: May inflict Poison status
Gurthang Icon Gurthang (Dainsleif) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Gets stronger when bloodied
Japan A magic sword that sucks blood to power up
Attrib: Cut
ATT +25, DEF +1
Drop: Spectral Sword (in Anti-Chapel)
Effect: Doubles damage during Dark Metamorphosis
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for a stronger swing (ATT +40) with brief Dark Metamorphosis flash
Lævateinn Marsil Icon Marsil (Laevateinn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Powerful sword of flame
Japan A powerful flame sword
Attrib: Fire/Cut
ATT +33, DEF +1
Drop: Fire Demon, Efreet
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Inferno Blast (ATT +60 for 5 MP)
Mourneblade Icon Mourneblade (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Feeds upon enemy's souls
Japan A magic sword that absorbs the enemy's soul
Attrib: Cut
ATT +36, DEF +1
Drop: Azaghal
Effect: Hits cause Soul Steal effect (heals 8 HP per hit)
Luminus Icon Mablung Sword (Lemuria Sword) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Spirit sword - improves DEF
Japan Draws out the spiritual power of the shield
Attrib: Cut
ATT +39, DEF +2
Drop: Spectral Sword (in Anti-Chapel)
Special: Can cast Shield Rod spells
Alucard Sword Icon Alucard Sword (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Mother's family heirloom
Japan Mother's memento sword
Attrib: Cut
ATT +42
Find: Starts with and loses; Cave
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Alucard Sword (ATT +50 for 5 MP)
Badelaire Icon Badelaire (Scimitar of Barzai) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Power increases with game play
Japan Power increases with play time
Attrib: Cut
ATT + Game Time (in hours)
Find: Final Stage: Bloodlines, Forbidden Library
Sword Familiar Icon Sword Familiar (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Familiar, Sword - Alucard
Sentient sword familiar
Japan Leveled up magic sword that chooses its owner
Attrib: Cut
ATT + Level of Sword (50 through 99)
Find: Becomes available once Sword Familiar has reached level 50
Effect: Disables Sword Familiar activation and Sword Brothers spell when equipped
Crissaegrim - Heaven Sword - Vorpal Blade Icon Vorpal Blade (Sonic Blade) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Slices cleanly through enemies
Japan A vacuum blade cuts through the enemy
Attrib: Cut
ATT +25
Drop: Archer
Effect: Strike while moving, zero recovery time
Crissaegrim - Heaven Sword - Vorpal Blade Icon Crissaegrim (Valmanway) - Symphony of the Night
  Sword - Alucard
Countless blades dice enemy
Japan Innumerable vacuum blades chop up the enemy
Attrib: Cut
ATT +36, DEF +1
Drop: Schmoo
Effect: Strike while moving, 4 hits per swing, zero recovery time

Symphony of the Night (LCD handheld)[]

The Sword, also called a Jeweled Sword, is a more powerful weapon than the Dagger that Alucard has at the beginning of the game in the LCD handheld version of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. It is offered as a reward for defeating the first boss of the game, Medusa.

Item Data: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (LCD)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Sword [alt] - Symphony of the Night (LCD)
  Weapon - Alucard
You will receive the jeweled sword after level 1 is complete. Find: 1. Entrance
Guard: Medusa

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow[]

Hand weapons in Aria of Sorrow were not divided into types for sorting purposes as they were in most other games and did not distinguish between different types of weapon damage (such as piercing or slashing) since all weapons dealt out simply Sword damage. Even so, you can still informally call any blade that moves in a horizontal slashing motion a "Sword" according to the terminology used in the game's sequel, Dawn of Sorrow.

The ranking of the Basic Swords (without special ability or elemental attribute or legend) is as follows (tending to get stronger and longer): Short Sword, Bastard Sword, Broadsword, Gladius.

The legendary sword Gram is more powerful than a Gladius, but has no special abilities. All swords more powerful than Gram have some other special effect.

Most Special Swords reappear in this game, though their translations now appear closer to the original Japanese names. These include the Laevatain (Marsil, fire sword), Rahab's Sword (Icebrand), Vjaya (Thunderbrand), Milican's Sword (Stone Sword), Hrunting (Terminus Est, Poison Sword), Kaladbolg (a Dark sword), Mystletain (Holy), Burtgang (DEF and CON), and Valmanway (Crissaegrim).

Most of the Swords in this game are somewhat similar to their counterparts in Symphony of the Night. The Mystletain, Kaladbolg, and Burtgang, all of which return in Dawn of Sorrow, are the only truly "new" swords in this game. The Mystletain and Kaladbolg can still be thought of as simply new versions of the Mormegil and Holy Sword respectively though, while the Burtgang is somewhat similar to the Dark Blade (which doesn't have a CON Boost though).

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow[]

The modern definition of the Sword class of weapons comes from Dawn of Sorrow, where each type of weapon was classified to make it easier to evolve them using Souls. You can tell a weapon is of the Sword class from its icon. If it is pointing straight down, it is a Sword.

The ranking of the Historic Basic Swords is as follows (tending to get stronger and longer): Short Sword, Cutlass, Long Sword

The ranking of the Legendary Basic Swords (most give additional stat boosts) are as follows: Fragarach, Joyeuse (LCK boost), Burtgang (DEF and CON boost), Kaladbolg (INT boost)

The Special Swords include the Mystletain (Holy), Hrunting (poison), Joyeuse (Luck), Milican's Sword (stone), Ice Brand, Laevatain (fire), Burtgang (DEF and CON), and Valmanway ("wind").

The evolutionary chain of this weapon type is Short SwordCutlassFragarachHrunting or MystletainJoyeuseMilican's Sword or Ice Brand or LaevatainBurtgangKaladbolgValmanway. It is interesting to note that no elemental sword is evolved from another elemental sword.

Most Swords in Dawn of Sorrow are similar to their appearances in Symphony of the Night and Aria of Sorrow. Noticeable exceptions are that the Kaladbolg traded its Dark attribute for an INT Boost, and the Joyeuse is no longer a Great Sword. The Long Sword and Fragarach (the successor to Gram) are the only truly "new" swords from this game.

Item Data: Dawn of Sorrow Swords
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Short Sword DoS Icon Short Sword (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
A sword with a stubby blade Attrib: Slashing
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +15
Sell: $400
Buy: $800
Find: The Lost Village, Hammer's shop
Special: Standard lunge
Evolve: + Axe Armor Soul >> Cutlass
Cutlass DoS Icon Cutlass (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
A sword used by cavalry riders Attrib: Slashing
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +20
Sell: $2,900
Buy: $5,800
Find: Yoko's shop, Hammer's shop
Create: Short Sword + Axe Armor Soul
Special: Standard lunge
Evolve: + Corpseweed Soul >> Long Sword
Long Sword DoS Icon Long Sword (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
A common type of sword Attrib: Slashing
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +26
Sell: $5,900
Buy: $11,800
Find: The Dark Chapel, Yoko's shop, Hammer's shop
Create: Cutlass + Corpseweed Soul
Special: Standard lunge
Evolve: + Great Armor Soul >> Fragarach
Fragarach DoS Icon Fragarach (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
A demonic sword in the shape of a cross Attrib: Slashing
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +32
Sell: $9,000
Find: The Pinnacle, Yoko's shop
Create: Long Sword + Great Armor Soul
Special: Standard lunge
Evolve: + Treant Soul >> Mystletain; + Mollusca Soul >> Hrunting
Mystletain DoS Icon Mystletain (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
A sword hewn from the wood of a divine tree Attrib: Slashing, Holy
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +28
Sell: $14,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Fragarach + Treant Soul
Special: Standard lunge
Evolve: + Killer Clown Soul >> Joyeuse
Hrunting DoS Icon Hrunting (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
A frightening sword that contains venom in its blade Attrib: Slashing, Poison
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +38
Sell: $6,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Fragarach + Mollusca Soul
Special: Standard lunge
Evolve: + Killer Clown Soul >> Joyeuse
Joyeuse DoS Icon Joyeuse (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
An extravagantly beautiful sword. Quite valuable Attrib: Slashing
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +43 LCK +5
Sell: $25,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: (Hrunting or Mystletain) + Killer Clown Soul
Special: Standard lunge
Evolve: + Catoblepas Soul >> Milican's Sword; + Ukoback Soul >> Laevatain; + Frozen Shade Soul >> Ice Brand
Milican's Sword DoS Icon Milican's Sword (Milican's Stone Sword) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
A sword that may petrify the target Attrib: Slashing, Stone
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +1
Sell: $15,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Joyeuse + Catoblepas Soul
Special: Standard lunge
Evolve: + Iron Golem Soul >> Burtgang
Laevatain DoS Icon Laevatain (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
An intensly hot sword that scorches everything it touches Attrib: Slashing, Fire
Consume: 60 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +25 INT +5
Sell: $16,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Joyeuse + Ukoback Soul
Special: Explosion
Evolve: + Iron Golem Soul >> Burtgang
Ice Brand DoS Icon Ice Brand (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
A demonic sword that freezes all that it touches. Attrib: Slashing, Water
Consume: 60 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +44 INT +5
Sell: $16,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Joyeuse + Frozen Shade Soul
Special: Ice cloud
Evolve: + Iron Golem Soul >> Burtgang
Burtgang DoS Icon Burtgang (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
A sword blessed with divinity. It is designed for defense first. Attrib: Slashing
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +58, DEF +8, CON +10
Sell: $24,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: (Milican's Sword or Ice Brand or Laevatain) + Iron Golem Soul
Special: Standard lunge
Evolve: + Arc Demon Soul >> Kaladbolg
Kaladbolg DoS Icon Kaladbolg (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
A demonic sword tempered by fairies Attrib: Slashing
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +65 INT +8
Sell: $26,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Burtgang + Arc Demon Soul
Special: Standard lunge
Evolve: + Abaddon Soul >> Valmanway
Valmanway DoS Icon Valmanway (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Sword - Soma
A sword whose name means "Blessed Wind" Attrib: Slashing
ATK +36
Sell: $44,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Kaladbolg + Abaddon Soul
Effect: Quick slashes, can attack while walking

Castlevania: Curse of Darkness[]

For Two-Handed Swords, see 2 Handed Weapon.

In Curse of Darkness, all blades are classified as "Swords". There is a subclass of Swords called "One-Handed Swords" that are analogous to the Sword classification found in 2D games.

Swords 1 through 10 fall into this category. They all share a common move list, although some have more combo moves and finishing moves than others. These swords include the Short Sword, Broad Sword, Ada, Sword Breaker, Schiavona, Kris Naga, Damascus Sword, Bastard Sword, 7 Bladed Sword, and Laser Blade. They are considered the most balanced weapons, with good speed, range and attack power.

Hector attacks in the following manner when chaining together normal attacks:

  1. Step forward while swinging horizontally with his right hand from the left side of his body to behind him.
  2. Slash upward over his left shoulder while twisting to the left and taking another small step.
  3. Another upward slash over the opposite shoulder.
  4. Forward thrust (or horizontal swing into Hector's side with the Laser Blade).
  5. Horizontal slash.
  6. A final cross slash swinging downward.

Executing a finishing move after one of the normal chain moves results in:

  1. Thrust his elbow into the enemy and then put his sword back in its hilt.
  2. Release the blade forward spinning forward sideways which then returns to him like a boomerang.
  3. Spin-crouches and then spin-rises in the opposite direction while spinning the outstretched sword, hitting anything around him.
  4. Spins somewhat sideways and forward in the air while the sword follows a circular cutting path covering his left side.
  5. An upward slash followed by a wave of pink energy emanating in front of Hector.

The Short Sword can only chain four attacks. The Broad Sword can do five. The 7 Bladed Sword can do seven. The Bastard Sword can do all eight attacks. (Information for the other swords coming soon.)

The base One-Handed sword is the Short Sword, which is the only one that can be purchased or dropped, is used as an evolutionary starting point for the most other One-Handed swords. Its evolution can take several paths. It can be evolved into straight double-edged swords via Short Sword → Broad Sword → Schiavona. It can be evolved directly to a heavy Bastard Sword. It can also be evolved into significantly curved one-sided swords (which get less curved as they evolve) via Short Sword → Ada → Kris Naga → Damascus Sword → 7 Bladed Sword. The Sword Breaker sword is derived instead from Rapiers. Combining all the other nine One-Handed Swords creates the legendary extendable Laser Blade.

Half of these swords have appeared in previous 2D games. The swords Ada, Kris Naga, Schiavona, 7 Bladed Sword, and Laser Blade are unique to this game.

Item Data: Curse of Darkness Swords (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Short Sword Short Sword - Curse of Darkness
  Sword (One-Handed) - Hector
A simple, functional sword. Sturdy, good for taking on groups, and easy to keep under control. ATK +10
Sell: $50
Buy: $100
Find: Julia's Shop
Rare Drop: Great Armor Lv.25/35/46
Create: 2 Bronzes
Evolve: Broad Sword, Ada, Sword Breaker, Bastard Sword, 7 Bladed Sword, Laser Blade, Zweihander, Foil, Gano, Ring, Pata
Broadsword Broad Sword - Curse of Darkness
  Sword (One-Handed) - Hector
A two-handed blade with great power in each swing. Thick and very heavy, but potentially devastating. ATK +20
Sell: $150
Create: Short Sword + Jet Black
Evolve: Schiavona, Laser Blade
Ada Ada - Curse of Darkness
  Sword (One-Handed) - Hector
A sword used mainly in ceremonies. Said to bestow its owner with holy power. Good in a real fight, too. ATK +23
Sell: $250
Create: Short Sword + Gano + Ceremonial Tool + Ancient Memory
Evolve: Kris Naga, Laser Blade, Claws, Boomerang
Sword Breaker Sword Breaker - Curse of Darkness
  Sword (One-Handed) - Hector
A sword designed to halt and then snap the sword of the attacking enemy. ATK +23, DEF +5
Sell: $300
Create: Short Sword + Main Gauche + Carbon Steel
Evolve: Laser Blade
Schiavona Schiavona - Curse of Darkness
  Sword (One-Handed) - Hector
A derivative of the broad sword; has a unique basket hilt which protects the user's hand. ATK +25
Sell: $400
Create: Broad Sword + Indigo Steel
Evolve: Laser Blade
Kris Naga Kris Naga - Curse of Darkness
  Sword (One-Handed) - Hector
The sword gets its name from its snake's head motif, with the blade representing the Naga's tail. ATK +28
Sell: $500
Create: Ada + Dragon Scale + Ether + Ancient Memory
Evolve: Damascus Sword, Laser Blade
Damascus Sword Damascus Sword - Curse of Darkness
  Sword (One-Handed) - Hector
Takes its name from the Damascus steel from which it is made. Amazingly tough, almost impossible to notch. ATK +33
Sell: $750
Create: Kris Naga + Damascus Steel
Evolve: 7 Bladed Sword, Laser Blade
Bastard Sword Bastard Sword - Curse of Darkness
  Sword (One-Handed) - Hector
An extremely well-balanced weapon that can both cut and thrust. Large, but can be used with one hand. ATK +35
Sell: $750
Create: Short Sword + Ceramics
Evolve: Laser Blade
Seven Bladed Sword 7 Bladed Sword - Curse of Darkness
  Sword (One-Handed) - Hector
A sword with six blades branching off the main one. Rarely used in combat, but has awesome potential. Attrib: Dark
ATK +50
Sell: $1,500
Create: Damascus Sword + 6 Short Swords + Beelzebub's Seal + Dark Crystal
Effect: Each time it hits, a small orb recover Hector's HP by 1 point.
Special: Grand Wave (final attack after five chained attacks)
Evolve: Laser Blade, Death's Scythe
Laser Blade Laser Blade - Curse of Darkness
  Sword (One-Handed) - Hector
Shrouded in mystery and with varying reports of its weight and length, many say it does not even exist. ATK +55
Sell: $4,000
Create: Short Sword + Broad Sword + Ada + Schiavona + Sword Breaker + Kris Naga + Damascus Sword + Bastard Sword + 7 Bladed Sword + Purple Glitter
Special: Grand Wave (final attack after five chained attacks)

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin[]

Items 112 through 124 (after knives and before Great Swords) are classified as "Swords" in Portrait of Ruin. All of these swords make an appearance in a previous game and are similar to previous incarnations.

The ranking of the Historic Basic Swords is as follows (tending to get stronger and longer): Short Sword, Cutlass, Long Sword, Gladius, Bakatwa (or Bekatawa), Jagdplaute (or Hunter Sword), and Damascus Sword.

Special Swords include Milican's Sword, Rahab's Frost (Icebrand), Agni's Flame (Firebrand), and Assassin Blade (poison sword).

The Stellar Sword that Maxim Kischine used in Harmony of Dissonance can be found in this game.

Item Data: Portrait of Ruin Swords
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Short Sword PoR Icon Short Sword (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
A sword with a short blade. Attrib: Slash
Consume: 50 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +16
Sell: $100
Find: Entrance
Cutlass PoR Icon Cutlass (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
A short sword used by sailors. Attrib: Slash
Consume: 50 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +21
Sell: $550
Drop: Zacchino
Long Sword PoR Icon Long Sword (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
A common long sword. Attrib: Slash
Consume: 50 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +29
Sell: $875
Find: City of Haze
Evolve: Assassin Blade ("Poison vs. Poison" quest reward)
Gladius PoR Icon Gladius (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
A sword used in ancient Rome. Attrib: Slash
Consume: 50 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +35, DEF +2
Sell: $1,450
Drop: Dragon Zombie, Hill Guard
Milican's Sword PoR Icon Milican's Sword (Milican's Stone Sword) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
A sword that sometimes turns those it strikes to stone. Attrib: Slash, Stone
Consume: 50 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +40
Sell: $5,000
Find: City of Haze
Effect: Has a chance of petrifying enemies.
Rahab's Frost PoR Icon Rahab's Frost (Ice Sword of Rahab) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
An icy blade made from the fang of the water-dragon Rahab. Attrib: Slash, Ice
Consume: 60 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +40
Sell: $5,500
Drop: Razor Bat
Special: Ice cloud
Agni's Flame Icon Agni's Flame (Fire Sword of Agni) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
The flaming blade of Agni, the god of fire. Attrib: Slash, Fire
Consume: 60 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +40
Sell: $5,500
Drop: Flame Demon
Special: Explosion
Assassin Blade PoR Icon Assassin Blade (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
A poisoned blade preferred by assassins. Attrib: Slash, Poison
Consume: 50 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +52
Sell: $6,250
Find: Entrance
Conditions: Complete "Poison vs. Poison" quest.
Heaven's Sword Icon Heaven's Sword (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
A demon-slaying sword once wielded by an angel. Attrib: Slash
Consume: 50 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +35
Sell: $9,500
Drop: Flying Armor
Effect: Returns to user after being thrown.
Bakatwa PoR Icon Bakatwa (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
A simple, effective sword that is easy to wield. Attrib: Slash
Consume: 50 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +68
Sell: $2,500
Find: Burnt Paradise
Jagdplaute PoR Icon Jagdplaute (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
A deadly, yet elegantly crafted sword. Attrib: Slash
Consume: 50 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +75
Sell: $3,200
Drop: Ruler's Sword
Stellar Sword Icon Stellar Sword (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
The blade of the legendary swordsman Maxim Kischine. Attrib: Slash, Holy
Consume: 50 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +70
Sell: $17,500
Find: Entrance
Conditions: Complete "Almighty" quest.
Special: Attacks all enemies on screen simultaneously.
Damascus Sword PoR Icon Damascus Sword (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Sword) - Jonathan
A superior sword that never loses its razor-sharp edge. Attrib: Slash
Consume: 50 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +88
Sell: $12,500
Drop: Alastor

Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night[]

Item Data: Encore of the Night Swords (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Alucart Sword2 Alucart Sword - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Resembles family sword #hands: 1
ATK +2
Sell: 30C
Find: Entrance
Special: Family Heirlooms Set Bonus with Alucart Shield and Alucart Mail for HP +30
Gladius3 Gladius - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Sword of ancient Rome #hands: 1
ATK +3
Sell: 45C
Find: Alchemy Laboratory
Cutlass2 Cutlass - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Sword of the English Navy #hands: 1
ATK +7
Sell: 1S 80C
Buy: 3S
Iron Sword 2 Iron Sword - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Hard Iron Sword #hands: 1
ATK +12
Sell: 90C
Find: Outer Wall
Special: Ferroucious set bonus with Iron Shield and Iron Cuirass for ATK +3 and DEF +3
Damascus Sword2 Damascus Sword - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Fine sword honed to a razor-edge #hands: 1
ATK +18
Sell: 1S 20C
Find: Clock Tower
Mormegil - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Dark Sword of the night Attrib: Shadow Affinity +3
#hands: 1
ATK +23
Sell: 1S 50C
Find: Underground Caverns
Special: Follower of the Night set bonus with Dark Armor for Shadow Affi. +5, Luck +5
Icebrand - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Ice sword of Mim Attrib: Water Affinity +3
#hands: 1
ATK +23
Buy: 80 Gold
Special: Veins of Ice set bonus with Ice Mail for Water Affinity +5 and DEF +4
Firebrand - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Fire sword of Oberon Attrib: Fire Affinity +3
#hands: 1
ATK +23
Sell: 1S 80C
Find: Long Library
Special: Die in a Fire Set Bonus with Fire Shield for Fire Affinity +7
Thunderbrand - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Thunder sword of Indra Attrib: Lightning Affinity +3
#hands: 1
ATK +23
Buy: 1 Gold
Special: Shocking! Set Bonus with Lightning Mail for Lightning Affinity +5 and ATK +4
Holy Sword - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Cross hilt Attrib: Holy Affinity +4
#hands: 1
ATK +27
Drop: Sniper of Goth
Marsil - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Powerful sword of flames Attrib: Fire Affinity +5
#hands: 1
ATK +34
Find: Alchemy Laboratory
Crissaegrim - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Countless blades dice the enemy #hands: 1
ATK +34
Find: Entrance
Effect: Decreases the inactive block spawn chance by 30%
Gurthang - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Thirsty for Blood #hands: 1
ATK +35
Drop: Doppelganger (in Cavern)
Effect: Blood Block Span +5%
Mourneblade - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Feeds upon the enemy's soul Attrib: Shadow Affinity +7
#hands: 1
ATK +37
Drop: Malachi, Dark Octopus
Alucard Sword - Encore of the Night
  Main Hand (Sword) - Alucard
Mother's family Heirloom #hands: 1
ATK +42; Max HP +50
Drop: Galamoth
Special: Son of Dracula Set Bonus with Alucard Mail and Alucard Shield for All Stat +5 and All Affinity +3

Castlevania: Harmony of Despair[]

The classification of swords in Harmony of Despair follows their class in Dawn of Sorrow. Therefore, Short Sword from Symphony of the Night that are not knives are also considered "Swords" in Harmony of Despair, such as the Short Sword. Regular swords from Symphony of the Night that are classified as "Great Swords" in Dawn of Sorrow, such as the Falchion and Gurthang/Dainslef, are considered "Great Swords" in HD and are two-handed.

Item Data: Harmony of Despair Swords (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Tyrfing Icon Tyrfing (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Dark, cursed sword. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +6
Sell: $200
Rarity: *
Find: Chapter 2, 3, 4
Alucard Sword Icon Alucart Sword (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Resembles a certain family heirloom... Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +3
Sell: $250
Rarity: *
Find: (starts with)
Short Sword Icon Short Sword (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard / Soma
Standard sword with a short blade. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +4
Sell: $300
Rarity: *
Find: Chapter 1, 2, 3
Long Sword DoS Icon Long Sword (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Soma
A common type of sword. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +5
Sell: $450
Rarity: *
Buy: $1,800
Saber Icon Saber (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard/Soma
Light sword used by cavalry riders. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +6
Sell: $550
Rarity: *
Find: Chapter 2, 3, 4
Scimitar - Broadsword Icon Scimitar (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Curved, single-edged sword. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +7
Sell: $700
Rarity: *
Buy: $2,800
Find: Chapter 2, 3, 4, 5
Bekatowa Icon Bekatowa (Bakatwa) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Plain, easy-to-wield war sword. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +8
Sell: $850
Rarity: **
Find: Chapter 6
Scimitar - Broadsword Icon Broadsword (Katzbalger) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
A simple sword, often used by mercenaries. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +9
Sell: $1,075
Rarity: **
Buy: $4,300
Find: Chapter 3, 4, 5, 6
Cutlass Icon Cutlass (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard/Soma
Standard cavalry sword. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +10
Sell: $1,250
Rarity: **
Find: Chapter 4, 5, 6
Hunter Sword Icon Jagdplaute (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Elegant yet deadly sword. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +11
Sell: $1,400
Rarity: **
Buy: $5,600
Bastard Sword Icon Bastard Sword (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard/Soma
A standard blade. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +12
Sell: $1,500
Rarity: **
Find: Chapter 3, 5, 6
Damascus Sword Icon Damascus Sword (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard/Soma
Superior sword that never loses its razor-sharp edge. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +13
Sell: $1,525
Rarity: **
Buy: $6,300
Talwar Icon Talwar (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Curved Indian sword. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +14
Sell: $1,625
Rarity: **
Find: Chapter 5
Gladius Icon Gladius (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard/Soma
Sword used in ancient Rome Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +16
Sell: $1,925
Rarity: **
Buy: $7,700
Thunderbrand Icon Indra's Light (Thunder Sword of Indra) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Lightning sword of the storm god Indra. Attrib: Slash, Lightning
#hands: 1
ATK +5
Sell: $2,000
Rarity: **
Drop: Thunder Demon
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Lightning Blast (15 MP)
Firebrand Icon Agni's Flame (Fire Sword of Agni) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Flaming blade of the fire god Agni. Attrib: Slash, Fire
#hands: 1
ATK +15
Sell: $2,000
Rarity: **
Drop: Fire Demon
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Fire Blast (15 MP)
Icebrand Icon Rahab's Frost (Ice Sword of Rahab) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Icy blade made from the fang of the water-dragon Rahab. Attrib: Slash, Ice
#hands: 1
ATK +7
Sell: $2,000
Rarity: **
Drop: Sea Demon
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Ice Blast (15 MP)
Sword of Hador Icon Sword of Hador (Sword of Helge) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Sword with a hilt crafted to resemble a red serpent. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +17
Sell: $2,250
Rarity: **
Find: Chapter 6
Harper Icon Harper (Harpe) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Weapon legends say was used to killed Medusa. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +18
Sell: $2,300
Rarity: **
Find: Chapter 6, 2 (Hard)
Terminus Est Icon Hrunting (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard/Soma
Frightening sword that contains venom in its blade. Attrib: Slash, Poison
#hands: 1
ATK +18
Sell: $2,500
Rarity: **
Buy: $10,000
Find: Chapter 6
Effect: May inflict Poison
Holy Sword Icon Holy Sword (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Blessed cross hilt, strong against undead creatures. Attrib: Slash, Holy
#hands: 1
ATK +18
Sell: $2,500
Rarity: **
Find: Chapter 6
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Holy Burst (10 MP)
Mormegil Icon Mormegil (Holy Buster) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Dark blade, strong against holy foes. Attrib: Slash, Darkness
#hands: 1
ATK +18
Sell: $2,500
Rarity: **
Find: Chapter 2 (Hard)
Drop: Dracula (Gold Chest)
Stone Sword Icon Milican's Sword (Milican's Stone Sword) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard/Soma
Sword that sometimes turns those it strikes into stone. Attrib: Slash, Petrify
#hands: 1
ATK +10
Sell: $3,000
Rarity: ***
Find: Chapter 5
Drop: Death
Crissaegrim - Heaven Sword - Vorpal Blade Icon Vorpal Blade (Sonic Blade) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Slices cleanly through enemies. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +10
Sell: $3,250
Rarity: ***
Find: Chapter 6, 10
Drop: Dracula, R. The Count
Ice Brand DoS Icon Ice Brand (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Soma
Demonic sword that freezes all that it touches. Attrib: Slash, Ice
#hands: 1
ATK +21
Sell: $3,750
Rarity: ***
Find: Chapter 3 (Hard)
Gram Icon Gram (Famous Sword Gram) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
A deadly aura surrounds this infamous blade. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +22
Sell: $4,500
Rarity: ***
Buy: $18,000
Luminus Icon Fragarach (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Soma
Demonic sword in the shape of a cross. Attrib: Slash, Darkness
#hands: 1
ATK +25
Sell: $5,000
Rarity: ***
Find: Chapter 4 (Hard)
Joyeuse DoS Icon Joyeuse (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Soma
Extravagantly beautiful sword. Quite valuable. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +20
Sell: $5,000
Rarity: ***
Buy: $20,000
Lævateinn Marsil Icon Laevatain (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard/Soma
Intensely hot sword that scorches everything it touches. Attrib: Slash, Fire
#hands: 1
ATK +15
Sell: $6,250
Rarity: ***
Buy: $25,000
Effect: Summons large stream of fire, deals approx. two hits per "swing"
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Inferno Blast (15 MP) (Alucard)
Burtgang DoS Icon Burtgang (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Soma
Sword blessed by divinity, designed primarily for defense. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +30, DEF +7, CON +5
Sell: $7,500
Rarity: ***
Find: Chapter 4, 6 (both Hard)
Mystletain DoS Icon Mystletain (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Soma
Sword hewn from the wood cut of a divine tree. Attrib: Slash, Holy
#hands: 1
ATK +33
Sell: $8,750
Rarity: ****
Find: Chapter 6 (Hard)
Kaladbolg DoS Icon Kaladbolg (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Soma
Demonic sword tempered by faeries. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +39
Sell: $10,000
Rarity: ****
Find: Chapter 6 (Hard)
Badelaire Icon Badelaire (Scimitar of Barzai) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Sword whose power increases based on your total play time. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +30 (max cap ATK +60)
Sell: $12,500
Rarity: *****
Find: Chapter 7 (Hard)
Drop: Astarte (Hard)
Evolve: ATK +1 every 2 hours of game play.
Alucard Sword Icon Alucard Sword (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Alucard's favorite sword. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +40
Sell: (cannot be sold)
Rarity: *****
Find: Chapter 4 (Hard)
Drop: Brauner
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Alucard Sword (20 MP)
Crissaegrim - Heaven Sword - Vorpal Blade Icon Valmanway (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard/Soma
Sword whose name means "Blessed Wind." Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +10
Sell: (cannot be sold)
Rarity: *****
Find: Chapter 6, 7, 8 (Hard)
Drop: Dracula (Hard), Astarte (Hard), Legion (Hard)
Alucard Sword Icon Alucard Sword +1 (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard
Alucard's favorite sword. Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +60
Sell: (cannot be sold)
Rarity: *****
Find: Chapter 9 (Hard)
Drop: Beelzebub (Hard)
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for Alucard Sword (20 MP)
Crissaegrim - Heaven Sword - Vorpal Blade Icon Valmanway +1 (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Alucard/Soma
Sword whose name means "Blessed Wind." Attrib: Slash
#hands: 1
ATK +15
Sell: (cannot be sold)
Rarity: *****
Find: Chapter 10 (Hard)
Drop: R. The Count (Hard)
Pulse Blade Pulse Blade (Hadōken) - Harmony of Despair
  Sword - Getsu Fuma
A prized sword passed down through the Getsu clan. Attrib: Slash, Holy
#hands: 1
ATK +8
Rarity: *
Find: (starts with)
Evolve: 3 to 6 to 12 to 18 fireballs. No MP used.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2[]

Note: Alucard uses the Crissaegrim, Glaciem Blade, and Igneas Blade in the Revelations DLC.

Item Data: Lords of Shadow 2 Swords
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Void Sword - Lords of Shadow 2
  Weapon - Dracula
Capable of draining both the nightmares of its owner and the life of everyone that comes in contact with its blade.(...) Find: Castle Siege (lost), Bernhard's Wing
Sequence: [Void Power Enable / Disable] (L1 on PS3)

Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls[]

Main article: Sword/Grimoire of Souls

Alucard is able to wield swords in Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls.

The basic type of sword has a five attack combo. First, Alucard swings across in front of him, then he swings across in front of him in the other direction, then he steps forward and swings in an overhead direction, next he steps and thrusts forward, and finally he spin jumps forward and targets foes in front of him for extra heavy damage.

There are five basic kinds of sword attack skills, each with its own variants. These include the Heavy Pain, Decisive Strike, Sonic Edge, Rising Crush, and Grand Slash. The Alucard Sword has a unique special attack skill with the same name. The Gold Pipe has a special non-attack skill, Coin Throw. Some swords have the ability to buff the attacking power of Alucard and his allies using an Attack Up skill.
