Castlevania Wiki
Castlevania Wiki
For other uses, see Lieutenant (disambiguation) and Brauner (disambiguation).

"I'll drink your blood tonight warrior!"
— Brauner during his fight against Gabriel Belmont

Brauner (ブローナー Burōnā?) is a character in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. He is portrayed as a vampire of demonic origin, and is one of the leaders of the vampire army, along with his older brother, Olrox. He a lieutenant serving under the vampire queen, Carmilla.


35-hud boss elitevampa

Brauner is fought in Wygol Village, having led a vampire raid on the village in an attempt to lure out Gabriel. After Gabriel defeats a big number of Brauner's minions, Brauner engages a single combat with him, Gabriel gains the upper hand by ripping off Brauner's wings and then defeats him by cutting off his right hand with his own sword and lodging the blade in his head, then staking him through the heart with the Combat Cross, killing him.

Enemy Data[]

LoS Vampire
Name Size Difficulty Chapter
Lieutenant Brauner ??? ??? Chapter 5:Brauner
Silver Dagger Explosive Dagger Holy Water Flasks Divine Shield
Strong Weak Weak Weak
Fairy Light Fairy Dark Crystal
Strong Strong Weak
"This Vampire is a powerful demon, turned by the Dark Lord long ago.(...)"


  • He is likely named after Brauner, one of the the main antagonists of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.
  • Unlike his original timeline counterpart, he is a Demonic Vampire (a spawn of Hell possessing vampiric powers) who serves a more powerful human-born vampire.

See also[]
